Search found 307 matches

by Wyirm
May 31st, 2023, 8:00 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Non-Discrete Automata
Replies: 1
Views: 775

Non-Discrete Automata

After studying differential calculus, a thought came to my mind: Could CA be simulated through a system of equations? The answer is no, but it got me thinking about non-discrete systems. The following are 2 potential alternative systems to discrete automata. 1. State-continuous CA: Generally, there ...
by Wyirm
January 24th, 2023, 3:40 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Black holes in CGOL
Replies: 23
Views: 10304

Re: Black holes in CGOL

Technically, the definition of a white hole is a time-reversed black hole. In other words, it is a causally disconnected piece of space-time which is impossible to enter without traveling faster than c. There is no rule saying objects inside a white hole must exit, only that the flow of information ...
by Wyirm
December 15th, 2022, 11:06 am
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Black holes in CGOL
Replies: 23
Views: 10304

Re: Black holes in CGOL

I think such a black hole does exist for any n. To construct it, go through all the n by n patterns. Make a border capable of containing the first one. Then, make a border capable of containing the second one when run inside the first one. Repeat this for all 2^n^2 patterns, and you have a border c...
by Wyirm
December 14th, 2022, 2:46 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Unproven conjectures
Replies: 406
Views: 202404

Re: Unproven conjectures

Conjecture: GCOL does not follow the second law of thermodynamics, entropy must always increase. We can't disprove an icenine, and cgol doesn't have the issue that decreasing entropy requires energy. The very existence of people proves this, it is possible for an extremely organized pattern or repli...
by Wyirm
December 14th, 2022, 1:58 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Eatsplosion (B2n3-ekqy4c5e/S2-cn3-eky4aij5e)
Replies: 104
Views: 37024

Re: Eatsplosion (B2n3-ekqy4c5e/S2-cn3-eky4aij5e)

Sorry for double post It's a new day! 429M, 7 cells. Bounding box 11x14. MCPS 16. L/I = ~61.2857 L/MCPS = 26.8125. x = 11, y = 14, rule = B2n3-ekqy4c5e/S2-cn3-eky4aij5e 9bo$9b2o9$b2o$2bo2$o! Can anyone find longer lived methuselahs? 1372M from a relative another methuselah listed both below: x = 10,...
by Wyirm
December 13th, 2022, 11:48 am
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Black holes in CGOL
Replies: 23
Views: 10304

Black holes in CGOL

The information limit is the maximum rate at which information can move. The effect of this can be thought of as an imaginary bubble that expands at c which no information can leave. This is essentially an event horizon, and causality states no information can be transmitted faster than c, or escape...
by Wyirm
December 12th, 2022, 7:43 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Eatsplosion (B2n3-ekqy4c5e/S2-cn3-eky4aij5e)
Replies: 104
Views: 37024

Re: Eatsplosion (B2n3-ekqy4c5e/S2-cn3-eky4aij5e)

Strange glider advancer: x = 6, y = 7, rule = B2n3-ekqy4c5e/S2-cn3-eky4aij5e bo$2bo$3o2$4b2o$2o2b2o$2o! Edit* Didn't want to double post, here's a sl "constellation" flipper powered by caps: x = 63, y = 63, rule = B2n3-ekqy4c5e/S2-cn3-eky4aij5eSuper 46.2A$42.B2.B2A$41.3B.2B$41.6B$40.8B$39.8B$40.8B$4...
by Wyirm
December 1st, 2022, 11:13 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: ConwayLife Skyscraper
Replies: 507
Views: 93771

Re: ConwayLife Skyscraper

Floor τ consists of a group of mathematicians and engineers arguing about whether τ should serve as a unit for radians or torque.
by Wyirm
November 30th, 2022, 12:14 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Honey Farm Catalysts
Replies: 52
Views: 38873

Re: Honey Farm Catalysts

It was shockingly difficult to reduce the current stabilization of the large drifty HF catalyst, Only able to save 3 cells on the left, comparison: x = 39, y = 20, rule = LifeSuper 4.2A$5.A$4.A$4.2A2C.2A16.2C.2A$7.C.C.A14.A.C.C.A$4.AC.C.C2.A10.A2.C.C .C2.A$3.C.C.2C.C.3A7.A.C.C.2C.C.3A$3.C2.C3.CA3.A6...
by Wyirm
November 28th, 2022, 12:39 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Thread For Your Accidental Discoveries
Replies: 2146
Views: 1524109

Re: Thread For Your Accidental Discoveries

2 useless chucklebait variants with SI stabilization

Code: Select all

x = 26, y = 14, rule = StateInvestigator
by Wyirm
November 21st, 2022, 12:22 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Thread for your unsure discoveries
Replies: 3497
Views: 1654037

Re: Thread for your unsure discoveries

I found another puffer-based methuselah. This pattern stabilizes after 126,932,978 generations (126932978M). It fits into a 20x20 bounding box. I will post the script I used to help find it in the ‘Golly Scripts’ topic sometime soon. It is not a fully automated script though, as it requires some ma...
by Wyirm
November 18th, 2022, 12:32 pm
Forum: Help / Support
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5356
Views: 1536511

Re: Thread for basic questions

Can we make another snark/syringe? x = 15, y = 17, rule = B3/S23 5bo$4bobo$4bob3o$b2obo4bo$bobobobobo$3bobob2o4b2o$2bobo8bo$3bo7bobo$11b 2o2$bo$2bo$3o3$2o$2o! x = 15, y = 17, rule = B3/S23 12bo$12bobo$12b2o2$4b2o$4b2o4$2ob2o$ob2obobo$5b2obo$b2obo3b3o$bo3b3o3b o$2b3o3b3o$5bo2bo$4b2o! The first react...
by Wyirm
November 17th, 2022, 12:40 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Extended Life Extensions
Replies: 1073
Views: 193741

Re: Extended Life Extensions

Is this p10 dot sparker new or did I rediscover it? x = 6, y = 8, rule = StateInvestigator .2A$.A2.A2$5.A2$3.2A$2.DE$DED! Related family of beehive eating reaction oscillators (p7, 8, 10, 12, and something), and an unrelated oscillator. x = 69, y = 9, rule = StateInvestigator 30.2A$2.2A9.2A15.2A13....
by Wyirm
November 16th, 2022, 7:23 pm
Forum: Help / Support
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5356
Views: 1536511

Re: Thread for basic questions

Is there an official name for this spark? x = 3, y = 4, rule = b3/s23 bo$3o$3o$bo! I've decided to finally create a wiki page for this thing under the name of line-of-six spark , with some other names that I've seen thrown around listed in the introductory section with references. So perhaps this i...
by Wyirm
November 16th, 2022, 4:35 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Extended Life Extensions
Replies: 1073
Views: 193741

Re: Extended Life Extensions

Is this p10 dot sparker new or did I rediscover it?

Code: Select all

x = 6, y = 8, rule = StateInvestigator
by Wyirm
November 16th, 2022, 12:03 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Execution of Old Guns by Variable-Speed Firing Squad
Replies: 1146
Views: 665620

Re: Execution of Old Guns by Variable-Speed Firing Squad

p100 gun reduced from 37x37 (1369-cell BB) to 39x32 (1248-cell BB) using a thinner p5 boat from jslife's p5 sparkers of all things: x = 39, y = 32, rule = B3/S23 3b2o2b2ob2o20bo$b3obo2bobobo8bo3b2o3b3o$o4b2obo3bo2bo3b3o2bobo2bo$ob3o 3bo3bobob2o3bo3bo3b2o$bo2b2obo4bobo2bo2bo$5b2o3b3o4bo2bo16b2o$7bo4...
by Wyirm
November 15th, 2022, 3:30 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Thread for your speculative elementary conduits
Replies: 374
Views: 93852

Re: Thread for your speculative elementary conduits

Not necessarily an elementary conduit, but a neat reaction nonetheless: x = 38, y = 28, rule = LifeSuper 9.2A$9.2AB$10.B$10.5B$8.10B$8.10B$8.2BD10BD$8.2B2D10BD$8.B2D11B2D$8. 13B2D$7.14BD$7.17B.B$7.27B2.B$7.25BDB.B2A$8.2B2C18B3D3B2A$9.2B2C17BDB DB.2B$9.2BC18BD3B$9.16B2.6B$9.14B$4.3B2.9BD6B$2.16BD8B$....
by Wyirm
November 14th, 2022, 10:05 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4487
Views: 1095836

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

Is that a 3-cell predecessor to a quadratic growth puffer I smell?

Code: Select all

x = 5, y = 1, rule = B2ce3aik/S01
Btw the replicator doesn't work in this rule
by Wyirm
November 12th, 2022, 6:08 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Thread For Your Useless Discoveries
Replies: 4798
Views: 1945701

Re: Thread For Your Useless Discoveries

Useless methuselah consisting of 2 r sequences:

Code: Select all

x = 4, y = 10, rule = LifeSuper
Creates a qb, and later a mango.
by Wyirm
November 11th, 2022, 12:53 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4487
Views: 1095836

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

If a 90-degree reflector is constructed, it could prove this rule omniperiodic. Current progress: x = 50, y = 12, rule = B2ce3ai/S01Super 19.A7.A16.A$21.A3.A20.2A$20.B5.B15.A$17.A2.2B.B.2B2.A10.A$4.A3.A10.2B A3BA2B$2.A7.A7.11B10.A$A2.2B.B.2B2.A6.9B13.A$2.2A.B.B.2A6.A3.2BD2B3.A $4.5B12.BDBDB12.A$5.DC...
by Wyirm
November 8th, 2022, 12:24 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Unproven conjectures
Replies: 406
Views: 202404

Re: Unproven conjectures

My reason for inventing the IceNine "thought experiment" was to say that, while it's extraordinarily unlikely that any such thing as IceNine exists in real Life, it's also hard to imagine that anyone will be able to come up with an airtight proof of its nonexistence. ... But it might be a good idea...
by Wyirm
November 7th, 2022, 9:41 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Unproven conjectures
Replies: 406
Views: 202404

Re: Unproven conjectures

AlbertArmStain wrote:
November 7th, 2022, 6:15 pm
Anything can be constructed in N number of cells
where N is not equal to infinity
Gardens of Eden have been proven to exist. In other words, not all patterns have a predecessor.
by Wyirm
November 4th, 2022, 4:09 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Unproven conjectures
Replies: 406
Views: 202404

Re: Unproven conjectures

Can an Icenine theoretically exist? And if it could, couldn't one make the assumption that infinitely many unique instances or kinds of Icenine exist? Finally, If Icenines do exist, and multiple types of Icenine, couldn't one make the argument that 2 different of these hypothetical agars could be th...
by Wyirm
November 3rd, 2022, 8:09 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4487
Views: 1095836

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

Really sad posting this one, my computer died, and I lost tons of other objects in this rule. The rule mainly consists of tightly packed dots and dominoes, but possesses a c/2, a chaotic c/2 puffer, a replicator that's not exactly XOR and also just makes puffers, and some other cool oscillators lini...
by Wyirm
November 1st, 2022, 1:43 pm
Forum: Help / Support
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5356
Views: 1536511

Re: Thread for basic questions

What is the bounding box of this gun? Is the entire rotor counted or just the stator? If the entire rotor counts, does this mean that edgeshooters such as hfx119h don't have any clearance at all?