Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 13th, 2017, 10:27 pm

Andrew wrote:Dave, instead of mucking around with overlay-demo.lua just use the following little script...

Select Layer > Delete Overlay to remove the resulting overlay.
Better than I thought, certainly... I can get a red square, or a green square or a blue square if I move the "255" to the appropriate place.

So I went back to overlay-demo.lua and commented out three resize commands, and a bunch of the buttons appeared and started more-or-less working:
no apparent visual glitches except for positioning problems due to no resize()
no apparent visual glitches except for positioning problems due to no resize()
overlay-almost-working.png (57.69 KiB) Viewed 16477 times
rowett wrote:When you've re-run the overlay-demo.lua (see above) please will you also post your laptop OS and graphics driver version (you probably told me before but I couldn't find it).
The laptop was originally a Windows 7 system, "upgraded" relatively recently to Windows 10. My "GPU Caps Viewer" utility reports GL_VERSION 1.1.0, and an OpenGL extension called "GL_EXT_bgra (OpenGL 1.2)". In January I wrote
Via email, rowett wrote:
dvgrn wrote:I tried looking for newer drivers for my display adapter, but Windows couldn't find anything better for "GPU 1: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1)".
Sadly Intel stopped support for that Mobile Graphics chipset at the end of 2012 so I'm not sure you're going to get a better driver.
Does that tell you everything you need to know, or what else should I dig for?

It seems as if icons and multistate colors in the regular Golly universe, which display as white or off-white smears instead of the intended icons, might be more of a concern. I included one LifeHistory screenshot, and the white pattern that should really be a red-yellow gradient Generations pattern is another example. Can show more examples if that would be useful.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by rowett » June 13th, 2017, 11:04 pm

dvgrn wrote:Better than I thought, certainly... I can get a red square, or a green square or a blue square if I move the "255" to the appropriate place.

So I went back to overlay-demo.lua and commented out three resize commands, and a bunch of the buttons appeared and started more-or-less working...
Progress, good stuff. Please will you also try the following dimensions:

1024 x 512
512 x 1024
2048 x 1024
2048 x 2048

Why these values? Some early OpenGL implementations required not only power of 2 texture dimensions but width and height had to be identical. I'm also checking to see if your hardware supports at least 2048x2048 textures.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by rowett » June 14th, 2017, 12:25 am

I've committed some experimental changes that may provide OpenGL 1.x support. Please let me know if they have improved things.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by Andrew » June 14th, 2017, 4:12 am

rowett wrote:Before OpenGL 2.0 textures needed to be a power of 2 ...
Chris, the bottom of that link mentions rectangle textures. They have no power-of-2 restrictions, so perhaps we should try using them if the OpenGL version is < 2? The details are here:

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by rowett » June 14th, 2017, 4:45 am

Andrew wrote:Chris, the bottom of that link mentions rectangle textures. They have no power-of-2 restrictions, so perhaps we should try using them if the OpenGL version is < 2?
It requires the OpenGL extension ARB_texture_rectangle which I can feature test for. I didn't see it in Dave's GPU Caps - Dave please will you check?

If the extension is there (and works in the driver, and I can get it working in Golly) then I'll prefer that path, and if not fall back to the power-of-2 conversion currently implemented (assuming that works when Dave tests it).

EDIT: I have it working in Golly so it depends on whether Dave's (and other's) old OpenGL driver supports the ARB_texture_rectangle (aka EXT_texture_rectangle) extension.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 14th, 2017, 11:00 am

rowett wrote:Dave,
I've committed some experimental changes that may provide OpenGL 1.x support. Please let me know if they have improved things.
I'll be back within reach of the laptop in question about ten hours from now. Haven't tried building Golly on that system for quite a while, though; have just been running the 2.9b1 that Andrew made available. Maybe I'll try building your 2.9b2+ here just in case. More tonight --

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by fluffykitty » June 14th, 2017, 5:55 pm

Does 2.9b2 have any changes other than so-old-it-won't-be-able-to-run-Minecraft-soon OpenGL compatibility?

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 14th, 2017, 5:58 pm

fluffykitty wrote:Does 2.9b2 have any changes other than so-old-it-won't-be-able-to-run-Minecraft-soon OpenGL compatibility?
Yes -- the new Larger than Life algo is in there now.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by fluffykitty » June 14th, 2017, 7:10 pm

LARGER THAN LIFE??????? :o :!: :o
Where's the mac109 build?

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by drc » June 14th, 2017, 7:50 pm

dvgrn wrote:
fluffykitty wrote:Does 2.9b2 have any changes other than so-old-it-won't-be-able-to-run-Minecraft-soon OpenGL compatibility?
Yes -- the new Larger than Life algo is in there now.
Wow, I'm stoked for that. Should be fun to experiment with bigger neighbourhoods if it's what i think it is haha i'm always getting things like this wrong

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by Andrew » June 14th, 2017, 8:18 pm

Yes, the next beta release (bumped to 3.0b1) has a new algorithm to support the Larger than Life family of rules. The only thing holding us back at the moment is the above OpenGL problem, so when we've fixed that (or decided it can't be fixed) we plan to do the 3.0b1 release soon after.
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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by fluffykitty » June 14th, 2017, 8:32 pm

RIP 2.9, 2016-12 minutes ago
Also, can we have 3.0b0 now? I'd like to be able to play with LTL without mucking around with compilers and make and stuff.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 15th, 2017, 8:09 am

rowett wrote:
dvgrn wrote:Better than I thought, certainly... I can get a red square, or a green square or a blue square if I move the "255" to the appropriate place.

So I went back to overlay-demo.lua and commented out three resize commands, and a bunch of the buttons appeared and started more-or-less working...
Progress, good stuff. Please will you also try the following dimensions:

1024 x 512
512 x 1024
2048 x 1024
2048 x 2048
1024x512 and 512x1024 seem fine -- the buttons and text are rendered the same way in whatever space is available, just sometimes they run off the frame as expected:
1024x512.png (68.99 KiB) Viewed 16371 times
Things get a little sketchier as soon as I add a "2048" to the mix, though. The buttons and text start getting stretched in one direction or another, or both:
2048x1024.png (52.06 KiB) Viewed 16371 times
1024x2048.png (90.91 KiB) Viewed 16371 times
2048x2048.png (129.87 KiB) Viewed 16371 times

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 15th, 2017, 12:22 pm

Building the latest Golly on the old OpenGL 1.2 laptop isn't going so well yet. Golly.exe is built without any apparent errors:

Code: Select all

D:\Repos\golly-code\gui-wx>nmake -f makefile-win BUILD=release RUNTIME_LIBS=static DEBUG_INFO=0 DEBUG_FLAG=0 TARGET_CPU=X64 UNICODE=1 USE_OPENGL=1 > ..\out.txt

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

	mkdir ObjWin
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	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/lifealgo.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\gollybase/lifealgo.cpp
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	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/jvnalgo.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\gollybase/jvnalgo.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/ruletreealgo.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\gollybase/ruletreealgo.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/ruletable_algo.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\gollybase/ruletable_algo.cpp
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	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/ruleloaderalgo.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\gollybase/ruleloaderalgo.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/ghashdraw.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\gollybase/ghashdraw.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/readpattern.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\gollybase/readpattern.cpp
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	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxrule.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxrule.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxinfo.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxinfo.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxhelp.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxhelp.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxstatus.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxstatus.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxview.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxview.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxoverlay.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxoverlay.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxrender.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxrender.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxscript.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxscript.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxlua.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase -DLUA_COMPAT_5_2 /I..\lua wxlua.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxperl.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase  wxperl.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxpython.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase -I"C:\Python27-64\include" wxpython.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxfile.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxfile.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxedit.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxedit.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxcontrol.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxcontrol.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxtimeline.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxtimeline.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxundo.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxundo.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxlayer.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxlayer.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxmain.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxmain.cpp
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/wxselect.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxselect.cpp
	cl /c /TP /nologo /FoObjWin/wxgolly.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase wxgolly.cpp
	link /LARGEADDRESSAWARE /NOLOGO /OUT:..\Golly.exe   /pdb:"golly.pdb"  /MANIFEST:NO /LIBPATH:C:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS ObjWin/bigint.obj ObjWin/lifealgo.obj ObjWin/hlifealgo.obj  ObjWin/hlifedraw.obj ObjWin/qlifealgo.obj ObjWin/qlifedraw.obj  ObjWin/ltlalgo.obj ObjWin/ltldraw.obj ObjWin/jvnalgo.obj ObjWin/ruletreealgo.obj  ObjWin/ruletable_algo.obj ObjWin/ghashbase.obj ObjWin/ruleloaderalgo.obj  ObjWin/ghashdraw.obj ObjWin/readpattern.obj  ObjWin/writepattern.obj ObjWin/liferules.obj ObjWin/util.obj  ObjWin/liferender.obj ObjWin/viewport.obj ObjWin/lifepoll.obj  ObjWin/generationsalgo.obj ObjWin/wxutils.obj ObjWin/wxprefs.obj ObjWin/wxalgos.obj  ObjWin/wxrule.obj ObjWin/wxinfo.obj ObjWin/wxhelp.obj  ObjWin/wxstatus.obj ObjWin/wxview.obj ObjWin/wxoverlay.obj ObjWin/wxrender.obj  ObjWin/wxscript.obj ObjWin/wxlua.obj ObjWin/wxperl.obj ObjWin/wxpython.obj  ObjWin/wxfile.obj ObjWin/wxedit.obj ObjWin/wxcontrol.obj  ObjWin/wxtimeline.obj ObjWin/wxundo.obj ObjWin/wxlayer.obj  ObjWin/wxmain.obj ObjWin/wxselect.obj ObjWin/wxgolly.obj ..\lua\lapi.obj  ..\lua\lauxlib.obj  ..\lua\lbaselib.obj  ..\lua\lbitlib.obj  ..\lua\lcode.obj  ..\lua\lcorolib.obj  ..\lua\lctype.obj  ..\lua\ldblib.obj  ..\lua\ldebug.obj  ..\lua\ldo.obj  ..\lua\ldump.obj  ..\lua\lfunc.obj  ..\lua\lgc.obj  ..\lua\linit.obj  ..\lua\liolib.obj  ..\lua\llex.obj  ..\lua\lmathlib.obj  ..\lua\lmem.obj  ..\lua\loadlib.obj  ..\lua\lobject.obj  ..\lua\lopcodes.obj  ..\lua\loslib.obj  ..\lua\lparser.obj  ..\lua\lstate.obj  ..\lua\lstring.obj  ..\lua\lstrlib.obj  ..\lua\ltable.obj  ..\lua\ltablib.obj  ..\lua\ltm.obj  ..\lua\lundump.obj  ..\lua\lutf8lib.obj  ..\lua\lvm.obj  ..\lua\lzio.obj golly.res  wxmsw30u_html.lib wxmsw30u_adv.lib wxmsw30u_core.lib wxbase30u.lib wxbase30u_net.lib   wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib  wxregexu.lib wxexpat.lib  wxmsw30u_gl.lib   kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib  winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib  rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib wininet.lib opengl32.lib 
	cl /c /nologo /FoObjWin/bgolly.obj /MT /DWIN32   /Fdgolly.pdb   /O2  /D__WXMSW__   /DwxDEBUG_LEVEL=0 /DNDEBUG     /D_UNICODE /IC:\wxWidgets\include /IC:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib\mswu  /W4 /wd4100 /I.  /D_WINDOWS /IC:\wxWidgets\samples /DNOPCH /GR    /EHsc   /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS  /EHsc /DVERSION=3.0b1 /DZLIB /IC:\wxWidgets\src\zlib /I..\gollybase ..\cmdline/bgolly.cpp
	link /LARGEADDRESSAWARE /NOLOGO /OUT:..\bgolly.exe  /LIBPATH:C:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_x64_lib  ObjWin/bgolly.obj ObjWin/bigint.obj ObjWin/lifealgo.obj ObjWin/hlifealgo.obj  ObjWin/hlifedraw.obj ObjWin/qlifealgo.obj ObjWin/qlifedraw.obj  ObjWin/ltlalgo.obj ObjWin/ltldraw.obj ObjWin/jvnalgo.obj ObjWin/ruletreealgo.obj  ObjWin/ruletable_algo.obj ObjWin/ghashbase.obj ObjWin/ruleloaderalgo.obj  ObjWin/ghashdraw.obj ObjWin/readpattern.obj  ObjWin/writepattern.obj ObjWin/liferules.obj ObjWin/util.obj  ObjWin/liferender.obj ObjWin/viewport.obj ObjWin/lifepoll.obj  ObjWin/generationsalgo.obj wxzlib.lib

A 5289K executable shows up in the appropriate place -- but it won't run:

Code: Select all

Golly.exe - Application Error
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. 
I've pulled the latest changes to my other system, and it still builds and runs 32-bit Golly successfully. Haven't tried a 64-bit build there yet, since I only have 32-bit Python installed and am a little superstitious about adding a parallel 64-bit install.

I do have parallel Python installs on the old laptop, though, come to think of it -- so I guess next I'll try a 32-bit build there.
rowett wrote:It requires the OpenGL extension ARB_texture_rectangle which I can feature test for. I didn't see it in Dave's GPU Caps - Dave please will you check?
My GPU Caps Viewer seems to be reporting GL_VERSION 1.1.0, and only two extensions are shown in the list on the OpenGL tab -- "GL_EXT_bgra (OpenGL 1.2)" and "GL_WIN_swap_hint". (Not that I really even understand what "Caps" are.)

EDIT: Nope, a 32-bit build of Golly also completes successfully, making a 5288KB executable -- which also fails to start up, with an identical error message. What might I be doing wrong here? Using a batch file from 2014, I was able to build Golly 2.7b1 from my original Golly Git repository in a different folder -- and that new 2.7b1 executable runs successfully.

Time for a debug build, maybe...?

EDIT2: I neglected to mention: for all these builds, the successful 2.7b1 and the unsuccessful 3.0b1, I'm using a different compiler from the one that successfully builds 3.0b1. This old OpenGL 1.x laptop has Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express installed on it, whereas I'm building with Microsoft VS2013 Ultimate on the newer system.

(I also have Cygwin GCC installed; should I try anything with that? It's been working fine for building Calcyman's various utilities, apgmera and slmake.)

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 15th, 2017, 5:10 pm

Here's some hopeful news: when I successfully build Golly 30b1 on my more modern 64-bit Windows 7 system, then transfer the executable over to my old laptop, Golly runs surprisingly well. The overlay looks to be pretty much in working order -- this is a screenshot from the OpenGL 1.x laptop:
Looks good!
Looks good!
overlay-success.png (80.06 KiB) Viewed 16345 times
Icons and multistate rules in general are also much improved, though they're still definitely a little odd-looking. State 1 is almost right... It seems like everything is a little too small, and maybe some of the icon(s) for adjacent states get included in the state-N icon sometimes. (?)
A new meaning to the term &quot;multistate&quot; --
A new meaning to the term "multistate" --
LifeHistory-weird-but-different.png (58.83 KiB) Viewed 16345 times
Any suggestions on what might be going wrong with the build process? Remember that if there's a silly way to do something wrong, I'll probably have done it... For example, I somehow failed to mention that I'm using a different compiler. Details at end of previous post.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by Andrew » June 15th, 2017, 6:51 pm

dvgrn wrote:What might I be doing wrong here?
In your top log I don't see any of the files in the lua directory being compiled (and yet their .obj files exist). Maybe try running "nmake -f makefile-win clean" first, then do another build.

Also, it would be handy to see what's in your local-win.mk file.

Which wxWidgets version did you download? I'd recommend 3.0.3, not 3.1.

Anyway, I wouldn't waste too much time on these build problems. If you can transfer a good build from your newer system then you can still do the necessary tests for Chris.

EDIT: I forgot to ask: does bgolly also crash when you run it?
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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by rowett » June 16th, 2017, 5:57 am

dvgrn wrote:My GPU Caps Viewer seems to be reporting GL_VERSION 1.1.0, and only two extensions are shown in the list on the OpenGL tab -- "GL_EXT_bgra (OpenGL 1.2)" and "GL_WIN_swap_hint". (Not that I really even understand what "Caps" are.)
OK it looks like it doesn't support GL_ARB_texture_rectangle. "Caps" are just capabilities. The capabilities for OpenGL are defined by the core features in a particular version (in your case OpenGL 1.1) and a set of extensions (in your case GL_EXT_bra and GL_WIN_swap_hint). Over time some extensions get moved into the core set of capabilities of a future version.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by rowett » June 16th, 2017, 6:05 am

dvgrn wrote:Here's some hopeful news: when I successfully build Golly 30b1 on my more modern 64-bit Windows 7 system, then transfer the executable over to my old laptop, Golly runs surprisingly well. The overlay looks to be pretty much in working order.
Good news. If the overlay works then rendering cells <= 1x zoom should work too.
Based on your trials I've made an optimization that hopefully shouldn't break this again and may improve performance.
There's still some work to do on the 2048 size textures but we'll come back to this once everything else appears to work.
dvgrn wrote:Icons and multistate rules in general are also much improved, though they're still definitely a little odd-looking. State 1 is almost right... It seems like everything is a little too small, and maybe some of the icon(s) for adjacent states get included in the state-N icon sometimes.
This should be fixed now.

I've just checked in the relevant code changes. Let me know how you get on.

EDIT: The Golly banner should now include the OpenGL version. Please let me know what it says on your system. On mine it says:

Code: Select all

This is Golly version 3.0b1 (64bit, OpenGL 2.1 texture_rectangle 8192). Copyright 2017 The Golly Gang.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by muzik » June 16th, 2017, 3:24 pm

Not trying to be super annoying, but after 3.0 is released can you switch focus to fixing up mobile Golly and possibly porting the new PC features to it?

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by Andrew » June 16th, 2017, 8:39 pm

muzik wrote:Not trying to be super annoying ...
You are very annoying, so please stop asking.
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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 17th, 2017, 10:58 am

rowett wrote:
dvgrn wrote:Icons and multistate rules in general are also much improved, though they're still definitely a little odd-looking. State 1 is almost right... It seems like everything is a little too small, and maybe some of the icon(s) for adjacent states get included in the state-N icon sometimes.
This should be fixed now.

I've just checked in the relevant code changes. Let me know how you get on.
Looks good! Multistate colors and icons seem to be working perfectly now -- can't find any more display glitches.

However, I've either taken a step backwards as far as animations are concerned, or I'm remembering something wrong.

The new version of overlay-demo.lua seems to be mostly in working order. Besides animation-related problems, the only hiccup I've run into so far is that after Test #15 in the "Replacing Pixels" sample, the script doesn't cycle back to Test #1 -- the text just disappears, and I have to stop the script (the Enter key and/or clicking no longer work to get back to the main menu). Haven't tried this on my newer system yet, so maybe it's just a regular bug, not a difference due to OpenGL.

The pop-plot.lua script also works fine, by the way. I'm not seeing anything come up with breakout.lua, though -- the grid lines just gradually fade out and Golly becomes less responsive, though hitting the Escape key does return things to normal eventually.

The Animation and Cell View buttons, however, are now just showing a static rectangle with a squashed copy of the overlay-demo main page -- see below.
rowett wrote:EDIT: The Golly banner should now include the OpenGL version. Please let me know what it says on your system. On mine it says:

Code: Select all

This is Golly version 3.0b1 (64bit, OpenGL 2.1 texture_rectangle 8192). Copyright 2017 The Golly Gang.
When Golly starts up, all I'm seeing is "This is Golly version 3.0b1 (32bit). Copyright 2017 The Golly Gang." Help > About, by the way, is still advertising Golly 2.9b1.

... I'm a little confused now, in a couple of ways. Do you mean the banner in overlay-demo.lua > Animation? The current code seems like it should only display "Golly 3.0":

local bannertext = "Golly 3.0"

However, I can't tell for sure by running the banner, because much more interesting weirdness is going on.

When I reported "The overlay looks to be pretty much in working order" two days ago, I thought I had checked all the sample buttons and was seeing something reasonable for each one. In particular, I remember clicking the Animation button and seeing the two yellow "G"s show up on the right side of the screen -- but they were moving leftward rather slowly (yes, old slow laptop) so I didn't watch for very long.

Now instead of any animation I'm seeing this:
Thought I remembered the overlay-demo animation working, but now I'm seeing this instead --
Thought I remembered the overlay-demo animation working, but now I'm seeing this instead --
Animation-not-working-now.png (162.84 KiB) Viewed 16247 times
What's strange is that I still have the Golly build I ran two days ago, and I've downloaded the previous two versions of overlay-demo.lua just in case. I'm seeing similar but not identical behavior, using that previous "working" Golly build to run any recent overlay-demo.lua:
Previous build shows a larger non-distorted copy of the overlay when the animation window is supposed to appear
Previous build shows a larger non-distorted copy of the overlay when the animation window is supposed to appear
overlay-lua-display-with-Golly-build-from-6-15.png (241.58 KiB) Viewed 16247 times
Of course the old 2.9b1 version of Golly can't run the newer overlay-demo.lua versions at all -- "unknown command" -- so I couldn't have gotten confused there. Not sure what else could have changed on my old laptop between two days ago and now -- I certainly didn't intentionally make any changes to settings or drivers.

I'm away from the system that I'm using to build Golly, until Monday. Obviously I would have seen the banner animation working there -- but it also runs much faster, so I wouldn't have seen the two yellow G's crawling painfully slowly onto the display there... Seems like this old laptop is now behaving differently than it was two days ago, with regard to animations only -- the Golly build that must have been showing me animations, now isn't. (?)

I'll try a reboot (sigh).

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by muzik » June 17th, 2017, 11:15 am

Andrew wrote:
muzik wrote:Not trying to be super annoying ...
You are very annoying, so please stop asking.
ah, right. Not my intention to be

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 17th, 2017, 1:04 pm

Andrew wrote:
dvgrn wrote:What might I be doing wrong here?
In your top log I don't see any of the files in the lua directory being compiled (and yet their .obj files exist). Maybe try running "nmake -f makefile-win clean" first, then do another build.

Also, it would be handy to see what's in your local-win.mk file.

Which wxWidgets version did you download? I'd recommend 3.0.3, not 3.1.

EDIT: I forgot to ask: does bgolly also crash when you run it?
Ha! Got 32-bit Golly 3.0b1 to build directly on my old laptop. wxWidgets 3.03, same local-win.mk as before with settings as advised in Build.html.

I had actually tried nmake -f makefile-win clean before compiling the last time -- it's included in the batch file I set up to make sure I wasn't forgetting any steps.

Is it possible that the newer Lua object files are for some reason not cleaned out reliably by nmake...clean? This time around I just searched for and manually deleted all object files in the golly-code directory before building. It seemed as if some object files from a previous attempt at a 64-bit build weren't getting cleaned out... which could explain the lack of evidence of lua-directory code being recompiled, maybe.

Anyway, 32-bit Golly.exe now runs fine, and furthermore I can see OpenGL information on startup! I must not have picked up that last change before building yesterday.

Code: Select all

This is Golly version 3.0b1 (32bit, OpenGL 1.1 1024). Copyright 2017 The Golly Gang.
Unfortunately all the strange lack-of-animation behavior seems unchanged in this new local build.

I haven't successfully built a 64-bit version of Golly 2.9+ on either my old laptop or my new system. Or rather, in either case, the .exe is created just fine -- but when I try to run it, the "unable to start" error always appears, same as I reported above. I might give it one more try on the old laptop, with all this recent experience under my belt.
Andrew wrote:EDIT: I forgot to ask: does bgolly also crash when you run it?
No, the builds of bgolly seemed to work fine even when Golly.exe was crashing. Specifically, I tried

Code: Select all

bgolly -a RuleLoader -v Patterns/WireWorld/circuit.mc
and the previously-built bgolly produced the usual stream of results with no trouble.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by rowett » June 17th, 2017, 3:16 pm

dvgrn wrote:

Code: Select all

This is Golly version 3.0b1 (32bit, OpenGL 1.1 1024). Copyright 2017 The Golly Gang.
Unfortunately all the strange lack-of-animation behavior seems unchanged in this new local build.
OK that's helpful information. There are two clues here:
  1. Your OpenGL driver doesn't support ARB_texture_rectangle so I can't use that
  2. Your maximum texture size is 1024 (width and/or height)
There are two places where Golly might request a texture larger than 1024 in width or height.
  1. You are using the overlay and the width or height are > 1024 (in which case it will request the next power of 2 size up which is 2048). The animation demo and the cell view demo both might do this (depending on your screen resolution) since they use the full viewport.
  2. You are using a multi-state rule where nstates * zoom > 1024 (e.g. 33 states at 32x zoom = 1056 which at next power of 2 becomes 2048).
In either case 2048 is bigger than the supported maximum texture size of 1024 on your driver so you'll get unwanted behaviour. I'm working on this now.

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Re: Golly 2.9b1 and the overlay

Post by dvgrn » June 17th, 2017, 5:50 pm

rowett wrote:There are two places where Golly might request a texture larger than 1024 in width or height.
  1. You are using the overlay and the width or height are > 1024 (in which case it will request the next power of 2 size up which is 2048). The animation demo and the cell view demo both might do this (depending on your screen resolution) since they use the full viewport.
That seems to be exactly right! I have a second monitor attached to my old laptop, and mostly Golly ends up open on that monitor, which is 1920x1080 minus the start bar on the right side. I had already tried moving Golly back to my laptop's screen to see if that was the problem -- but it's a wide screen as old laptop screens go, 1366x768, so the problem still showed up.

All I had to do was make Golly's window just a little smaller, and animations start working again, just as pretty and just as molasses-slow as I thought I remembered from two days ago:
Animations-working-at-small-window-sizes.png (86.16 KiB) Viewed 16214 times

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