Thanks! I've updated the tutorial to replace "zero" with "bg" where necessary, but I'm keeping all the search setups the same for now, since they all still work. I will change them to use --bg-agar and @bg when I'm sure most people have switched to the latest version.
amling wrote: ↑January 27th, 2025, 1:51 pmI have updated it (with only minor conflicts) for master as of just now and published as "20250127-exact-expand-25". I don't know how long this branch (family) is going to be manageable. I know for certain the work I did while out of town is going to conflict with it horribly. I guess we'll see how it goes and I will try to remember to include the status in the announcement when I clean up and publish all that work.
When you say that "the work I did... is going to conflict with [exact-expand] horribly", are you referring only to the hollow cols (which, as I understand it, is disabled by default), or is there any reason to think that the "20250127-exact-expand-26" branch doesn't work as well as "20250127-exact-expand-25"? I don't particularly expect or want the exact-expand branch to be maintained. I just want it to accept the same inputs that are covered in my basic LLSSS tutorial, so that someone who has read the tutorial can simply apply --pre-reify-autochoke to their basic recentering searches.
Regarding the tutorial, I think I have a decent example for the seam ripper section, but I'm curious about something. Can you tell me what w_pos the following search needs to reach to find a ship and how much memory it takes?
Code: Select all
./rlife llsss --rule 'B2357/S3678' --filters wcaf --ends even,odd,gse,gso 2c2-s2s '@zero:31'
I fear using this because I'm worried I'll do it wrong and make my search incomplete due to me not fully understanding the geometry stuff. Although you don't have a perfect programatic solution, is it possible (and reasonably easy) to implement a sort of simplified "suggested" error mask that is maybe not ideal, but is at least guaranteed to not miss anything for the given geometry? Does the proper error mask actually depend on the start_file in addition to the geometry?amling wrote: ↑December 10th, 2024, 7:10 pmUnfortunately I have no idea how to make [WAO tile error masks] anything resembling usable. I don't think the code working out the right value is going to be possible when I can't even personally figure out c6k-1 even with just zeros, much less arbitrary insane geometries with complicated input files.
As a first approximation, for from-zeros or from-agar searches: Named geometries that are b2f or f2b cannot benefit from tile error mask. s2s geometries that are not NcN-s2s I believe can always benefit (although I didn't demo/explain this above...). Diagonal and knightwise that are not NcNd-down or NcNd-up I believe can always benefit from it.
When you say "x/o are jointly forced to mismatch", do you mean that at least one must mismatch? So you could have any combination of states for those 'x' cells as long as at least one of them is alive?amling wrote: ↑December 10th, 2024, 7:10 pmI've changed the error window displays to reflect the constraints that will actually happen. Periods and asterisks are fixed values. x/o are jointly forced to mismatch. Ws are unconstrained. For example, c4d-down:
Code: Select all
$ rlife llsss-recentering-wao c4d-down '@zero' --wao-left-pad 00 --wao-right-pad 00 00 20241210 14:45:50 [INFO] WAO error window #0 (excluded): 20241210 14:45:50 [INFO] | ZZZZZ | ZZZZZ | ZZZZZ | ZZZZZ | 20241210 14:45:50 [INFO] | ..... | ..... | ..... | ..... | 20241210 14:45:50 [INFO] | ..... | ..... | ..... | ..... | 20241210 14:45:50 [INFO] | ..xWW | ..xWW | ..xWW | ..xWW | ...
Edit: Let me know if I'm getting this right. Are the 'x' cells meant to represent dead cells? So the setup shown above represents a window that has been excluded from the search, namely the one where all 'x' cells are dead (i.e., at least one of the 'x' cells must be alive in the actual search)?
Edit: what is the default value of --wao-idx?