Thread for basic questions

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by dvgrn » January 8th, 2025, 6:32 pm

confocaloid wrote:
January 8th, 2025, 5:12 pm
The main problem I see is that the title "p124 lumps of muck hassler" incorrectly suggests that the page is about period-124 LoM hasslers in general (any period-124 oscillators that are also LoM hasslers)...
Can you explain a little more why "p124 lumps of muck hassler" suggests multiple hasslers? It doesn't suggest that to me. It's more like, it's possible that that article might show a collection of different hasslers, but it's also possible that there's only one such hassler shown, and its name is "p124 lumps of muck hassler".

To find out which possibility is actually the case, you have to go take a quick look at the article. But all things considered, that doesn't seem to be much of a hardship for anyone.

It seems like there might be a standard developing for this kind of thing -- where if the article's name were "p124 lumps of muck hasslers", then you would know that it's a collection page for multiple hasslers of that type. See pi-heptomino hasslers and so on. But if there's no "s" on the end of the title, why is there an implication of multiplicity?

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by confocaloid » January 8th, 2025, 7:13 pm

dvgrn wrote:
January 8th, 2025, 6:32 pm
confocaloid wrote:
January 8th, 2025, 5:12 pm
The main problem I see is that the title "p124 lumps of muck hassler" incorrectly suggests that the page is about period-124 LoM hasslers in general (any period-124 oscillators that are also LoM hasslers)...
Can you explain a little more why "p124 lumps of muck hassler" suggests multiple hasslers? [...]
The reason is because it's an incomplete description, rather than a pattern name.

The speed tunnel, for example, is a specific component (modulo catalyst variants). Likewise, the dart is a specific object.
However, "p124 lumps of muck hassler" is just a description. There can be many different, unrelated, oscillators of the same type.

When some text about CGoL spaceships says "the dart", it is safe to assume that it refers to the dart.
However, when some text says "p124 lumps of muck hassler", there is no implication which particular example is meant.
Last edited by confocaloid on January 8th, 2025, 8:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by hotdogPi » January 8th, 2025, 7:16 pm

I think WP:PRIMARYTOPIC applies here. The overwhelming majority of uses refer to that one (with varying stabilizations).

There are others, such as p48 pi-heptomino hassler, that should probably be changed.
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Periods discovered:

All evens up to 128 except 52,58,78,82,92,94,98,104,118,122


Guns: 20,21,32,54,55,57,114,117,124,126
SKOPs: 32,74,76,102,196

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by ElijahKen » January 8th, 2025, 9:56 pm

Is there a way to get a glider from BF22P at p57?

Code: Select all

x = 11, y = 14, rule = B3/S23
Here is the one attachment I found for it, but I couldn't attach anything to that.

Code: Select all

x = 22, y = 14, rule = B3/S23

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by confocaloid » January 8th, 2025, 11:24 pm

I think this works at p57 (if I understand correctly your request):

Code: Select all

x = 45, y = 34, rule = B3/S23
The sparker is from viewtopic.php?p=168214#p168214 viewtopic.php?p=135795#p135795
ElijahKen wrote:
January 8th, 2025, 9:56 pm
Is there a way to get a glider from BF22P at p57?

Code: Select all

x = 11, y = 14, rule = B3/S23
Here is the one attachment I found for it, but I couldn't attach anything to that.

Code: Select all

x = 22, y = 14, rule = B3/S23
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by Gustone » January 9th, 2025, 1:42 pm

Does the disconnected engine cordership qualify for being a macro-spaceship?

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by WhiteHawk » January 9th, 2025, 2:09 pm

What is the discovery information for this p72 pi hassler (from Oscillator Discussion Thread). Needed for the wiki.

Code: Select all

x = 51, y = 48, rule = B3/S23
Last edited by WhiteHawk on January 9th, 2025, 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by confocaloid » January 9th, 2025, 7:09 pm

Gustone wrote:
January 9th, 2025, 1:42 pm
Does the disconnected engine cordership qualify for being a macro-spaceship?
Do you mean this:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3198 "Cordership made using individual switch engines"
WhiteHawk wrote:
January 9th, 2025, 2:09 pm
What is the discovery information for this p72 pi hassler. Needed for the wiki.

Code: Select all

x = 51, y = 48, rule = B3/S23
Again, it would be helpful if you provided more information about the source from which you obtained this oscillator. Without that, it becomes harder to recover sources of interesting things.

In this case, there happened to be a recent short discussion about the same question. It doesn't really answer who and when discovered the p72 oscillator, but it does provide some additional information about it.
KtT wrote:
December 25th, 2024, 11:05 pm
confocaloid wrote:
December 25th, 2024, 2:31 pm
I did not find discovery information for the p72 hassler involved in a few recent posts above and in the p360 gliderless HWSS gun by KtT, is this oscillator new? Where it comes from?

Code: Select all

x = 63, y = 48, rule = B3/S23
That p72 was on the p72 section of the 2024 oscillator stamp collection
by Entity Valkyrie 2 and I used it for those patterns.
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by ElijahKen » January 10th, 2025, 2:45 pm

confocaloid wrote:
January 8th, 2025, 11:24 pm
I think this works at p57 (if I understand correctly your request):

Code: Select all

Yes, you did understand correctly. However, I was hoping for a westward output (relative to the current orientation), rather than an eastward output.
EDIT: I don't need this anymore.
Last edited by ElijahKen on February 5th, 2025, 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by wwei47 » January 13th, 2025, 11:21 am

When was this reflector found?
WhiteHawk wrote:
November 21st, 2024, 12:11 am
Previously updated to the SKOP table in 2024, but never mentioned here: SKOP142 at 125 cells, which gives p131 rectifier loop as the highest-period SKOP with a minimum population greater than it's period.

Code: Select all

x = 49, y = 32, rule = B3/S23
Also SKOP134 at 125 cells

Code: Select all

x = 48, y = 31, rule = B3/S23
Currently trying to reduce the big P6 double sparker.
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by KittyTac » January 14th, 2025, 10:51 am

Gustone wrote:
January 9th, 2025, 1:42 pm
Does the disconnected engine cordership qualify for being a macro-spaceship?
I'd say so, yes

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by WhiteHawk » January 22nd, 2025, 11:57 am

On the fleet hasslers page, it says "A period-10 hassler also exists, however where and when it was posted is unknown".

What is the p10 fleet hassler?

EDIT: It is linked to a reference post, but I don't have Discord to review it.
Last edited by WhiteHawk on January 22nd, 2025, 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by confocaloid » January 22nd, 2025, 12:05 pm

WhiteHawk wrote:
January 22nd, 2025, 11:57 am
On the Fleet Hasslers page, it says "A period-10 hassler also exists, however where and when it was posted is unknown".

What is the p10 fleet hassler?
I don't remember seeing any pattern at all.
If nobody knows the actual pattern, then the claim cannot be substantiated and should be deleted from the wiki page. It can be removed right now, until someone finds an actual pattern.

if there's a pattern behind the "Discord wall" then someone should post it in a publicly accessible place with a reference. Otherwise, it is possible that there was no actual pattern to begin with.
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by Haycat2009 » January 25th, 2025, 12:34 am

Just extremely curious: If the metric for smallest gun was population from the start, how would the list of smallest guns look like?
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by b-engine » January 25th, 2025, 12:54 am

Haycat2009 wrote:
January 25th, 2025, 12:34 am
Just extremely curious: If the metric for smallest gun was population from the start, how would the list of smallest guns look like?
And vice versa: if the metric for smallest known oscillator of each periods was bounding box from the start, how would the table of SKOPs would look like?
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by confocaloid » January 25th, 2025, 7:56 am

There are more questions along the same lines:
  • What if the metric for glider syntheses was the bounding box area of an all-stages-merged glider synthesis?
  • ... or the MCPS of that?
  • What if the metric for smallest known oscillators was the MCPS of the envelope, with ties broken by preferring a smaller stator?
For glider guns, the population metric would lead to very boring "glider duplicator + glider loop" guns for the majority of high periods. Arguably, it's objectively more interesting to use the bounding box area metric, because that leaves more chances to use various tricks and gadgets for different gun periods.

Sometimes it's also useful to consider the "diagonal bounding box width" of a glider gun, because the most common sort of spaceship (the glider) travels diagonally, and the corresponding sorts of clearance may be important. In some contexts, a "long diagonally-thin gun" may beat a compact-but-not-so-diagonally-thin one.
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by KtT » January 25th, 2025, 10:20 am

How should this pattern be categorized?
This pattern uses 3 copies of c/12d backward glider rake to synthesize MWSS every 128 generations.

Code: Select all

x = 195, y = 144, rule = B3/S23

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by confocaloid » January 25th, 2025, 10:57 am

KtT wrote:
January 25th, 2025, 10:20 am
How should this pattern be categorized?
This pattern uses 3 copies of c/12d backward glider rake to synthesize MWSS every 128 generations.

Code: Select all

x = 195, y = 144, rule = B3/S23
Probably I would refuse the temptation to assign this pattern into any specific category. I think a full-length multiword description (like the one you provided) works better for most nontrivially engineered patterns.

It is neither a gun (it fails to "repeat save for the output MWSS"), neither a rake (it fails to "repeat translated save for the output MWSS").

However, someone looking only at sufficiently small region surrounding the repeating collisions could incorrectly assume that the entire pattern (mostly invisible to them) is a p128 MWSS gun; apparently there are three p128 glider streams colliding to create a p128 MWSS stream, those streams appear to be regular, maybe they come from glider guns and the entire pattern is a MWSS gun? But no:

Code: Select all

x = 227, y = 176, rule = B3/S23
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by Tawal » January 26th, 2025, 10:51 am

I known that there is a stable Highway Robber (with a high RT).
But is there a periodic Highway Robber that works whatever the timing of the Glider ?
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by silversmith » January 28th, 2025, 9:09 am

Tawal wrote:
January 26th, 2025, 10:51 am
But is there a periodic Highway Robber that works whatever the timing of the Glider ?
There is almost certainly no known example. Nearly all periodic circuitry is sensitive to the period of the incoming glider, and as far as I know, there are no useful examples in CGOL.

In theory, one could take a highway robber with period N, and arrange N copies, each offset by one generation, so that an incoming glider will be caught by the highway robber with the right phase. Then, the N outputs could by set to release a glider on a single lane, so that the output timing matches the input. However, I also don't think there exists any periodic highway robber which could be arranged like this.
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by dvgrn » January 28th, 2025, 9:31 am

silversmith wrote:
January 28th, 2025, 9:09 am
However, I also don't think there exists any periodic highway robber which could be arranged like this.
We could probably put together a design that would work for any chosen percentage of possible input glider timings, but strictly less than 100%.

I don't know for sure that there's a dying spark that could be dropped in front of a glider, with just one cell impinging on the glider lane in one generation and then dying off, that would produce a perpendicular output signal if the glider is there but otherwise just disappear harmlessly. But it seems fairly likely, and that's maybe the closest we can get to 100% coverage with a periodic solution.

(With the right ordering of the N copies and a high enough N, things can be arranged so that any glider that would interact with that spark at the wrong time, would already have been caught by a previous copy ... except for about a dozen possible glider timings where the required "previous copy" would be before the beginning of the highway robber chain, so it can't be there to do the catching.)

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by pifricted » January 29th, 2025, 3:39 am

What is "isometric neighbourhood"?

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by b-engine » January 29th, 2025, 9:47 am

Why a pattern would need a non-systematic name?

If a pattern is referred commonly, it would need a short and simple name. If you would give every patterns a unique name, eventually there would be names for all objects that are never referred. Only name patterns that is really common or frequently referred. Due to this reason I only named a few patterns in only a few of my rules - sometimes using the same name for different but similar things in different rules.
If you really need to name a pattern, it best not to take an existing terminology (or similar names) as it's name. For example you won't call an oscillator as "flipper" - that name would be confused with some existing terminologies.

Quoting this post because it would be helpful for this explanation:
confocaloid wrote:
January 25th, 2025, 9:51 am

Other than "because those patterns exist", why they need any names at all?

If you just need to refer to those oscillators unambiguously, then their apgcodes work better for that purpose: xp62_69960999x6996, xp40_33ocw33z66y066, xp32_8u13jssz1. (You can also reach those Catagolue object pages by identifying the RLE of the oscillator via

If you need a natural-language phrase to refer to those objects in some text (explanation, description of a bigger pattern), then I guess you could invent names, explain what each name refers to, and then use those names in the explanation (hopefully consistently).
However, your suggestions 'flip-flop' and 'spinner' sound much more like terms referring to some general concepts, rather than names referring to specific things. (Why this particular oscillator, in this particular CA, needs to be named 'spinner' or 'flip-flop'?)

Traditionally the discoverer of a notable object, reaction, component, pattern has the right to choose name for their discovery. However, many discovered objects, reactions, components, patterns remain unnamed (or named in a technical/systematic way), simply because they don't need any non-systematic names.
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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by WhiteHawk » January 29th, 2025, 9:52 am

What is the smallest c/2 ship by population with a constant population?

b-engine wrote:
January 29th, 2025, 10:40 am
Since you didn't specify the rulespace,
I meant in standard life
Last edited by WhiteHawk on January 29th, 2025, 10:43 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Thread for basic questions

Post by b-engine » January 29th, 2025, 10:40 am

WhiteHawk wrote:
January 29th, 2025, 9:52 am
What is the smallest c/2 ship by population with a constant population?
Since you didn't specify the rulespace, I assume that RuleLoader rules could count - the smallest c/2 spaceship wuth constant population would have 1 cell (3-state anisotropic rules) or 2 cells (4-state isotropic rules).

Since you specified standard Life, one could trivially make two copies of a c/2 spaceship with different parity:

Code: Select all

x = 31, y = 17, rule = B3/S23
I doesn't know if anything else could be smaller.
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