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by confocaloid
Today, 10:43 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: conways game of life roleplay
Replies: 453
Views: 33964

Re: conways game of life roleplay

[si ze=50]Can anyone tell me what the numbers mean?[/si ze] what is meant by this Probably they are asking about the meaning of these numbers: x = 365, y = 305, rule = LifeSuper 362.3D$362.D$362.3D$364.D$362.3D179$3T.2T2.3T.3T214.3R.3R.3R$T4.T4.T. T.T216.R.R5.R$3T2.T2.3T.T.T214.3R.3R.3R$2.T2.T4.T.T...
by confocaloid
Today, 10:05 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Wandering spaceships and manipulation via ruleswitches
Replies: 11
Views: 3297

Re: Wandering spaceships and manipulation via ruleswitches

Based on the above, I believe this can indeed be considered a single object ("wandering spaceship") able to survive arbitrary sequences of switches back and forth between the rulesets, rather than as two different objects. Further, since there can be at most one occurrence of the 3-by-3 condition "...
by confocaloid
Today, 7:47 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions
Replies: 1085
Views: 339643

Re: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions

BTW, is there a notation for oblique hexagonal ships? Logically, the following 12 displacements are all rotations/reflections of (5,2): x = 15, y = 15, rule = B2/S34HHistory 2.C2.C2$C8.C3$C11.C2$7.D2$2.C11.C3$5.C8.C2$9.C2.C! #C [[ GRID VIEWONLY ]] In other words, the angle between the 5-cell displa...
by confocaloid
Today, 6:46 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Translating CA terms to Chinese
Replies: 12
Views: 327

Re: Translating CA terms to Chinese

[...] Instead of trying to "explain CGoL to everyone" directly, it may be better to explain CGoL to those people who already understand and accept the basic idea of "doing it yourself". (And then let those people explain stuff to other people.) [...] The CGOL community exists to explore CGOL, not t...
by confocaloid
Today, 2:43 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Fake Famous Quotes
Replies: 29
Views: 8768

Re: Fake Famous Quotes

Gilderoy Lockhart wrote:Note that the scope of this discussion is currently wider than it is tall.
by confocaloid
Today, 2:27 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5131
Views: 1440810

Re: Thread for basic questions

Methinks you are confusing two different things: Names of specific particular things (i.e. specific patterns, specific reactions, specific CA, etc.) Terms for general concepts (e.g. spaceship, oscillator, still life, cellular automaton, etc.) Names of specific things don't need to be logical. If som...
by confocaloid
Today, 1:20 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Wandering spaceships and manipulation via ruleswitches
Replies: 11
Views: 3297

Re: Wandering spaceships and manipulation via ruleswitches

19c/76d x = 5, y = 4, rule = B3-ceky4-iqz5cnr6i/S2-ac3-cy4ikqy5k b3o$o3bo$bo2bo$b4o! To determine whether it counts as a single object ("wandering spaceship"), and whether it can survive in the "background noise" type environment as the previously posted examples, one needs to investigate what happ...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 11:39 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Maximum lifespan on torus
Replies: 47
Views: 14933

Re: Maximum lifespan on torus

A few other forum threads related to exploring what happens in toroidal universes: Small Tori in B3/S23 Finite board census? Agar discu...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 11:32 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Patterns with unusual growth rates
Replies: 24
Views: 5777

Re: Patterns with unusual growth rates

"again" what?
Please add meaningful human-readable explanations of things you are posting, and avoid unnecessary multiposts whenever a single longer post would work.
CARuler wrote:
Yesterday, 11:25 pm

Code: Select all

x = 3, y = 1, rule = growth16
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 10:37 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Spaceship Discussion Thread
Replies: 3185
Views: 1229933

Re: Spaceship Discussion Thread

Well, the problem is that such experiments can make things worse (i.e., increase scattering instead of reducing it). I think some more discussion/upfront thinking on this would be helpful, to avoid unnecessarily spending time and efforts on trying experiments that are likely doomed. If a new thread ...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 9:46 pm
Forum: Patterns
Topic: Spaceship Discussion Thread
Replies: 3185
Views: 1229933

Re: Spaceship Discussion Thread

Some more naive questions here. What makes moving technology specific to some speed notable? Would it make sense to start a forum thread specifically for diagonal c/5 technology? If yes, why? If no, why? How about orthogonal c/5? How about orthogonal c/2?
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 9:24 pm
Forum: Website Discussion
Topic: golly in html?
Replies: 3
Views: 65

Re: golly in html?

Maybe check LifeViewer, which is open-source now?
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 9:01 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Reflectorless Rotating Oscillators (RRO)
Replies: 250
Views: 123640

Re: Reflectorless Rotating Oscillators (RRO)

I did not know that you did. No, not really -- I did not discover that p594, either. For example the following post shows that it was already known by 2012. (In fact, I did crosspost it to the thread you linked to: ) [...] But beyond that...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 7:50 pm
Forum: Website Discussion
Topic: golly in html?
Replies: 3
Views: 65

Re: golly in html?

So basically you are already breaking some chaos here on the forums, and now you are asking for an advice regarding how to break your school's rules as well? That said, there is an online version of Golly but probably not exactly what you are asking for. i have this constant lingering...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 7:36 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Reflectorless Rotating Oscillators (RRO)
Replies: 250
Views: 123640

Re: Reflectorless Rotating Oscillators (RRO)

Yoel wrote:
Yesterday, 4:44 pm

Code: Select all

x = 5, y = 5, rule = B2-m4-m56/S2m34m56H
This p594 is long known, and it's a large part of what makes HexInverseFire an interesting CA.
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 10:43 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Snowflakes (B2ci3ai4c8/S02ae3eijkq4iz5ar6i7e)
Replies: 475
Views: 207886

Re: Snowflakes (B2ci3ai4c8/S02ae3eijkq4iz5ar6i7e)

tommyaweosme wrote:
October 11th, 2024, 4:39 pm
quick question, is there a two-spaceship collision that can synthesize a snowflake?
R2INT wrote:
Yesterday, 10:16 am
[...] Unfortunately, no. Proof: [...]
Here is a two-spaceship collision that makes a snowflake (xs21_8u2b2u8z011311):

Code: Select all

x = 17, y = 18, rule = B2ci3ai4c8/S02ae3eijkq4iz5ar6i7e
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 10:26 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Rule Akinator: 3-state OTCA Edition
Replies: 1
Views: 54

Re: Rule Akinator: 3-state OTCA Edition

A reason why these threads are problematic was already explained in an earlier thread which got locked. You end up with a thread that looks and feels like a pointless chat, not evolving into some productive discussion and not contributing to understanding. Hello! Welcome to the akinator thread, wher...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 7:49 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Thread for your miscellaneous posts and discussions
Replies: 389
Views: 66723

Re: Thread for your miscellaneous posts and discussions

Just because someone didn't reply to a post / a message, doesn't mean they didn't notice it.
Maybe they are currently busy with other things. Maybe they don't currently have much to contribute. Maybe something else.
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 5:42 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 352
Views: 45006

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

Here's a way to do it that actually works in LifeViewer: x = 1, y = 1, rule = B367/S034678 o! #C [[ RANDOMIZE RANDWIDTH 41 RANDHEIGHT 19 RANDFILL 25 ]] x = 1, y = 1, rule = B35/S015 o! #C [[ RANDOMIZE RANDWIDTH 41 RANDHEIGHT 19 RANDFILL 25 ]] dot rule variants dotdayandlife #R b367/s034678 ! [[ RAND...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 4:38 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for your corderization requests
Replies: 96
Views: 9482

Re: Thread for your corderization requests

Here is a p54 orthogonal c/3 corderoid, minimum population 3880, can anyone reduce the number of engines? Side note, the CA appears to be interesting and slowly apgsearchable: the C1 census on Catagolue. #C [[ THEME MCell TRACKLOOP 54 18/54 0/54 ]] x = 1585, y = 586, rule = B2ce4aikqtw6ce/S12ce3-iny...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 2:36 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5131
Views: 1440810

Re: Thread for basic questions

[...] most of the new posts simply saying fox and clock. [...] I cannot confirm this claim. From what I can find and read, there's only one earlier forum post saying "fox and clock" (I quoted that post above). Also from what I can find and read, "foxclock" is the most common name so far. [...] Furt...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 2:16 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5131
Views: 1440810

Re: Thread for basic questions

Searching through archived "out.txt" (before 2024-01-13) gives the following ways to refer to the foxclock (with "foxclock" being the most common name before that date at least): "foxclock" (5 occurrences) "fox+clock" (2 occurrences) "fox-and-clock" (1 occurrence) On the forums, foxclock has at leas...
by confocaloid
Yesterday, 2:08 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5131
Views: 1440810

Re: Thread for basic questions

i'm looking for some fishhook alternatives with a recovery time greater than 10. can someone list a few? How about "1998-eater-stamp-collection.rle" in "Patterns/Life/Still-Lifes/"? #C Collection of 88 glider eaters #C These take between 4 and 25 gens to recover. #C A few of these have been known f...
by confocaloid
October 11th, 2024, 11:45 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Challenges
Replies: 359
Views: 174181

Small pattern that isn't a phase of a strict nontrivial oscillator in any 2-state isotropic CA with Moore neighbourhood?

These seemly meaningless line segments are actually a single natural p35 oscillator: x = 12, y = 5, rule = B3ai4wyz/S1e2aik3eiy4i5e7e 2o2$7bo$7bo3bo$7bo3bo! [...] In a different CA, the same pattern is a phase of a nontrivial p70 oscillator: x = 12, y = 5, rule = B3ai4ajnqrwz/S1e2aik3eiqy4iqz5jq7e ...
by confocaloid
October 11th, 2024, 10:18 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4229
Views: 1036954

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

hotcrystal0 wrote:
October 11th, 2024, 10:10 pm

Code: Select all

x = 3, y = 4, rule = B2k3-ckny4jy6i/S2aek3ijnqr4ity5n
Diagonal 35c/146 (diagonal 35c/146 spaceship) siderake:

Code: Select all

x = 54, y = 55, rule = B2k3-ckny4jy6i/S2aek3ijnqr4ity5n
#C [[ ZOOM 4 TRACKLOOP 146 35/146 35/146 ]]