DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

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DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by NimbleRogue » September 30th, 2024, 1:26 pm

This is the DOTY 2023 voting thread. The nomination thread can be found here. Voting will end at the end of October, 2024 anywhere on Earth. Late votes will not be accepted so make sure to get your votes in early.

Here is the list of entries:
  • #1 Omniperiodicity proofs in many Life-like rules: Many of these used Omniperiodicity based on XOR replicators, and signal loops. (by many)
  • #2 Guns in many Life-like rules, including a Hashlife-friendly gun in 2x2: There was a set of small moon guns by AlephAlpha, and an engineered adjustable gun by Naszvadi. The 2x2 gun consists of 3 huge Margolus oscillators that have colliding sparks. (by many)
  • #3 Various new oscillators in Life-like rules, including oscillators in Seeds, and a replicator shuttle in B37/S345: amling found a p5 oscillator, that is also a wick, which is incredibly unlikely given how explosive seeds is. (by many)
  • #4 Various spaceships in Life-like cellular automata: This includes many oblique, orthogonal, and diagonal ships. There also was some higher period ships, and ships with a reduced speed over c/2. (by many)
  • #5 :A tiny c/7 in Diamoeba: It is a lot smaller then the other c/7 in the rule. (by cyl)
  • #6 The first odd period oscillator in Diamoeba: This rule has a lot of p2 mechanics making an odd period oscillator extremely rare. (by bibunsekibun)
  • #7 A p661 in B356/S23: High period, non period multiplied natural oscillators are extremely rare in lifelike rules. This oscillator is also statorless, and a prime period. (by FWKnightship)
  • #8 A 3-engine corderization of an OT giraffepuffer: The original (2,8)c/181 puffer was found by David Epstein. This rule is explosive, making this corderization even more unlikly. (by AbhpzTa)
  • #9 Progress on the 5s project: Hundreds of thousands of 5s ships were found, by many, and LaundryPizza started work on the B0 5s database. (by many)
  • #10 New small adjustable spaceships: This includes a bunch of 3-cell adjustable ships by Ampere that end up covering all speeds nc/m where n is 1, or 2 and m is above a small threshold. (by Ampere)
  • #11 The highest known period of nonadjustable INT ship: This ship is over 17 times the period of the highest known period of nonadjustable INT ship which is dani's already crazy 6803c/403,840 diagonal spaceship, with a period of 729c/7,229,407o. Furthermore, the rulespace has many high-period ships with some having periods over 100,000. (by NimbleRogue)
  • #12 A wandering spaceship: This is a moving object that looks like a spaceship, except that it never gets destroyed even if one is allowed to arbitrarily choose one of two rulesets before every tick, and continues to move while changing its trajectory depending on the sequence of "ruleswitches". (by confocaloid)
  • #13 A rule: The rule has a c/3o, c/21o, 2c/44d, c/24d, 2c/50d, and a 7c/347d, without having any of S0123. (by snowman)
  • #14 A rule with 25 orthogonal velocities: This is the record for most non-period adjustable ship speeds in an INT rule. (by May13)
  • #15 An 8c/187 engineered spaceshipin tLife.: The ship involves 4 8c/187o reactions that shoot gliders and t-ships between each other to make everything work. (by toroidalet)
  • #16 Some constructions in B2i34cj6a7c8/S2-i3-a4ceit6in: This includes infinitely many oblique spaceships. The ships are made from a smaller ship that when hitting a still life can be bumped up, hit other spaceships, or produce gliders. (by many)
  • #17 Many oblique ships in Glimmering Garden: They are made out oscillators that when hit by t-ships can be made to move, and or to shoot out t-ships. (by GUYTU6J)
  • #18 1 2 3 4 5 6: Some spaceships in harvest moon. These are made using a diverse set of tools, including corderizing a rake, a caterpillar, from a helix, replicator manipulation, and from a engineered set of still live that when hit by a glider move forward, and then shoots a glider. (by FWKnightship)
  • #19 531-generation A 1-cell methuselah in a 2-state rule: The mechanics of this are really interesting because the pattern grows in a very unique way. (by toroidalet)
  • #20 Similar constructions in B3-ckq5y/S2-ci3-aek4ci5c and B35e/S2-i36c: Both rules contain self-repairing OMOSes made from small ships Those OMOS can be used to make adjustable SMOSes. (by GUYTU6J, and AlbertArmStain)
  • #21 Marine Magnificence: An explosive rule with several small guns of several small periods. (by FlutterWithKSparkler)
  • #22 3 OMOS's of a (2,1)c/51 knightship: The 3 OMOS in the rule are a p312, p462, and a p1386. (by pipsqueek)
  • #23 Various reflectorless rotating oscillators: This includes RROs which have a high number of n-fold packings, a huge LTL RRO by Sophie, and a wick burning RRO by Sophie. (by many)
  • #24 A failed loop replicator in INT: This reploop grows in a sporadic way while keeping the internal reploop structure for a long time. It forms a left aligned staircase of length 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 before breaking. (by NimbleRogue)
  • #25 Self-inverse rules: These rules are able to maintain a rectangular tiling symmetry in spite of chaos. (by muzik)
  • #26 The completion of the: 'sweet revenge' trilogy: These feature ships shaped like eater1, eater2, and eater3 in life being eaten by a glider shaped still life. (by b3s23love)
  • #27 a methuselah with a lifespan around 10^28,049,842: It is a failed Fibonacci counter, and it counts to the 134,217,726th Fibonacci number before breaking. (by toroidalet)
  • #28 New spaceships in OT hexagonal rules including a INT hexagonal cordership: This includes oblique, orthogonal, and diagonal ships. (by many)
  • #29 Hexogen: a self-complementary hexagonal rule with guns. (by Yoel)
  • #30 New gliders in 2-state von Neumann rules: This includes the first known knightship in 2-state von Neumann rules, and some orthogonal, diagonal, and slow ships. (by many)
  • #31 Hash2: an LtL rule with a very small camelship. (by b-engine)
  • #32 Factorio: A rule with various interesting mathematical properties. (by H. H. P. M. P. Cole)
  • #33 Exploration in Bosco's Rule: including two W110 emulators and the first natural gun in the rule. (by FWKnightship and Yoel)
  • #34 A tiny computer called LEAST in Semaphore: it has 128 bits, and fits in a 98*62 bounding box. (by _zM)
  • #35 Some exploration in multistate rules: Many rules that add variations to CGOL were investigated, including Brew, Symbiosis, and StateInvestigator. (by many)
  • #36 Spiralmakers in Flow6 and A Wire-like World (1e2-a3-cij4aijkrtz5cnqr/2ce3aejnr4aj5y6a/3: They both involve similar methods of sending a signal back and forth on the edge of the spiral to get each new spiral arm to be bigger then the last. (by Redstoneboi and silversmith)
  • #37 The slowest 1-cell ship with a period over 10^^(10^^27) and uses 3 states: The patterns involves 2 binary counters with the first counting down 27 times, (each countdown exponentially increasing the binary counters length) and then sends a signal to the second counter which begins to retract it. This cycle repeats with each 27 cycles of the first counter counting the second counter down by 1. (by toroidalet)
  • #38 SoManyShips2: a 3-state rule with 2 failed replicator oscillators (one OMOS), a 4c/9 replicator, and over fifty small ships and several families of extensible ones. (by FWKnightship)
  • #39 A 3-state rule with a SMOSMOSMOSMOS: This beats the previous record level of SMOS iteration by 2. Also, the SMOSMOSMOSMOS has a generation where you can see each of the smaller ships it is composed by, not just the SMOSMOSMOS. (by FWKnightship)
  • #40 W110 emulator stripes in Grounded Life, Just Friends, B3/S2: The one in just friends was made by a signal loop from ships, and the other 2 were made by burning still lives that form basic logic gates. (by many)
  • #41 A new largest FIGseed: with a FIG value of over 379 million. The FIG value of a soup is calculated as FinalPop/InitialPop/Generations. The pattern keeps on almost forming squares, but whenever 2 matching edges meet they will form a replicator that travels on it's edge leading to more growth. (by bibunsekibun)
To vote for a pattern, simply include a line where that pattern's number is, followed by a number of asterisks from one to three corresponding to how strongly you want to vote for that pattern. If you do not want to vote for a pattern, simply do not include a line with its number.
Last edited by NimbleRogue on October 1st, 2024, 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Code: Select all

x = 4, y = 3, rule = B3-cnqy4e5kr6n7c/S2-i3-ay4einrtyz5cejn6cin78

Code: Select all

x = 10, y = 4, rule = B2-an3-iqy4iknrtz5aijqy6aei78/S02ck3nqy4eiqrtwy5-ekq6-i78

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Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by get_Snacked » September 30th, 2024, 1:35 pm

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Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by Naszvadi » September 30th, 2024, 1:36 pm

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Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by ThrashBin » September 30th, 2024, 2:21 pm

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tetration is my favorite

Code: Select all

x = 18, y = 18, rule = 02i3i/2aen3iy4ct/3

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H. H. P. M. P. Cole
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Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by H. H. P. M. P. Cole » October 1st, 2024, 5:13 pm

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Harfordson Parker-Cole

Speciation (by NimbleRogue)

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Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by islptng » October 1st, 2024, 10:52 pm

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Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by Ian07 » October 2nd, 2024, 12:40 am

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Re: DOTY 2023 Voting Thread

Post by NimbleRogue » October 3rd, 2024, 10:26 pm

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Code: Select all

x = 4, y = 3, rule = B3-cnqy4e5kr6n7c/S2-i3-ay4einrtyz5cejn6cin78

Code: Select all

x = 10, y = 4, rule = B2-an3-iqy4iknrtz5aijqy6aei78/S02ck3nqy4eiqrtwy5-ekq6-i78

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