3D printable tiles for Rule 110

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3D printable tiles for Rule 110

Post by pcallahan » May 12th, 2024, 6:38 pm

I have made 3D-printable tiles to implement Rule 110, using an idea I posted about before. A more detailed write-up is at https://www.printables.com/model/877779 ... gsaw-tiles along with printable models. Here is an example:
20240511_215032.jpg (2.21 MiB) Viewed 8191 times
based on these shapes:
20240511_215248.jpg (915.61 KiB) Viewed 8191 times
The transition diagrams for sets of 5 and 6 tiles are show below. There is more explanation in the Printables writeup.
rule110fsa.jpg (87.07 KiB) Viewed 8186 times

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