conflict game of life

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conflict game of life

Post by thecosmicmuffet » December 14th, 2021, 12:12 am

I took a class on computational design, and as a project, I thought about how to take the basic structure of conflict in most games that have teams or sides of any kind, and think about how it could be interesting in the game of life.


The premise was to take RGB values and let R and B run the game of life without interfering with each other, but in the same grid. When R and B are present in a cell, they generate G. G, in an empty cell, randomly generates R or B (it could just as easily generate one or the other alternately, or based on the surroundings, but I kept it arbitrary). It's fun to watch, especially when filtered to Green-presence, because of the way it makes spontaneous kinds of puffs of activity, and keeps the R and B games going. But I also added a feature where a cell can 'grow' past 1 generation, and effectively build a reserve if it thrives for a while. This is measured in steps that are settable between 1-5. 1 is game of life, 2+ means that, when a cell would fill, it increments (up to the max), or if it would empty, it decrements.

I also played around with a setting that makes green decay when it generates R or B, but when I turned it off, I found that the system did something kind of interesting--it generates a maze based on the bounds of the playing area. It continuously remodels this maze, trying to find the most places it can create stable walls with empty lines in between. Areas where blue predominates push on the areas where red predominates, until eventually one wins, but at higher max steps, it stays in interesting patterns and shapes for a long time.
cmgol.png (102.29 KiB) Viewed 1465 times
It was a fun experiment, and I don't know how it fits into what goes on around here (I'm realizing there's a lot of depth to appreciating the patterns that I wasn't aware of) but I thought somebody might find the remodeling and polygon behavior between red and blue interesting.

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