Catagolue object partitioning errors

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Catagolue object partitioning errors

Post by DroneBetter » December 21st, 2022, 2:51 pm

ITT we share Catagolue objects that were not caught by its "statistical tests and peer-review by other participants" but made their way to censuses (particularly b3s23, the most important one).
I will begin with the most severe one I have found, xp2_yzyh8kk8y17zyzyp222y0cczyzy9ggzylccyk3421yuooyzynca6zzycooyfo4owccy633yzyzytcczy2222y0ccyj1ye2552yzys4aa4zyvo0222y633yl66y2gj3yq66y6696yq33zyoccy11yhccw256yh11xgggyhgyqsyn4acy0444zyfey7eyzy3ggyt3452yacicy18kk8yeccy9gzycca4w33yzyb1221y08koypeynsyq3zye66ylggyp2552yqgg01110s0111zyzy2h1yqo0222yo11xccyzy6oozyzy23yr1yzya33yxoozyq888y366yzy4g88gzy766yzyy11yzwcczyf33yzy4eyp696066ync813ybck8y9cicz356ypoo0222ym11h88g111yzy7g8gyg4a4ypggzyzy46952y6g8gw1221yzy91221y4222yaooydooy211zyzw33ye11yvgyzyzy7g8ozyzy6gy7o4oyt321yzyzy611zyzy63y81yfooy1ooy066x66yfoozyzy26952gyzyc696y966zyzy63y4444xcicyhooy62552y12552ya352zyzyzyqoyn33zyzyzyncc010g8gzyzyzyb652y91221, """discovered""" by Charity Engine on 2022-02-19, a 488-cell collection of debris, that caused my program to exceed Python's string-integer conversion length limit (which shouldn't be a problem for oscillator analysis, I had thought), I became quite excited when I saw such a long one (thinking that the fact that such a large contiguous thing should be created would imply a wickstretcher had been created and destroyed or something), and then moreso when I looked at the small LifeViewer embed in the page (that showed it was in fact chaotic), then was extremely disappointed to see it for what it truly was.

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