Search found 266 matches

by get_Snacked
October 10th, 2024, 11:15 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Smallest ships of each speed in INT rulespace
Replies: 6
Views: 87

Re: Smallest ships of each speed in INT rulespace

CARuler wrote:
October 10th, 2024, 9:20 am
How about just every type of object
SOSSP already exists; however, there is no smallest (blank) project for linear growths so that might be a good thing to start with.
by get_Snacked
October 7th, 2024, 9:13 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

x = 92, y = 136, rule = B3/S23Investigator 57.2A.2A$56.A.A.A.A$55.A3.A3.A$54.A9.A$53.A11.A$52.A13.A$51.A15.A$50. A17.A$49.A19.A$48.A21.A$47.A23.A$46.A23.2A$45.A23.A$44.A25.2A$43.A27. A$42.A27.A$41.A27.A$40.A27.A$39.A25.A.A$38.A26.2A$37.A25.2A$36.A24.A2. A$35.A25.3A$34.A$33.A25.3A$32.A22.2A3.A$31.A2...
by get_Snacked
October 7th, 2024, 9:06 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thread for basic questions
Replies: 5131
Views: 1440887

Re: Thread for basic questions

i'm looking for some fishhook alternatives with a recovery time greater than 10. can someone list a few?
by get_Snacked
October 4th, 2024, 1:57 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

x = 55, y = 103, rule = B3/S23Investigator 18.2A$18.A2.D$13.2A4.A.D23.2A$13.A4.2A18.A3.2A2.A$15.A.A2.A16.A.A.A.2A $14.2A.A2.A15.A2.A.A$15.A.3A17.3A.4A$13.A.A28.A$13.2A.2A19.5A$16.A.A8. 2ED2E5.A3.A$13.2A.A16.2A4.A$14.A.A.2A7.5A2.A3.3A$11.A.A2.A9.A5.2A$10. A4.A.A8.4A2.A3.3A$6.2A2.A19.A.A4.A$6.A.A17.3...
by get_Snacked
October 4th, 2024, 1:18 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

State 4/5 cells may NOT touch state 1 cells orthogonally, but they may diagonally. Just reminding here. re-did my last one: x = 53, y = 98, rule = B3/S23Investigator 18.2A$18.A2.D$13.2A4.A.D23.2A$13.A4.2A18.A3.2A2.A$15.A.A2.A16.A.A.A.2A $14.2A.A2.A15.A2.A.A$15.A.3A17.3A.4A$13.A.A28.A$13.2A.2A19.5A$...
by get_Snacked
October 4th, 2024, 1:13 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: patterns where every cell has three ON neighbours
Replies: 1
Views: 92

patterns where every cell has three ON neighbours

the block is the only known strict still life where every cell has three neighbours: x = 2, y = 2, rule = B3/S3 2o$2o! however, with the usage of the T-tetromino, we can make a ton of infinitely extensible families which satisfy this condition: x = 6, y = 6, rule = B/S3 2b2o$bob2o$2o3bo$o3b2o$b2obo$...
by get_Snacked
October 4th, 2024, 8:59 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

#C MIDDLE TEXT x = 58, y = 99, rule = B3/S23Investigator 18.2A$18.A2.D$13.2A4.A.D23.2A$13.A4.2A18.A3.2A2.A$15.A.A2.A16.A.A.A.2A $14.2A.A2.A15.A2.A.A$15.A.3A17.3A.4A$13.A.A28.A$13.2A.2A19.5A$16.A.A18. A3.A$13.2A.A22.A$14.A.A.2A18.3A$11.A.A2.A$10.A4.A.A18.3A$6.2A2.A26.A$ 6.A.A26.A3.A$16.2A17.5A$8.A3....
by get_Snacked
October 3rd, 2024, 4:05 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

TOP TEXT MORE TOP TEXT EVEN MORE TOP TEXT NO BOTTOM TEXT x = 51, y = 99, rule = B3/S23Investigator 18.2A$18.A2.D$13.2A4.A.D23.2A$13.A4.2A18.A3.2A2.A$15.A.A2.A16.A.A.A.2A $14.2A.A2.A15.A2.A.A$15.A.3A17.3A.4A$13.A.A28.A$13.2A.2A19.5A$16.A.A18. A3.A$13.2A.A22.A$14.A.A.2A18.3A$11.A.A2.A$10.A4.A.A18.3A$6...
by get_Snacked
October 3rd, 2024, 1:23 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives
Replies: 31
Views: 2950

Re: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives

quadri-eater for p16 u stream (feat. rephasing reaction) x = 30, y = 8, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 28b2o$27b2o$26b2o$25b2o$25bo$2o4b2o3b2o3b2o$2bo4bo4b2o4bo$2o4b2o3b2o3b 2o! already known: #C cvojan's quadruple U catalyst that rephases the last x = 25, y = 17, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-k...
by get_Snacked
October 2nd, 2024, 6:36 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

TOP TEXT x = 47, y = 71, rule = B3/S23Investigator 45.2A$38.A3.2A2.A$37.A.A.A.2A$36.A2.A.A$37.3A.4A$44.A$37.5A$37.A3.A$39. A$38.3A2$36.3A$37.A$35.A3.A$35.5A2$37.3A$37.A2.A$26.A11.A2.A$26.3A10. 3A$29.A$28.A2.2A6.5A$28.2A.A2.2A3.A3.A$29.A.A3.A5.A$19.2A7.A3.3A5.3A$ 19.A7.A$21.A.2A.A5.3A3.3A$11.2A7.3A.A...
by get_Snacked
October 2nd, 2024, 3:55 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

x = 36, y = 53, rule = B3/S23Investigator 34.2A$27.A3.2A2.A$26.A.A.A.2A$25.A2.A.A$26.3A.4A$33.A$26.5A$26.A3.A$28. A$27.3A2$25.3A$26.A$24.A3.A$24.5A2$26.3A$26.A2.A$15.A11.A2.A$15.3A10. 3A$18.A$17.A2.2A6.5A$17.2A.A2.2A3.A3.A$18.A.A3.A5.A$8.2A7.A3.3A5.3A$8. A7.A$10.A.2A.A5.3A3.3A$9.3A.A.4A2.A2.A.A.A$8...
by get_Snacked
October 2nd, 2024, 2:57 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

x = 35, y = 58, rule = B3/S23Investigator 33.2A$26.A3.2A2.A$25.A.A.A.2A$24.A2.A.A$25.3A.4A$32.A$25.5A$25.A3.A$27. A$26.3A2$24.3A$25.A$23.A3.A$23.5A2$25.3A$25.A2.A$14.A11.A2.A$14.3A10. 3A$17.A$16.A2.2A6.5A$16.2A.A2.2A3.A3.A$17.A.A3.A5.A$7.2A7.A3.3A5.3A$7. A7.A$9.A.2A.A5.3A3.3A$8.3A.A.4A2.A2.A.A.A$7....
by get_Snacked
October 2nd, 2024, 1:33 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

x = 29, y = 39, rule = B3/S23Investigator 27.2A$20.A3.2A2.A$19.A.A.A.2A$18.A2.A.A$19.3A.4A$26.A$19.5A$19.A3.A$21. A$20.3A2$18.3A$19.A$17.A3.A$17.5A2$19.3A$19.A2.A$8.A11.A2.A$8.3A10.3A $11.A$10.A2.2A6.5A$10.2A.A2.2A3.A3.A$11.A.A3.A5.A$.2A7.A3.3A5.3A$.A7. A$3.A.2A.A5.3A3.3A$2.3A.A.4A2.A2.A.A.A$.A9.A4...
by get_Snacked
October 2nd, 2024, 9:34 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

fixed x = 26, y = 38, rule = B3/S23Investigator 24.2A$17.A3.2A2.A$16.A.A.A.2A$15.A2.A.A$16.3A.4A$23.A$16.5A$16.A3.A$18. A$17.3A2$15.3A$16.A$14.A3.A$14.5A2$16.3A$16.A2.A$5.A11.A2.A$5.3A10.3A $8.A$7.A2.2A6.5A$7.2A.A2.2A3.A3.A$8.A.A3.A5.A$7.A3.3A5.3A$6.A$A.2A.A5. 3A3.3A$2A.A.4A2.A2.A.A.A$8.A4.2A.A3.A$...
by get_Snacked
October 2nd, 2024, 9:32 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives
Replies: 31
Views: 2950

Re: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives

Small CT reaction x = 8, y = 7, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 2o$2bo$bo2$5b2o$6b2o$5b2o! already found and caber tosser'd: x = 79, y = 89, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 56bo$56b2o2$54b3o$53b2ob2o$53b5o$48bo2b2o5b2o$47b2ob3o2bo2b3o$50bobob obobobo$50b3o2bo2b3ob2o$51b2o5b2o2bo$53b5o$53b...
by get_Snacked
October 1st, 2024, 11:20 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)
Replies: 31
Views: 1778

Re: (SI) Induction Coilage (game)

x = 26, y = 38, rule = B3/S23Investigator 24.2A$17.A3.2A2.A$16.A.A.A.2A$15.A2.A.A$16.3A.4A$23.A$16.5A$16.A3.A$18. A$17.3A2$15.3A$16.A$14.A3.A$14.5A2$16.3A$16.A2.A$5.A11.A2.A$5.3A10.3A $8.A$7.A2.2A6.5A$7.2A.A2.2A3.A3.A$8.A.A3.A5.A$7.A3.3A5.3A$6.A$A.2A.A5. 3A3.3A$2A.A.4A2.A2.A.A.A$8.A4.2A.A3.A$4.2A10...
by get_Snacked
October 1st, 2024, 9:08 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives
Replies: 31
Views: 2950

Re: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives

unuseable blinker jam x = 7, y = 3, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 4b3o2$3o! decently versatile catalyst (i'm still a long way from figuring out how the catalysts in this rule work) x = 17, y = 6, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 2bo10bo$bo3bo5b2o3bo$o3b2o9b2o2$4b2o9b2o$5bo10bo! small P ea...
by get_Snacked
September 30th, 2024, 1:35 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread
Replies: 10
Views: 719

Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

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by get_Snacked
September 30th, 2024, 10:12 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives
Replies: 31
Views: 2950

Re: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives

some eaters x = 15, y = 9, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 4bo9bo$3b2o8b2o$2b2o8b2o$2bo9bo3$3o8bo$obo7bobo$12bo! other reactions with the stairstep hexomino ( EDIT : removed the one that made an oscillator because it was already mentioned) x = 43, y = 10, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 4b...
by get_Snacked
September 29th, 2024, 4:30 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives
Replies: 31
Views: 2950

Re: b2ein3cijr4jy6is23-ky4citwyz archives

here's a VERY late question: x = 17, y = 18, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 2$7b2o$6b4o6$2b2o$3b2o7bo$12b2o$2b3o$2bobo! p66 H gun: x = 29, y = 25, rule = B2ein3cijr4jy6i/S23-ky4citwyz 6bo15bo$5b2o15b2o$9b2o7b2o$bo3b3obo9bob3o3bo$b2o2bobo13bobo2b2o2$2o25b 2o$o27bo3$11b2o3b2o$12bo3bo$11b2o3b2o3$...
by get_Snacked
September 29th, 2024, 3:50 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions
Replies: 1085
Views: 339678

Re: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions

[...] The speed of a SMOS is different from the speed(s) of spaceships out of which it is made. are you sure? i could have two c/3 spaceships perpetually colliding to form a, say, 6c/18 spaceship, which anyone would consider an SMOS. In that case the two recolliding c/3 spaceships would move in two...
by get_Snacked
September 29th, 2024, 1:19 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions
Replies: 1085
Views: 339678

Re: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to explain which CA are considered "naturalistic". That's merely a list of CA families, without any comments/restrictions on the behaviour of the CA. i usually define whether a rule is naturalistic based on the formal rulespace the rule is in because i'm a perfection...
by get_Snacked
September 29th, 2024, 1:11 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: My Number is WAYYY larger [game]
Replies: 268
Views: 7971

Re: My Number is WAYYY larger [game]

tree( 7x7x7x7 tetrational BEAF array where all arguments are 77 (tetrational BEAF is around f_{w^^3}(x) but idk what x is in this case) i don't understand the Z thing so i'll just stick to BEAF for now. i wonder how quickly we'll finally pass my mn(x) function... ) i know nothing about this, but i ...
by get_Snacked
September 27th, 2024, 1:43 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions
Replies: 1085
Views: 339678

Re: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions

Q: What is everyone's definition of "naturalistic"? Specifically as applied to cellular automata. What it means for a CA to be "naturalistic"? i found this very interesting naturalistic rule. [...] [...]; and Discord results in the main naturalistic thread beginning January 22. [...] [...] Oddly en...
by get_Snacked
September 27th, 2024, 12:10 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: CA empires
Replies: 199
Views: 4921

Re: CA empires

rendered some sea x = 135, y = 151, rule = B/S012345678Super 28.2J.2J$25.3J2IJ2I5J$24.J12IJ$21.3J2I10.2IJ$20.J4I12.I2J$20.JI15.2IJ $19.JI18.IJ$19.JI18.IJ$19.JI18.IJ$19.JI6.4S8.IJ$19.JI6.S2.2S7.IJ$19.J I6.S3.S7.IJ$19.JI6.S3.S7.IJ$19.JI6.S2.S8.IJ$19.JI6.4S8.IJ$20.JI17.IJ$ 20.J2I16.IJ$21.J3I12.3IJ$21.3...