The problem may have to do with upgrading from Golly 3.x to Golly 4.0. There used to be a rule file called "LifeHistory.rule", and references to it may be hanging around somewhere and causing trouble -- or maybe the rule file itself is! (Can't always trust what the error messages say, in weird cases like this.)The rule file is not valid:
The error message:
File not found
Given rule: LifeHistory
I did see this problem early on when I was troubleshooting the toStandard.lua Alt+J, toHistory.lua Alt+H, and toSuper.lua Alt+G shortcuts in the original Golly 4.0 beta -- but once I fixed the problem (possibly by generating a new GollyPrefs and/or cleaning out my Rules directory) I was never able to duplicate the issue again.
If this is a common issue I'd like to hear from other people who are seeing it, and we'll put the shortest easiest possible fix for it into this thread. Maybe a good solution would be some kind of cleanup script that you run once to make the upgrade problem go away.
But first I need details from copies of Golly that have this problem! Can someone start by either attaching their copy of GollyPrefs to a post here, or sending the file to me at b3s23life [at] ? Thanks!