Google Translate

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Re: Google Translate

Post by PkmnQ » June 17th, 2020, 7:48 am

More cyclang:

Code: Select all

Gen 0: pip
Gen 1: Isn't that a thing.
Gen 2: What do you think?
Gen 3: What's up?
Gen 4: Click my chat room
Gen 5: .சநசசசசசச
Gen 6: We are not happy
Gen 7: :::
Gen 8: :::
Final translation is period 1.

Code: Select all

Gen 0: ¤
Gen 1: There you are
Gen 2: You must log in
Gen 3: Thank you
Gen 4: Stop it
Gen 5: King of Kings
Gen 6: US
Gen 7: found:
Gen 8: In your hand
Gen 9: They gave me a crown scanner.
Gen 10: take a shower
Gen 11: ukukhetha
Gen 12: :
Gen 13: ; ;
Gen 14: ; ;
Final translation is period 1.

Code: Select all

Gen 0: ɡallery!!!
Gen 1: Viruses!
Gen 2: It is enough
Gen 3: And seconds
Gen 4: Lalelani.
Gen 5: I was clean
Gen 6: * *
Gen 7: *
Gen 8: *
Final translation is period 1.

Code: Select all

Gen 0: to learn
Gen 1: Line up
Gen 2: is this
Gen 3: The Medicine Tree
Gen 4: ,
Gen 5: We recommend ...
Gen 6: ......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
Gen 7: …………………………….
Gen 8: Because that ...
Gen 9: It's raining ...
Gen 10: The egg
Gen 11: .
Gen 12: Impossible ...
Gen 13: It's raining ...
Final translation is period 4.
Last edited by PkmnQ on June 17th, 2020, 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Google Translate

Post by PkmnQ » June 17th, 2020, 11:31 am

Back to English->Filipino->English.

I found a p2 using a (very slow) search program.

Code: Select all

Gen 0: to learn
Gen 1: to know
Gen 2: to learn
Final translation is period 2.
The shortest predecessor is "e i".

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Re: Google Translate

Post by wzkchem5 » June 18th, 2020, 3:03 am

ldv hu flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz ,ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i;o whe;ofh uhf ;waouf ouwb ubuf iuwagf iguifoi ohgougt iehi ;oiwah fowaeh fo ouf oawhf owh ofh ;ohf or fou ugwaliufwea if wuef ou ofh oufh w;fh ifwp p;fih ;iwh f;oiwhe iweh fo wou owuh oufh awouef houweae ehw ;oihwa e;oh oae eq o;ei qe;o ;oi wowf oif .zslf[w[weo.wih.ih fh fh oufh owfh wiah fwape f/wa hf/piwh fpwafiwa.ihfiw h/fh wfh w/afh /bkudsb,ksbzcd.ifhwoehf whef ohwf oufh waufh wao;ufh owufg wug fuwag fuee kfh g,sg liufluwegcxu ofwh ;owh e;ofh woeh owu owhfiw fub oushf owih iw fih iwahfky ktd yti, yd,i d,yid,iyd i,ydi,yrv,i dc,uf kvuf .ur.i7rfv.utd.uga,r,xcy ,yrf xugxljmcfmzyd,yztxdmjhf

Rule: always auto-detect language, and translate to Chinese; if any Chinese character appears, then translate to English to eliminate them.

Gen 1: (detected as Scottish Gaelic, translated to Chinese)
ldv hu flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz,ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; o whe; ofh uhf; waouf ouwb ubuf iuwagf iguifoi ohgougt iehi; oiwah fowaeh oh ouf oaw ofh oufh w; fh ifwp p; fih; iwh f; oiwehe fo wou owuh oufh awouef houweae ehw; oihwa e; oh oae eq o; ei qe; o; oi wowf offic .zslf [w [weo.wih.h h f f / / / owu owhfiw fub oushf owih iw fih iwahfky ktd yti,yd,id,yid,iyd i,ydi,yrv,i dc,uf kvuf .ur.i7rfv.utd.uga,r,xen,yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 2: (detected as Hawaiian, translated to Chinese)
ldv hu flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz,ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; 哦 ofh uhf; waouf ouwb ubuf iupasf iguifoi ohgougt iehi; 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔倒来说吧 fh ifwp p; h fw 哇喔喔喔喔喔喔喔喔 oihwa e; 哦哦哦 ei qe; o; oi wowf offic .zslf [w [weo.wih.hhff // / owu owhfiw fub oushf owih iw fih iwahfky ktd yti,yd,id,yid,iyd i,ydi,vr,i dc。 utd.uga,r,xen,yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 3: (translated to English to eliminate Chinese characters)
ldv hu flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz, ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; oh ofh uhf; waouf ouwb ubuf iupasf iguifoi ohgougt iehi; oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfff owhfiw fub oushf owih iw fih iwahfky ktd yti, yd, id, yid, iyd i, ydi, vr, i dc. utd.uga, r, xen, yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 4: (detected as Hmong, translated to Chinese)
ldv call flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz,ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; 哦,嗯 waouf ouwb ubuf iupasf iguifoi ohgougt iehi; 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfff owhfiw FUB oushf owih IW FIH iwahfky KTD YTI,码,ID,YID,IYD我,YDI,VR,I DC。 utd.uga,r,xen,yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 5: (translated to English to eliminate Chinese characters)
ldv call flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz, ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; oh, ah waouf ouwb ubuf iupasf iguifoi ohgougt iehi; oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfff owhfiw FUB oushf owih IW FIH iwahfky KTD YTI, code, ID, YID, IYD me, YDI, VR, I DC. utd.uga, r, xen, yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 6: (detected as Hmong, translated to Chinese)
ldv call flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz,ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; 哦,啊,哇,哇,哇,哇,哇,哇! 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfff owhfiw FUB oushf owih IW FIH iwahfky KTD YTI,代码,ID,YID,IYD,YDI,交通方便,我DC。 utd.uga,r,xen,yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 7: (translated to English to eliminate Chinese characters)
ldv call flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz, ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; oh, ah, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, convenient Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfff owhfiw FUB oushf owih IW FIH iwahfky KTD YTI, codes, ID, YID, IYD, YDI, transportation, my DC. utd.uga, r, xen, yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 8: (detected as Hmong, translated to Chinese)
ldv call flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz,ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; 哦,啊,哇,哇,哇,哇,哇,哇! 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,方便Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfff owhfiw FUB oushf owih IW FIH iwahfky KTD YTI,代码,ID,YID,IYD,YDI,运输,我的DC。 utd.uga,r,xen,yrf xugxljmhdm

Gen 9: (translated to English to eliminate Chinese characters)
ldv call flu dlu lud b dlb dbsz, ck fu uwgw udf lb fluea oduh e.ew i; oh, ah, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, convenient Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfff owhfiw FUB oushf owih IW FIH iwahfky KTD YTI, codes, ID, YID, IYD, YDI, transportation, my DC. utd.uga, r, xen, yrf xugxljmhdm


Conclusion: iteratively translating a string of randomly typed letters does not give a meaningful sentence.
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Re: Google Translate

Post by gameoflifemaniac » June 18th, 2020, 3:11 am

If you like Google Translate shenanigans, I recommend to all of you this channel. Random Týpek
I was so socially awkward in the past and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Code: Select all


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Re: Google Translate

Post by Entity Valkyrie 2 » June 20th, 2020, 2:06 am

I am learning Esperanto.

Please click here for my own pages.

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Re: Google Translate

Post by ColorfulGalaxy » August 7th, 2020, 8:43 am

Some translations generated by Scratch's Google Translate Extension:

English -> Chinese (Simplified) -> English:
A -> One
Aa -> a
AA -> Airport Authority
A. A. -> A.
AAA -> AAA level
AAAAA -> American AAAA
Aah -> Ah
AAN -> on
Aaron -> Aaron
Aaw -> and
Aay -> ay
AB -> From
ABA -> Abba
ABB -> Figure
A. B. C. -> A.B.C.
Abe -> Abe
Abee -> A bee
Aber -> but
Aboo -> Abu
Aby -> to
Abye -> Abi
Ac -> with
AC -> Alternating current
A. C. -> A.C.
Aca -> Here
ACA -> Here
Acc -> accelerator
Acca -> Akka
Acci -> Archie
Acco -> Ako
Accu -> battery
Ace -> Master
ACE -> Master
Acee -> Archie
Aceh -> Aceh
Acer -> Macro
Aces -> trump card
Acetic -> acetic acid
Aceu -> Aso
Acev -> Acetal
Acex -> Assex
Acey -> Ase
Ach -> but
Acha -> think
Achee -> Archie
Achev -> Achev
Achi -> Achi
Achia -> chi
Acho -> think
Achoo -> Aku
Achu -> Achu
Aci -> Archie
Acia -> Aisia
Aciac -> Yachik
Aciad -> Achard
Acian -> Asian
Aciat -> Aciyat
Aciav -> Asyaf
Acic -> Asic
Acid -> acid
Acie -> line
Aciem -> fighting
Acien -> Asian
Aciev -> Early stage
Acii -> Assi
Acij -> Archie
Acil -> urgent
Acio -> Asio
Acis -> eye
Aciv -> Asif
ACK -> Ugh
Aco -> Ako
Acoa -> cocoa
Acob -> Acoba
Acoe -> oe
Acoh -> oh
Acoo -> Aku
Acor -> Acor
Acorn -> Acorn
Acorn seed -> Acorn seed
Acos -> Arcos
Acot -> Akot
Acott -> Act
Acotz -> Akoz
Acov -> Coronavirus
Acow -> a cow
ACQ -> Entrance examination
Act -> bill
ACT -> bill
Acu -> In them
Acus -> Needle
Acy -> Assi
Ad -> to
AD -> to
A. D. -> advertising.
Ada -> Have
Adah -> Ada
Adaj -> Adaje
Adam -> Adam
Adaque -> water
Adas -> fennel
Adav -> Adaf
Adaz -> Adaz
Add -> plus
ADD -> plus
Adda -> Ada
Adde -> plus
Addee -> Adi
Addef -> Family
Addei -> Adei
Adden -> Arden
Adder -> Adder
Addev -> Adef
Addew -> Ad
Addey -> Eddie
Addi -> Adi
Addic -> Addictive
Addid -> Adid
Addie -> Eddie
Addim -> step
Addin -> Join
Addio -> Goodbye
Addios -> Adios
Addis -> Addis
Addiv -> Adif
Addo -> Ata
Addom -> Adom
Addos -> Addos
Addov -> Adorf
Adds -> Add
Addu -> Adu
Addum -> Add to
Addus -> Adida
Adduv -> Aduf
Addy -> Adi
Ade -> Ad
Adea -> Aditya
Adeat -> eat
Adec -> Adek
Adee -> Adi
Adef -> Adef
Adei -> Aday
Adel -> Adel
Adem -> Adam
Aden -> Aden
Adeque -> Good at
Ades -> Soy drink
Adeu -> Goodbye
Adev -> the truth
Adew -> Adu
ADH -> Dehydrogenase
Adhi -> Adi
Adhu -> Adu
Adi -> name
Adia -> put off
Adias -> Adias
Adiat -> Acylation
Adib -> E.g
Adid -> Adid
Adij -> Adige
Adim -> step
Adis -> Addis
Adiv -> Adif
Adiva -> Adiva
Adj. -> Adjustment
Ado -> teens
Adob -> Adob
Adoe -> Ata
Adoh -> far
Adol -> Ador
Adoll -> A doll
Adom -> I give
Adoo -> Adu
Ador -> I like
Ados -> teens
Adov -> Adorf
Ads -> advertising
Adu -> Adu

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Re: Google Translate

Post by PkmnQ » August 20th, 2020, 6:38 am

I did cyclang manually.
Original text:

Code: Select all

The North Wind and the Sun were debating which was the tougher when a traveler appeared draped in a cozy coat. They agreed that the one who first achieved making the traveler take his coat off should be deemed tougher than the other. Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his coat around him; and at last, the North Wind gave up the try. Then the Sun shined out warmly, and instantly the traveler took off his coat. And so the North Wind was urged to admit that the Sun was the tougher of the two.
A slightly modified version of The North Wind and the Sun.

Now let's put it through cyclang.


Code: Select all

Even with a shower, you can hear things outside. That did not stop him from traveling for two months to Alexandria.
That's way shorter, and unrecognizable.

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Re: Google Translate

Post by gameoflifemaniac » August 20th, 2020, 6:45 am

If you like Google Translate shenanigans, you will love this channel: ... 2HxiK9BBTR
I was so socially awkward in the past and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

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Re: Google Translate

Post by PkmnQ » August 21st, 2020, 2:03 am

You already posted that here (I think)

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Re: Google Translate

Post by gameoflifemaniac » August 21st, 2020, 2:33 am

PkmnQ wrote:
August 21st, 2020, 2:03 am
You already posted that here (I think)
oh I did
I was so socially awkward in the past and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Code: Select all


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Re: Google Translate

Post by PkmnQ » August 30th, 2020, 2:12 am

English -> Chinese (Traditional) -> Filipino -> Japanese -> Cebuano -> English

Iteration 0:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is one of the simplest OISC languages. It allows calculations by only bit copying process without using conventional logic operations like AND, OR, XOR, NAND, or NOT. Its instruction is to copy one bit from one address to another and jump. The instruction has three operands A, B, and C, similar to Subleq but with a different meaning. A is the address of the bit to copy from. B is the address of the bit to copy into. C is the address to pass the execution after copying of the bit is done.
Iteration 1:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the easiest language in OISC. You are allowed to make calculations only in a small copy process, without using traditional logical operations (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). The instruction is to copy the fragments from one address to another and jump. This instruction has three operators, A, B, and C, similar to Subleq, but with different meanings. A slightly copied address. B is a small copied address. C is the address to be executed after the small copy is completed.
Iteration 2:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You are allowed to perform calculations only on a small copying process that does not use traditional logical operations (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). The instruction is to copy the fragment from one address to another and jump. This instruction has three operators, A, B, and C. It is similar to Subleq, but has different meanings. The address is partially copied. B is a small copy address. C is the address to be executed after the small copy is completed.
Iteration 3:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You can perform calculations in a small copy process without using traditional logical operations (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). The instruction is to copy the fragment from one address to another and jump. This instruction has three operators, A, B, and C. Similar to Subleq, but with different meanings. The address is partially copied. B is the small copy address. C is the address to be executed after the small copy is completed.
English -> Cebuano -> Japanese -> Filipino -> Chinese (Traditional) -> English

Iteration 4:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You can perform calculations in a small copy process without using traditional logical operations (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). The instruction is to copy the fragment from one address to another and jump. This instruction has three operators A, B and C. Same as Subleq, but with different meaning. The address is partially copied. B is the small copy address. C is the address to be executed after completing the small copy.
Iteration 5:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You can perform calculations in a small copy process without using traditional logical operations (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). The instruction is to copy the fragment from one address to another and jump. This instruction has three operators A, B and C. Same as Subleq, but with different meaning. The address is partially copied. B is the small copy address. C is the address executed when the small copy is completed.
Iteration 6:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You can perform calculations in a small copy process without using traditional logical operations (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). The instruction is to copy the fragment from one address to another and jump. This instruction has three operators A, B and C. Same as Subleq, but with different meaning. The address is partially copied. B is the small copy address. When the small copy is complete, C is the address of the application.
Iteration 7:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You can perform calculations in a small copy process without using traditional logical operations (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). The instruction is to copy the fragment from one address to another and jump. This instruction has three operators A, B and C. Same as Subleq, but with different meaning. The address is partially copied. B is the small copy address. After the small copy is complete, C will become the address of your application.
English -> Somali -> Esperanto -> Filipino -> English

Iteration 8:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is OISC's simplest language. You can do the small copy calculation without using any logical functions (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). Instructions should be copied and copied to a different address. This guide has three operators A, B, and C. similar to Subleq, but with different meanings. The address is partially copied. B is the title of the small copy. After completing a small copy, C will be the address of your application.
Iteration 9:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You can make small computational calculations without using any logic functions (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). Instructions should be copied and copied to a different address. This guide has three operators A, B, and C. similar to Subleq, but with different meanings. The address is partially copied. B is the title of the small copy. After you complete a small copy, C will be the address of your application.
Iteration 10:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is OISC's simplest language. You can calculate a little without using any logic (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). Instructions should be copied and copied to a different address. This guide has three operators A, B, and C. similar to Subleq, but with different meanings. The address is partially copied. B is the title of the small copy. After completing a small copy, C will be the address of your application.
Iteration 11:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is the simplest language in OISC. You can calculate a little without using any logic (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). Instructions should be copied and copied to a different address. This guide has three operators A, B, and C. similar to Subleq, but with different meanings. The address is partially copied. B is the title of the small copy. After you complete a small copy, C will be the address of your application.
Iteration 12:

Code: Select all

BitBitJump is OISC's simplest language. You can calculate a little without using any logic (AT, O, XOR, NAND, NO, etc.). Instructions should be copied and copied to a different address. This guide has three operators A, B, and C. similar to Subleq, but with different meanings. The address is partially copied. B is the title of the small copy. After completing a small copy, C will be the address of your application.
Oh hey, a p2.

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Re: Google Translate

Post by Citation needed » October 11th, 2022, 12:25 am

Unfortunately, Google Translate has shut down in the mainland region of China. Are there any mirror sites?

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Re: Google Translate

Post by hotcrystal0 » October 12th, 2022, 5:58 pm

Start: Unfortunately, Google Translate has shut down in the mainland region of China. Are there any mirror sites?
English -> Spanish -> Latvian -> Japanese -> Russian -> Ukranian -> Latin -> English
Cycle 1: Unfortunately, Google Translate is blocked in mainland China. Do you have a place for a mirror?
Cycle 2: Unfortunately, Google Translate is blocked in mainland China. Do you have room for a mirror?
I need more cycles

Code: Select all

x = 192, y = 53, rule = B3/S23

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Re: Google Translate

Post by pzq_alex » October 16th, 2022, 7:03 am

hotcrystal0 wrote:
October 12th, 2022, 5:58 pm
Start: Unfortunately, Google Translate has shut down in the mainland region of China. Are there any mirror sites?
English -> Spanish -> Latvian -> Japanese -> Russian -> Ukranian -> Latin -> English
Cycle 1: Unfortunately, Google Translate is blocked in mainland China. Do you have a place for a mirror?
Cycle 2: Unfortunately, Google Translate is blocked in mainland China. Do you have room for a mirror?
I need more cycles
Even Google Translate knows that shut down in mainland China = blocked in mainland China...
\sum_{n=1}^\infty H_n/n^2 = \zeta(3)

How much of current CA technology can I redevelop "on a desert island"?

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Re: Google Translate

Post by Thir » November 7th, 2022, 2:51 pm

Original: P44 pi-heptomino hassler is a period-44 oscillator discovered by David Buckingham on April 2, 1992. It was improved to another form by Noam Elkies in April 1996 and to the current form by iNoMed based on a reaction by cvojan on May 10, 2022.

Final: P44 pi-heptamine Hassler is a 44 ring oscillator by David Buckingham on April 2, 1992. Noah Elkey was rebranded in April 1996 and changed to its current form by iNoMed on May 10 of the same year with cvojan products.

Original: A 4-engine Cordership is a c/12 diagonal spaceship, specifically a Cordership consisting of four switch engines. Shown in the infobox is the first example that was discovered by David Bell on July 9, 2005; a variety of other designs were found years later by different people.

Final: The C/12 is a multipurpose transport aircraft. This mailbox shows the original received on July 9, 2005 by David Bell. Many have used other methods over the years.

Original: 1×N quadratic growth is a one-cell-thick pattern found by Stephen Silver on April 20, 2011. At N = 1013783, it is the first such pattern to exhibit quadratic growth. It uses the breeder from Nick Gotts' 26-cell quadratic growth, which is incrementally constructed by colliding LWSS streams travelling parallel to the baseline.

Final: I N SECONDARY GROWTH This 1 cell long model was developed by Stephen Argento on April 20, 2011. For N = 1013783 the first model shows secondary growth. This fluorescence was obtained by incorporating a 26-cell nickbok strain, currently cultivated in the same system as the LWSS.

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Re: Google Translate

Post by hotcrystal0 » December 29th, 2023, 10:19 am

Random question: is cyclang omniperiodic?

Code: Select all

x = 192, y = 53, rule = B3/S23

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Re: Google Translate

Post by hotcrystal0 » December 31st, 2023, 6:38 pm

English -> Japanese -> Cebuano -> Russian -> Dutch -> Zulu -> English:

Code: Select all

R64 is an elementary conduit, one of the original sixteen Herschel conduits, discovered by Dave Buckingham on September 26, 1995. After 64 ticks, it produces a Herschel rotated 90 degrees clockwise at (11, 9) relative to the input.
Cycle 1:

Code: Select all

R64 is a primary orbit, one of the first 16 Herschel orbits discovered by Dave Buckingham on September 26, 1995. After 64 clockwise rotations, it rotates the Herschel orbit 90 degrees clockwise at position (11, 9 ) with respect to the input data.
Cycle 2:

Code: Select all

R64 is the first track, one of the first 16 Herschel tracks discovered by Dave Buckingham on September 26, 1995. After 64 rotations to the right, rotate the Herschel orbit 90 degrees clockwise to position (11, 9) relative to the input. .
Cycle 3:

Code: Select all

R64 is the first truck, one of the first 16 Herschel trucks discovered by Dave Buckingham on September 26, 1995. After 64 right rotations, rotate the Herschel track 90 degrees clockwise to the point (11, 9) corresponding to the door. .
Cycle 4:

Code: Select all

R64 is one of the first 16 Herschel trucks and the first truck discovered by Dave Buckingham on September 26, 1995. After 64 right turns, turn the Herschel truck 90 degrees clockwise until it reaches the point (11, 9) parallel to the door. .
English -> Cebuano -> Filipino -> Latin -> Japanese -> English:

Code: Select all

A Heisenburp device is a pattern which can detect the passage of a spaceship without affecting the spaceship's path or timing. The name is a reference to Werner Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, a principle in quantum physics which states that it is physically impossible to detect a particle without affecting it in some way; it was coined by Bill Gosper. The first Heisenburp device was constructed by David Bell in December 1992.
Cycle 1:

Code: Select all

The Heisenbarb device is a model that detects passages through space without affecting their trajectory or timing. This name refers to Werner's Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This is a physical principle that states that it is impossible for a particle to occur without affecting it in some way. Created by Bill Gosper. The first Heisenbelp factory was built in December 1992 by David Bell.
Cycle 2:

Code: Select all

Heisenbarb's device is a model that can detect tracks in space without affecting trajectory or timing. This name refers to Werner's Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This is a physical principle that states that it is impossible for particles to occur without being influenced in some way. Written by Bill Gosper. The first Heisenbelp workshop was founded by David Bell in December 1992.
Cycle 3:

Code: Select all

Heisenbarb's device is a model that can detect spatial trajectories without affecting trajectory or timing. This name refers to Werner's Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This is a physical principle that states that it is impossible for particles to move without being moved in some way. He wrote the Gospel Bible. The first Heisenbelp factory was founded by David Bell in December 1992.
Cycle 4:

Code: Select all

The Heisenbarb device is a model that can detect local trajectories without affecting the trajectory or timing. This name refers to Werner's Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This is a physical principle that states that it is impossible for particles to move without being moved in some way. he wrote the bible. The first Heisenbelp workshop was founded in December 1992 by David His Bell.

Code: Select all

x = 192, y = 53, rule = B3/S23

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Posts: 179
Joined: January 15th, 2024, 9:37 am

Re: Google Translate

Post by tommyaweosme » January 15th, 2024, 11:58 am

English -> Afrikaans -> Albanian -> Arabic -> Belarusian -> Bosnian -> Bulgarian -> Chinese (Traditional) -> Croatian -> Czech -> Danish -> Dutch -> Esperanto -> Estonian -> Filipino -> Finnish -> French -> German -> Greek -> Hawaiian -> Hebrew -> Hindi -> Hungarian -> Icelandic -> Indonesian -> Irish -> Italian -> Japanese -> Javanese -> Korean -> Latin -> Lithuanian -> Luxembourgish -> Macedonian -> Nepali -> Norwegian -> Persian -> Polish -> Portugese -> Romanian -> Russian -> Sanskrit -> Serbian -> Sinhala -> Spanish -> Swahili -> Swedish -> Telugu -> Turkish -> Ukranian -> Vietnamese -> Welsh -> Yiddish
untranslated: my name is tommyaweosme and i like the color pine green
1. my name is tommyaweosme and i like the color pine green
2. My name is tommyaweosme and I like the color pine green
3. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the color pine green
4. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the color pine
5. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the color of pine
6. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the color pine
7. my name is tommyaweosme i like pine color
8. my name is tommyaweosme i love the color pine
9. my name is tommyaweosme and i love the color pine
10. my name is tommyaweosme and i love the color pine
11. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the color pine
12. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the color pine
13. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the color pine
14. My name is tommyaweosme and I like the color pine
15. My name is tommyaweosme and I like the color pine
16. My name is tommyaweosme and I like the color pine.
17. My name is tommyaweosme and I like the color pine.
18. My name is tommyaweosme and I like the color pine.
19. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the silver pin.
20. My name is tommyaweosme and I love the silver pin.
21. My name is tommyaweosme and I love silver pins.
22. My name is tommyaweosme and I love silver pins.
23. My name is tommyaweosme and I love silver pins.
24. My name is tommyaweosme and I love silver pins.
25. My name is tommyaweosme and I love silver pins.
26. My name is tommyaweosme and I love silver pins.
27. My name is tommyweosme and I love silver pins.
28. My name is tommyweosme and I love silver pins.
29. My name is tommyweosme and I love silver pins.
30. My name is tommyweosme and I love silver buckles.
31. My name is tommyweosme and I love silver buckles.
32. My name is Tommyweosme and I love silver buckles.
33. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
34. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
35. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
36. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
37. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
38. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
39. My name is Tomiveosme and I like silver buckles.
40. My name is Tomiveosme and I like silver buckles.
41. My name is Tomiveosme and I like silver buckles.
42. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
43. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
44. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
45. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
46. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
47. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
48. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
49. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.
50. My name is Tomiveosme and I love silver buckles.

Okay, so out of all these languages the troublemakers were:
19. Hawaiian
27. Japanese
30. Latin
33. Macedonian

The rest just added or removed plurals, removed or added unnessecary grammar words, or added/removed "color" to pine, or switching the order of those two words.
dont know what to put in signature

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