Just did some experiments with the comments on
individual Catagolue object pages, based on an email Adam sent me back on January 1. Turns out that the comments support
- bulleted lists
- **bold** text
- and _italics_
Also images:

and RLE, which I did all wrong in the first comment
#C griddle synthesis by apgsearch, flipper77, and Extrementhusiast
x = 28, y = 53, rule = LifeHistory
In other words: replace "alt text" above with your image description, "http://???" with a URL for an image. Surround RLE with triple backticks -- ( `) not ( ' ) -- and prefix with "rle" as shown. The three closing backticks should be
at the beginning of a new line; #C comments before and unmarked comments after the RLE are supported. Bulleted lists are prefixed with hyphens ( - ), bold text is surrounded with double asterisks, and italics are marked by underlines.
These format marks don't work here on the forums, as you can see, but they seem to work fine in Catagolue comments.
EDIT:So far I've only gotten LifeHistory RLE to render correctly -- but that certainly works nicely! Don't know yet what I did wrong with my rule=B3/S23 samples, but no doubt all will become clear eventually.
EDIT2: Ah, the only problem was that my closing triple backticks were at the end of a line instead of the beginning. (Works with quote marks in Python, but not here apparently.)