Belousov-Zhabotinsky sun catcher

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Belousov-Zhabotinsky sun catcher

Post by pcallahan » August 1st, 2023, 4:51 pm

Generated in a Python script with a hexagonal neighborhood and 120° symmetry, die-cut in two colors of acetate, and embedded in clear resin.
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I realized after making a similar one that I could get three colored bands by cutting filters for adjacent bands and using the combination as the third color. This makes it possible to cut the filters at a higher level of detail. This is an 86mm disk and would be quite fragile otherwise and hard to remove from the cutting mat without breaking it. I made a small mistake and left islands in the red filter. I will add bridges for them when I make another.
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Here you can see them casting a colored shadow. It does that in resin as well, but with less clarity.
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