Search found 1279 matches

by tommyaweosme
February 6th, 2025, 9:33 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: b-rules
Replies: 256
Views: 35166

Re: b-rules

a remix on your rule stopbox i present... stopflower x = 95, y = 19, rule = stopflower 88.3B$86.B.BA$88.3B2$93.B$92.3B$92.BAB$92.3B$42.2B$42.BA$42.2B$2.BAB$ .2B.3B$2.B.BAB45.2B$6.B.B43.BA$.4BAB45.2B$2BA4B$.3B$61.A! @RULE stopflower @TABLE n_states:3 neighborhood:Moore symmetries:rotate4reflect var a...
by tommyaweosme
February 6th, 2025, 6:58 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: memes
Replies: 147
Views: 171861

Re: memes

Maximum efficiency machine: a machine that makes use of every glider (or any other spaceships) into purpose, which means that it doesn't contain any eaters. Me: is this the smallest maximum efficiency machine? x = 0, y = 0, rule = B3/S23 bo$2bo$3o! no, the photon in movingdiagonal would be the smal...
by tommyaweosme
February 3rd, 2025, 9:18 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

heres a thing x = 102, y = 7, rule = LifeHistory 26.A23.A6.A6.A5.A20.2A$2A5.2A16.A.A4.A6.A9.A.A4.A.A4.A.A3.A.A4.A10.A3. A7.A$AC2B3.2CB2.AC2B3.2CB3.BCB3.CBC3.BCBA2.BCB3.BCB3.2BC4.2BC3.2BC3.B CBA2.BCB3.CBC3.C2B3.CBC$.3B3.3B2.AC2B3.2CB3.3B3.BCB3.2BC3.CBC3.3B3.3B 4.3B3.3B3.B2C3.CBC3.2CB3.BCBA2.BCBA$.3B3...
by tommyaweosme
February 3rd, 2025, 5:28 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: The Topic Hierarchy
Replies: 15
Views: 587

Re: The Topic Hierarchy

i was the one that got us to think about spam and other rule-breaking posts! :D
by tommyaweosme
February 2nd, 2025, 5:13 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: The Topic Hierarchy
Replies: 15
Views: 587

Re: The Topic Hierarchy

tier 1 pure discussion about conways game of life tier 2 discussion about oca tier 3 discussion about ca tier 4 discussion about things related to ca tier 5 discussion about things related to things related to ca (i.e. math and cs) tier 6 some types of games (like expand the pattern or life skyscra...
by tommyaweosme
February 1st, 2025, 5:00 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

I found a new still life: big radiator x = 1, y = 1, rule = R2,C2,S2-5,B5,NW0101011111110111111101010 3ob3o$b$b$3ob3o! x = 1, y = 1, rule = R2,C2,S2-5,B5,NW0101011111110111111101010 3ob3o$b$b$3ob3o! oops i made it an oscillator x = 7, y = 8, rule = R2,C2,S2-5,B5,NW0101011111110111111101010 2bo$2bo3...
by tommyaweosme
February 1st, 2025, 11:49 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

So far, the best score is 0.00 by ec1263f3. What's so special about this name? It is 8 characters long and it is in hexadecimal. 8*log2(16)=32 bits. 2^(32-1)-1=2147483647, the maximum value that the bitwise operators can support. if there was a moderator that only silently deleted posts, then they ...
by tommyaweosme
January 31st, 2025, 8:50 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

i cant seem to run a spaceship into an oscillator and get ANYTHING but another oscillator and the same spaceship somewhere else

Code: Select all

x = 11, y = 17, rule = M15,14,13,3,11,5,6,1,7,9,10,2,12,4,8,0
by tommyaweosme
January 25th, 2025, 8:06 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Catalyses (Game)
Replies: 459
Views: 82957

Re: Catalyses (Game)

hotcrystal0 wrote:
January 25th, 2025, 7:04 pm

Code: Select all

x = 5, y = 5, rule = B3/S23
Don’t eat it.

Code: Select all

x = 8, y = 15, rule = B3/S23

Code: Select all

x = 9, y = 9, rule = B3/S23
by tommyaweosme
January 25th, 2025, 7:47 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Something worse [GAME]
Replies: 52
Views: 1510

Re: Something worse [GAME]

there isnt much worse than that. restart:

you find a giant synthesis component of the so called "unsynthesizable" oscillator
by tommyaweosme
January 24th, 2025, 6:10 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

hotdogPi wrote:
June 25th, 2024, 9:26 pm
tommyaweosme wrote:
June 25th, 2024, 5:08 pm
we did it boys. 6 posts per day
6 posts per day is not a good thing -snip-
we did it boys. <3.5 posts per day
by tommyaweosme
January 22nd, 2025, 9:10 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Something worse [GAME]
Replies: 52
Views: 1510

Re: Something worse [GAME]

you find a good portion of the elusive sir robin glider synthesis
by tommyaweosme
January 7th, 2025, 11:34 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

many glider destructions x = 125, y = 59, rule = B3/S23Investigator 17.2C21.4C15.4C33.4C$16.C.C21.C18.C39.C$15.C2.C21.C18.C39.C$15.5C20.4C 15.4C36.C$18.C24.C15.C2.C36.C$18.C21.4C15.4C36.C3$74.A$45.A.A11.A15.A $45.2A11.A.A12.3A23.2A$42.2A2.A11.A.A2.A34.A2.A$12.A.A26.A.A15.A2.2A34. A.A$12.2A28.A19.A....
by tommyaweosme
January 6th, 2025, 7:43 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

many glider destructions x = 125, y = 59, rule = B3/S23Investigator 17.2C21.4C15.4C33.4C$16.C.C21.C18.C39.C$15.C2.C21.C18.C39.C$15.5C20.4C 15.4C36.C$18.C24.C15.C2.C36.C$18.C21.4C15.4C36.C3$74.A$45.A.A11.A15.A $45.2A11.A.A12.3A23.2A$42.2A2.A11.A.A2.A34.A2.A$12.A.A26.A.A15.A2.2A34. A.A$12.2A28.A19.A.A...
by tommyaweosme
January 6th, 2025, 5:40 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

x = 39, y = 21, rule = wildfireworld 3.10A$3.A8.A$3.A.6A.A6.13A$3.A4.BCA.A2.5A11.A$3.A4.BCA.A2.A5.9A.A$3.8A .A2.A.5A7.A.A$10.A.A2.A5.A.A3.A.A.A$9.2A.2A.5A.A3.A3.A.A$9.A3.A.A5.A. A3.3A.7A$9.A.A.A.A.8A.A4.A5.A$9.2A.4A.A6.A.A.8A.A$10.A.A9.A.A.A.A6.A. 2A$10.ABA.9A.A.A.A2.3A.A2.A$11ACA.A9.A.A.A2.3A.2A.A...
by tommyaweosme
January 6th, 2025, 5:21 pm
Forum: Other Cellular Automata
Topic: Thread For Your Unrecognised CA
Replies: 3284
Views: 1194092

Re: Thread For Your Unrecognised CA

This rule greatly resembles CataProp, but has zebraships and no splitters: #R B2e3aciq4cn6ei/S12-a3i4it5i ! [[ RANDOMIZE ]] This has stable eater, but no stable splitter: x = 8, y = 10, rule = B2e3aciq4cn5y6ei/S12-a3i4it5i 6bo$6bo6$o$2o4b2o$o! Puffer: x = 8, y = 3, rule = B2e3aciq4cn5y6ei/S12-a3iy4...
by tommyaweosme
January 5th, 2025, 4:15 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

you know this quote on the glider wikipage? They'd all head back to the department eventually and continue on the trail of the methuselah r-pentomino, hoping to happen upon an information stream. The Life computer program was still in the works, so frustration over their lack of success was exacerba...
by tommyaweosme
January 5th, 2025, 11:36 am
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

useless pentdecalathon synthesis i found in a symmetrical 10% density soup

Code: Select all

x = 14, y = 17, rule = B3/S23
by tommyaweosme
January 3rd, 2025, 2:23 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

biblically accurate methuselah (lasts 969, just like in the bible) x = 59, y = 41, rule = B3/S23 34bo$34b2o$33bobo$48b2o2$47bo$45b2o4bo$4b3o30b2o6bo4bo$6bo3bo26b2o6b2o 3bo$4bobob2o37bobo$9bobo36bo$6b2o3b2o21b2o$5b4o2b2o21b2o13b2o$5b2o20b 2o18bob4o$4b2o21b2o18b2o2bob2ob3o$51bo$39bobo12bo$3bobo32bo3bo...
by tommyaweosme
January 3rd, 2025, 2:18 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Truth and Lying Thread
Replies: 24
Views: 3462

Re: Truth and Lying Thread

i discovered the only p2 its called the beacon
by tommyaweosme
January 3rd, 2025, 12:07 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: My Spaceship is Slower [game]
Replies: 61
Views: 4071

Re: My Spaceship is Slower [game]

Code: Select all

x = 3, y = 3, rule = B2-ai3-eikq4nqrw5cnqy6a/S02an3aeikq4ajknrt5ikry6k7c
speed: 0.473
difference: 0.027
by tommyaweosme
January 2nd, 2025, 9:18 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

this is my last numbered post that can be displayed on a 12-hour clock

goobye, 12-hour clocks matching my post number :(

edit: read through this to go crazy like i am
by tommyaweosme
January 2nd, 2025, 4:38 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern
Replies: 427
Views: 55130

Re: the randominiminiminiminiminity of tommyaweosme's buried cavern tavern

oops! i accidentaly created the cursed still life! square with table and table and table and table and table and table with table and table and table with table with table and table with table and table and table with table and table with block and table with block and table with block and table wit...
by tommyaweosme
January 2nd, 2025, 4:15 pm
Forum: The Sandbox
Topic: Jokes
Replies: 353
Views: 184643

Re: Jokes

me when i finally have the courage to start working on a construction project but then some glider comes and messes everything up: x = 74, y = 69, rule = B3/S23 5b3o11b3o19b3o11b3o$4bo3bo9bo3bo17bo3bo9bo3bo$3b2o4bo7bo4b2o15b2o4bo7b o4b2o$2bobob2ob2o5b2ob2obobo13bobob2ob2o5b2ob2obobo$b2obo4bob2ob2obo...