Search found 2150 matches

by b-engine
Yesterday, 6:20 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Dancing by the slug (B2ce4t6-i/S145-r6-ei7c8)
Replies: 22
Views: 998

Re: Dancing by the slug (B2ce4t6-i/S145-r6-ei7c8)

It's really a "wickgun", however it doesn't shoot c/4d: x = 224, y = 47, rule = B2ce4t6-i/S145-r6-ei7c8:T224,224 14bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo$14bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo5$6b o15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo$7b2o11b 2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o...
by b-engine
Yesterday, 5:35 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: conways game of life roleplay
Replies: 453
Views: 33984

Re: conways game of life roleplay

The wall of my house is made of a reflective material, so gedagedigedagedago is defeated by its own laser before the big gliders can attack. On the other hand the guardians surround the active illegal portal: x = 362, y = 241, rule = B3/S23Super 169.27P$169.27P$169.27P$169.27P$169.27P$169.27P$169.27...
by b-engine
Yesterday, 6:42 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Dancing by the slug (B2ce4t6-i/S145-r6-ei7c8)
Replies: 22
Views: 998

Re: Dancing by the slug (B2ce4t6-i/S145-r6-ei7c8)

c/2o to 2 c/4d: Wick? x = 255, y = 47, rule = B2ce4t6-i/S145-r6-ei7c8 8bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo$8bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27bo27b o5$o15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15bo11bo15b o$b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o13b2o11b2o 13b2o11b2o13b2o...
by b-engine
October 12th, 2024, 10:23 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Thread for your LLS/JLS/WLS search dumps
Replies: 48
Views: 12611

Re: Thread for your LLS/JLS/WLS search dumps

Large dot sparker with very low clearance: x = 20, y = 31, rule = B3/S23 5b2o6b2o$4bo10bo$7bo4bo$5b2o6b2o$7b6o$7b6o$6b8o$2o2b2o8b2o2b2o$o2b3o8b 3o2bo$b2ob2o8b2ob2o$5bo8bo$b2o3bo6bo3b2o$o2bo3bo4bo3bo2bo$bobo12bobo$ 2obo3bo4bo3bob2o$bo2b3o6b3o2bo$bo3b2o6b2o3bo$2b3o10b3o$8bo2bo$2b3o2b6o 2b3o$2bo2b2ob4o...
by b-engine
October 12th, 2024, 8:43 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread
Replies: 10
Views: 719

Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

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by b-engine
October 12th, 2024, 9:38 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for Your Accidental Discoveries that Aren't in CGOL
Replies: 987
Views: 597325

Re: Thread for Your Accidental Discoveries that Aren't in CGOL

Soups are mostly explosive, and all chaos are consist of orbits of a particular frontend, with super-large spaceships (the most common and large spaceship I've ever seen) occasionally puffing from the explosion:

Code: Select all

x = 0, y = 0, rule = B2i3-cnqy4aeikw5ry/S1c2-ae3-ejr4a6c
by b-engine
October 12th, 2024, 5:08 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: islptng's sandbox and rle pastebin
Replies: 19
Views: 5270

Re: islptng's sandbox and rle pastebin

Common spiral:

Code: Select all

x = 5, y = 4, rule = GeminoidMaster
I've uploaded the ruletable to
by b-engine
October 12th, 2024, 4:55 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for Your Accidental Discoveries that Aren't in CGOL
Replies: 987
Views: 597325

Re: Thread for Your Accidental Discoveries that Aren't in CGOL

Weird dirty quadratic replicator that creates a weird still life ( xs44_xg8ge1eg8gz4aaahy1haaa4zx121ege121 ) at intersection of 4 replicators after each 2 replications: x = 5, y = 4, rule = B34k/S23-a4a 2bo$2ob2o$o3bo$5o! Add B6n makes it a failed replicator, that creates 4 spaceship-like x = 5, y =...
by b-engine
October 12th, 2024, 4:39 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: conways game of life roleplay
Replies: 453
Views: 33984

Re: conways game of life roleplay

I moved my entire house to B-Mension and set up a council: x = 282, y = 163, rule = B3/S23Super 21.Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q .2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q$21.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q .2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q.2Q...
by b-engine
October 11th, 2024, 6:42 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Rules with Mutant XWSSes
Replies: 121
Views: 27544

Re: Rules with Mutant XWSSes

Accidental LWSS turning direction (once):

Code: Select all

x = 5, y = 4, rule = B2c3aij4ajkn5aqry6ek7c/S2ek3aijqr4ain6k
by b-engine
October 11th, 2024, 5:46 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Rules with interesting dynamics
Replies: 1067
Views: 387364

Re: Rules with interesting dynamics

Complicated interactions in (perturbed) rows of 8-bit still lives ( xs8_44r44 ): ... [/pattern] c/4 in a related rule: x = 5, y = 5, rule = B3-cr4aijkrt5-eqr6ack7c/S1e2i3cinqy4citz5e6i 2bo$o2b2o$o2bo$o2b2o$2bo! Soup: x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3-cr4aijkrt5-eqr6ack7c/S1e2i3cinqy4citz5e6i ! [[ RANDOMIZE ]]
by b-engine
October 10th, 2024, 6:08 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread For Your Unrecognised CA
Replies: 3170
Views: 1157817

Re: Thread For Your Unrecognised CA

Mostly flamigoships:

Code: Select all

x = 3, y = 3, rule = B2k3-ckny5c/S2-in3ijnqr4i

Code: Select all

x = 4, y = 7, rule = B2k3-ckny5c/S2-in3ijnqr4i
by b-engine
October 10th, 2024, 6:01 pm
Forum: Bugs & Errors
Topic: lifeviewer bug
Replies: 475
Views: 140901

Re: LifeViewer bug on mobile devices

There's a good chance that you can't use the pan function on mobile (maybe also happens in other touchscreen devices). When you tap somewhere in the viewer window, it seems to be like holding the "cursor". EDIT: Had anyone noticed that this post yet? This bug persists till now (only on Android touc...
by b-engine
October 10th, 2024, 5:45 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for Your Accidental Discoveries that Aren't in CGOL
Replies: 987
Views: 597325

Re: Thread for Your Accidental Discoveries that Aren't in CGOL

Novel explosion made of checkerboards: x = 5, y = 5, rule = B2ce3ac4w5a/S1c2cn3cn4ciy5k6i 2bo$bobo$obobo$bobo$2bo! More stable variant: x = 1, y = 1, rule = B2ce3acy4w5a6n/S1c2cn3cn4ciy5k6i ! [[ RANDOMIZE ]] In soups you may find some ships like these: x = 37, y = 30, rule = B2ce3acy4w5a6n/S1c2cn3cn...
by b-engine
October 10th, 2024, 2:42 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4229
Views: 1037009

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

Weird puffer:

Code: Select all

x = 3, y = 4, rule = B2k3-ckny/S2-in3ijnqr4i7e
by b-engine
October 9th, 2024, 8:07 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: R2INT's Rule Collection
Replies: 77
Views: 5599

Re: Asteroids

Combined 2 "weird growths" into a dirty T forerake, not sure how to clear the ash it leaves:

Code: Select all

x = 129, y = 8, rule = B2eik3ain4art5aenr6eik/S02e3iqr4rz5aj6k
I predict that the finished forerake would be the largest construction in the rule.
by b-engine
October 9th, 2024, 6:38 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions
Replies: 1085
Views: 339678

Re: Thread for basic non-CGOL questions

Haycat2009 wrote:
October 9th, 2024, 12:41 am

Code: Select all

x = 20, y = 12, rule = B2a3i/S12
What 1D rule does the inside of this infinite growth show?
It's plain W90, but have some perturbation.
by b-engine
October 9th, 2024, 4:54 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4229
Views: 1037009

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

These seemly meaningless line segments are actually a single natural p35 oscillator: x = 12, y = 5, rule = B3ai4wyz/S1e2aik3eiy4i5e7e 2o2$7bo$7bo3bo$7bo3bo! By applying the left side to right we get a p40: x = 13, y = 5, rule = B3ai4wyz/S1e2aik3eiy4i5e7e 2o9b2o2$7bo$7bo$7bo! By applying the right si...
by b-engine
October 8th, 2024, 6:25 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4229
Views: 1037009

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

Common p6 (so common that it can been pushed) and p36 utilizing a pushing reaction:

Code: Select all

x = 16, y = 19, rule = B3ai4wz/S1e2aik3eiy4i
by b-engine
October 8th, 2024, 9:09 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Thread for your LLS/JLS/WLS search dumps
Replies: 48
Views: 12611

Re: Thread for your LLS/JLS/WLS search dumps

2 separate partials from a search: ................................ ..*............................. ..****........*.......*......... ...*.*........***......*........ ...*..*.........**....**........ .......*.*....**...**........... .*****.*.****.......**.*........ .....*....*.***....**........... ....
by b-engine
October 7th, 2024, 5:44 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread for your corderization requests
Replies: 96
Views: 9490

Re: Thread for your corderization requests

CARuler wrote:
October 7th, 2024, 5:10 pm
from discord:

Code: Select all

x = 3, y = 3, rule = B1/S14V|B34/S2V
While trying to corderize that I accidentally got this corderized replicator:

Code: Select all

x = 15, y = 4, rule = B1/S14V|B34/S2V
by b-engine
October 7th, 2024, 5:04 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: conways game of life roleplay
Replies: 453
Views: 33984

Re: conways game of life roleplay

I sent 2 scouts to munch the biodegradable still life, then to zeration's base to bite zeration: x = 703, y = 552, rule = B3/S23Super 246.2B27.4B$245.5B26.4B$244.7B26.4B$245.7B26.4B$245.8B26.4B$245.9B26. 4B$244.10B27.4B$243.10B29.4B$244.9B30.4B$245.8B31.4B$244.5B3AB32.4B$245. 8B33.4B$244.8B35.4B$243...
by b-engine
October 6th, 2024, 6:13 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Factorio (R3,C2,S2,B3,N+)
Replies: 92
Views: 29703

Re: Factorio (R3,C2,S2,B3,N+)

While browsing on the census, I found this large still life xs20_33k0k33z33x33:

Code: Select all

x = 7, y = 7, rule = R3,C2,S2,B3,N+
This is currently the largest still life in the C1 census, although larger still lifes exist.
by b-engine
October 5th, 2024, 9:38 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: conways game of life roleplay
Replies: 453
Views: 33984

Re: conways game of life roleplay

I sent the IEG room into B-mension: x = 703, y = 552, rule = B3/S23Super 246.2B27.4B$245.5B26.4B$244.7B26.4B$245.7B26.4B$245.8B26.4B$245.9B26. 4B$244.10B27.4B$243.10B29.4B$244.9B30.4B$245.8B31.4B$244.5B3AB32.4B$245. 8B33.4B$244.8B35.4B$243.3A7B35.4B$243.11B35.4B$241.A14B8.2A24.4B$240. BA15B6.B2AB24....
by b-engine
October 5th, 2024, 12:28 am
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata
Replies: 4229
Views: 1037009

Re: Miscellaneous Discoveries in Other Cellular Automata

8c/40 that's almost a rotating oscillator:

Code: Select all

x = 4, y = 4, rule = B3ai5y6kn/S345
Spaceship collection:

Code: Select all

x = 18, y = 4, rule = B3ai5y6kn/S345