Search found 282 matches

by Citation needed
October 1st, 2024, 11:14 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: pifricted's Sandbox
Replies: 174
Views: 31558

Re: Happy National Day!

pifricted wrote:
September 15th, 2024, 10:38 am
Please download the website that I mentioned and e-mail it to ColorfulGalaxy. Thank you.

Happy National Day!
by Citation needed
September 27th, 2024, 4:52 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Neography, constructed alphabets, fanmade alphabets and symbolic ciphers: Other Than Documentation
Replies: 1
Views: 172

Re: Neography

Google is celebrating their birthday this month. Here are the transliteration of the Google logo in various ciphers. #C Google colors x = 0, rule = ColourisedLife27s GOoGLE! [[ COLOR 0 255 255 255 COLOR 1 238 178 17 COLOR 2 102 102 102 COLOR 7 51 105 232 COLOR 12 0 153 37 ]] [[ COLOR 5 213 15 37 COL...
by Citation needed
September 26th, 2024, 9:38 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Famous Quotes
Replies: 462
Views: 190120

Re: Famous Quotes

dvgrn wrote: I've sent a private message to otismo about this being a completely inappropriate topic even for the Sandbox.

Based on some discussion with otismo, this thread will be removed by mid-October.
I would like to thank you for closing that thread with misleading title.
by Citation needed
September 15th, 2024, 9:06 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: pifricted's Sandbox
Replies: 174
Views: 31558

Re: pifricted's Sandbox

I'm very sorry. It seems that you are at school. I heard about the terrible rumor related to a popular website, so I sent you a private message.
by Citation needed
September 8th, 2024, 2:15 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Neography, constructed alphabets, fanmade alphabets and symbolic ciphers: Documentation
Replies: 13
Views: 1471

Re: Neography - 04b_21 font

04b_21 font Uppercase and lowercase letters: #C This code needs to be proofread. x = 155, y = 11, rule = B3/S23 b3o2b4o3b3o2b4o3b4o2b4o2b4obo3bo2b3o4b3obo3bobo5bo3bobo3bo2b3o2b4o3b3o 2b4o3b4ob5obo3bobo3bobobobobo3bobo3bob5o$o3bobo3bobo3bobo3bobo5bo5bo5b o3bo3bo7bobo2bo2bo5b2ob2ob2o2bobo3bobo3bobo3b...
by Citation needed
September 8th, 2024, 1:05 am
Forum: Website Discussion
Topic: Pattern viewer for forum threads
Replies: 3681
Views: 946019

Re: Pattern viewer for forum threads

The cogwheel button in this pattern occasionally fails.
by Citation needed
September 8th, 2024, 12:23 am
Forum: Website Discussion
Topic: Thread for your website-related questions
Replies: 376
Views: 94253

Re: Thread for your website-related questions

dvgrn wrote:
September 6th, 2024, 7:57 am
Citation needed wrote:
September 5th, 2024, 11:54 pm
Is it possible to change the number of posts on a forum page, as can be done on LifeWiki?
I'm trying to allow downloading a whole thread as one HTML page.
It's like this, but it's on the forum, and it should allow an arbitrarily large number if possible.
by Citation needed
September 6th, 2024, 1:20 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Neography, constructed alphabets, fanmade alphabets and symbolic ciphers: Documentation
Replies: 13
Views: 1471

Re: Neography - Dotsies

Dotsies Dotsies is an alphabet that uses dots instead of letters. It was invented by Craig Muth and is optimized for reading. The letters in each word smoosh together, so words look like shapes. Each letter has 5 dots arranged vertically that are either on or off (black or white). It currently has ...
by Citation needed
September 6th, 2024, 12:49 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Neography, constructed alphabets, fanmade alphabets and symbolic ciphers: Other Than Documentation
Replies: 1
Views: 172

Neography, constructed alphabets, fanmade alphabets and symbolic ciphers: Other Than Documentation

We are sorry to tell you that the Neography Wiki that ColorfulGalaxy once worked on has gone bankrupt.
This thread is a place to put extra neography-related images on, to get around the three-file limit.

For the posts that contain documentation images, click here.
by Citation needed
September 6th, 2024, 12:20 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Neography, constructed alphabets, fanmade alphabets and symbolic ciphers: Documentation
Replies: 13
Views: 1471

Re: Neography - Conway

Conway script (conway.htm)

This article hasn't been re-written yet.
by Citation needed
September 5th, 2024, 11:54 pm
Forum: Website Discussion
Topic: Thread for your website-related questions
Replies: 376
Views: 94253

Re: Thread for your website-related questions

Is it possible to change the number of posts on a forum page, as can be done on LifeWiki?
I'm trying to allow downloading a whole thread as one HTML page.
by Citation needed
September 4th, 2024, 9:23 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Thread for your miscellaneous posts and discussions
Replies: 388
Views: 66626

Re: Thread for your miscellaneous posts and discussions

What Neography Wiki? I can't seem to find such a website, at least not one that includes the articles you're posting here. And why are you posting these articles on the forums of a completely unrelated website? Most wikis have a way to download their contents. Why not just download the whole wiki a...
by Citation needed
September 2nd, 2024, 1:30 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else
Replies: 1660
Views: 277297

Re: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else

#C Monument Valley Pixel Alphabet #C A/G/M/S #C B/H/N/T #C C/I/O/U #C D/J/P/W #C E/K/Z/X #C F/L/R/Y #C 0 #C 1/2/3/4 #C 3 (=1+2)/5/7 (=3+4) #C 4 (=1+3)/6(=2+4) #C 6 (=1+2+3)/7 (=1+2+4)/8/9 #C 10 x = 5, y = 204, rule = ColourisedLife27s 5A$2.A$A3.A$5A$5A10$5B$B3.B$B.B.B$4.B$5B20$5C$3C$3C.C$3C$5C28$5D...
by Citation needed
September 1st, 2024, 11:42 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: How Your Username Evolves
Replies: 221
Views: 137139

Re: How Your Username Evolves

Here is "ColorfulGalaxy" in the Monument Valley pixel alphabet. #C Monument Valley x = 5, y = 83, rule = ColourisedLife27s 5C$3C$3C.C$3C$5C2$5O$2.3O$O.3O$2.3O$5O2$5L$L3.L$2L.2L$L3.L$2L.2L2$5O$ 2.3O$O.3O$2.3O$5O2$5R$R.R.R$R$R.R.R$5R2$5F$F.F.F$4.F$F.F.F$5F2$5U$5U$ 5U$U3.U$U.U.U2$5L$L3.L$2L.2L$L3.L$2L....
by Citation needed
August 21st, 2024, 9:24 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Famous Quotes
Replies: 462
Views: 190120

Re: Famous Quotes

ColorfulGalaxy is not able to access Wikipedia currently, but things may change a few weeks later. (citation needed) ColorfulGalaxy is now busy with moving house. . Yes it's pareidolia , "the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so tha...
by Citation needed
August 21st, 2024, 9:16 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Jungle of the banana
Replies: 4
Views: 8828

This thread may be a duplicate of another thread.

This thread may be a duplicate of another thread.
by Citation needed
August 20th, 2024, 8:28 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else
Replies: 1660
Views: 277297

Re: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else

Here is the German alphabet. I discovered that ColorfulGalaxy somehow dislikes the German language a bit. (citation needed) x = 239, y = 7, rule = B3/S23 b3o2b4o3b3o2b4o2b5ob5o2b3o2bo3bob5o5bobo3bobo5b5ob2o2bo2b3o2b4o3b3o2b 4o3b3o2b5obo3bobo3bobobobobo3bobo3bob5o2bobo3bobo3bobo3bo2bo2b3o3b2o4b 3o3b3...
by Citation needed
August 19th, 2024, 8:30 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else
Replies: 1660
Views: 277297

Re: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else

Here is the Russian alphabet, with the "O" placed in the middle. x = 41, y = 47, rule = B3/S23 b3o2b5ob4o2b5o3b2o2b5o$o3bobo5bo3bobo6bobo2bo$o3bobo5bo3bobo6bobo2bo$ 5ob4o2b4o2bo6bobo2b5o$o3bobo3bobo3bobo6bobo2bo$o3bobo3bobo3bobo5b5obo $o3bob4o2b4o2bo5bo3bob5o2$bobo2bobobo2b3o2bo3bo2bobo2bo3bo$6bobob...
by Citation needed
August 17th, 2024, 5:32 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else
Replies: 1660
Views: 277297

Re: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else

x = 3, y = 3, rule = ColourisedLife27s ABC$D$.E5$ ABCD$E...F$G$.H5$ ABCDE$F....G$H$.I5$ ABCDEF$G.....H$I$.J! x = 10, y = 1, rule = ColourisedLife27s OSCILLATOR! x = 6, y = 6, rule = ColourisedLife27s AB$CD.E$4.F$.G$2.H.IJ$4.KL! x = 9, y = 9, rule = ColourisedLife27s 6.AB$CDEFG2.H$I6.J$7.K$.L5.M$.N$...
by Citation needed
August 17th, 2024, 4:32 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Absolutely Useless Patterns Not Worthy Of OCA Thread
Replies: 172
Views: 53867

Re: Absolutely Useless Patterns Not Worthy Of OCA Thread

x = 45, y = 41, rule = B3/S12345Investigator 14.9E$14.E7.E$14.E7.E$14.E7.E$14.E3.E3.E2.5E$14.E3.E3.E2.E3.E$14.E3.E 3.E2.E3.E$14.E3.E3.E2.E3.E$14.E3.E3.4E3.6E$14.E3.E15.E$14.E3.E15.E$14. E3.E15.E$15E3.E3.4E3.6E$EA16.E3.E2.E3.E$EA16.E3.E2.E3.E$EA16.E3.E2.E3. E$19E3.E2.E3.E$13.E8.E2.E3.E$13.E8.E2.E3.E...
by Citation needed
August 17th, 2024, 4:23 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Extended Life Extensions
Replies: 1013
Views: 175128

Re: Extended Life Extensions

For some reason, the orthogonal chain of killer cells in rule B3/S23-i0 can not kill gliders.

Code: Select all

x = 17, y = 14, rule = B3/S23-i0Investigator
by Citation needed
August 17th, 2024, 4:18 am
Forum: Website Discussion
Topic: I could not send a private message to ColorfulGalaxy
Replies: 3
Views: 4474

Re: I could not send a private message to ColorfulGalaxy

I could not send a private message to ColorfulGalaxy. It's supposed to contain passwords to zipped folders. As discussed here , ColorfulGalaxy's account was banned. I doubt you can send private messages to a banned account. I could not edit the private messages that I sent to myself. Messages sent ...
by Citation needed
August 17th, 2024, 3:18 am
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Thread For Your Useless Discoveries
Replies: 4699
Views: 1882173

Re: Thread For Your Accidental Discoveries

artem wrote:
August 12th, 2024, 10:45 am
the rle is x = 7, y = 3 booooob$obbbbbo$booooob$.
turns into a pulsar.
not a joke.
The digit "0" in Dean Hickerson's census follows the same sequence.
by Citation needed
August 16th, 2024, 8:57 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else
Replies: 1660
Views: 277297

Re: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else

x = 78, y = 39, rule = B3/S23L 39bo$38b3o$37b5o$36b7o$35b9o$34b11o$33b13o$32b15o$31b17o$30b19o$29b21o $28b23o$27b25o$26b27o$25b29o$24b31o$23b33o$22b35o$21b37o$20bo23bo13bo $19b3o21b3o11b3o$18b5o19b5o9b5o$17b7o17b7o7b7o$16b9o15b9o5b9o$15b11o13b 11o3b11o$14b13o11b13ob13o$13b15o9bo9bo3b15o$12b17o7b3o7...
by Citation needed
August 14th, 2024, 6:22 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else
Replies: 1660
Views: 277297

Re: RLE copy/paste thread - everyone else

Code: Select all
