Question about Naming Conventions for Still Lifes

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Question about Naming Conventions for Still Lifes

Post by Lewis » December 4th, 2014, 12:52 pm

Is there anywhere that explains how the cis-/trans-/ortho- etc. prefixes work for naming objects? Looking at various censuses I can just about make sense of some individual cases of pairs of objects (e.g. I can understand the reasoning behind cis- and trans-boat with tail) but I can't see a general pattern for most other objects. And then Andrzej Okrasinski's census introduces things like ortho-/meta-/para-/shift- objects which further confuses things.

And similarly, is there a list of names for the various 'pieces' and induction coils that make up naturally-occurring objects? Preferably one that lists more than one name for things, seeing as different sites have different terms for the same object.

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