Error when running

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Error when running

Post by Saka » July 29th, 2017, 12:09 am

So I dug around posts and found the old giffer script for spaceships! Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work because of this error:

Code: Select all

[Window Title]
Python error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\sakaf\Documents\Saka\scripts\giffer\", line 10, in <module>
    from dialog import getstrings
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    from Tkinter import *
  File "C:\Python27\Lib\lib-tk\", line 38, in <module>
    import FixTk
  File "C:\Python27\Lib\lib-tk\", line 65, in <module>
    import _tkinter
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

How do I fix this? I really want to make LTL gifs!

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Re: Error when running

Post by Rhombic » July 29th, 2017, 12:14 pm

You need the Tkinter module, apparently. For now, if you don't have it, download it (there should be quite a few mirrors online). It's one of the modules for Python to run things using the "visual" display of the computer, allowing you to get something apart from print str in the cmd.

I would imagine there's a way to do this without Tkinter though... maybe someone should give it a think.
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Re: Error when running

Post by Saka » July 29th, 2017, 8:03 pm

I have Tkinter. If you see my posts in yhe sandbox, I have mentioned working on a python program to run L-Systems, and there I ask Tkinter questions.

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Re: Error when running

Post by Saka » August 3rd, 2017, 8:49 am

Bump. Do I specifically need _tkinter ?

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Re: Error when running

Post by Saka » August 4th, 2017, 5:29 am

:D :D :D :D :D

Code: Select all

# Runs the selection for a given number of steps and creates a black and
# white animated GIF file.
# Based on, which is based on code by Tony Smith.

import golly as g
import os
import struct
from collections import namedtuple

# Color schemes
ColorScheme = namedtuple('ColorScheme', 'size table')
"""Color scheme used in the gif file.
ColorScheme is merely a container for these two things:
size: Contains a "color table size" that goes to the logical screen
      The number of colors used in the gif file is: 2 ** (size + 1).
table: Contains a table of the 2**(size+1) colors. As you can see
       below, the colors are represented as RGB, each color in which
       occupying 1 byte (values 0-255.) The 3-byte colors are simply
       concatenated to make the color table.
       The last color is used as the borderline color in this script.

lifewiki = ColorScheme(size=1, table= (
    "\xFF\xFF\xFF" # State 0: white
    "\x00\x00\x00" # State 1: black
    "\x00\x00\x00" # (ignored)
    "\xC6\xC6\xC6" # Boundary: LifeWiki gray

lifehistory = ColorScheme(size=2, table=(
    "\x00\x00\x00" # State 0: black
    "\x00\xFF\x00" # State 1: green
    "\x00\x00\x80" # State 2: dark blue
    "\xD8\xFF\xD8" # State 3: light green
    "\xFF\x00\x00" # State 4: red
    "\xFF\xFF\x00" # State 5: yellow
    "\x60\x60\x60" # State 6: gray
    "\x00\x00\x00" # Boundary color

LTL = ColorScheme(size=1, table= (
    "\x30\x30\x30" # State 0: golly gray
    "\xFF\xFF\x00" # State 1: yellow
    "\x00\x00\x00" # (ignored)
    "\x50\x50\x50" # Boundary: LifeWiki gray

# Edit this to set the color scheme.
colors = LTL

# Parsing inputs

# Sanity check
rect = g.getselrect()
if rect == []:
    g.exit("Nothing in selection.")
[rectx,recty,width,height] = rect
if(width>=65536 or height>=65536):
    g.exit("The width or height of the GIF file must be less than 65536 pixels.")

def parseinputs():
    global gens
    global fpg
    global pause
    global purecellsize  # Cell size without borders
    global cellsize  # Cell size with borders
    global gridwidth  # Border width
    global vx
    global vy
    global filename
    global canvaswidth
    global canvasheight
    # Get params
    #gens, fpg, pause, purecellsize, gridwidth, v, filename = getstrings(entries=[
        #("Number of generations for the GIF file to run:", "4"),
        #("The number of frames per generation (1 for statonary patterns):", "1"),
       # ("The pause time of each generation in centisecs:", "50"),
      #  ("The size of each cell in pixels:", "14"),
       # ("The width of gridlines in pixels:", "2"),
      #  ("The offset of the total period:", "0 0"),
        #("The file name:", "out.gif")
    gens = g.getstring("Number of generations for the GIF file to run:", "4")
    fpg = g.getstring("The number of frames per generation (1 for statonary patterns):", "1")
    pause = g.getstring("The pause time of each generation in centisecs:", "50")
    purecellsize = g.getstring("The size of each cell in pixels:", "14")
    gridwidth = g.getstring("The width of gridlines in pixels:", "2")
    v = g.getstring("The offset of the total period:", "0 0")
    filename = g.getstring("The file name:", "out.gif")

    # Sanity check params

    def tryint(var, name):
            return int(var)
            g.exit("{} is not an integer: {}".format(name, var))

        vx, vy = v.split()
        g.exit("You should enter the speed as {x velocity} {y velocity}.\n"
               "ex1) 0 0\t ex2) -1 3")

    gens = tryint(gens, "Number of gens")
    pause = tryint(pause, "Pause time")
    purecellsize = tryint(purecellsize, "Cell size")
    gridwidth = tryint(gridwidth, "Grid width")
    vx = tryint(vx, "X velocity")
    vy = tryint(vy, "Y velocity")
    fpg = tryint(fpg, "Frames per gen")

    pause //= fpg
    cellsize = purecellsize + gridwidth
    canvasheight = cellsize*height + gridwidth
    canvaswidth = cellsize*width + gridwidth

    if(canvaswidth>=65536 or canvasheight>=65536):
        g.exit("The width or height of the GIF file must be less than 65536 pixels. "
               "Received width: {}, height: {}".format(canvaswidth, canvasheight))

# GIF formatting
# Useful information on GIF formats in:

def makegif():

    header, trailer = "GIF89a", '\x3B'
    screendesc = struct.pack("<2HB2b", canvaswidth, canvasheight,
                             0x90+colors.size, 0, 0)
    applic = "\x21\xFF\x0B" + "NETSCAPE2.0" + struct.pack("<2bHb", 3, 1, 0, 0)
    imagedesc = "\x2C" + struct.pack("<4HB", 0, 0, canvaswidth, canvasheight, 0x00)

    bordercolor = 2 ** (colors.size + 1) - 1
    borderrow = [bordercolor] * (canvaswidth + cellsize)
    # Gather contents to write as gif file.
    gifcontent = [header, screendesc, colors.table, applic]
    for f in xrange(gens*fpg):
        # Graphics control extension
        gifcontent += ["\x21\xF9", struct.pack("<bBH2b", 4, 0x00, pause, 0, 0)]
        # Get data for this frame
        dx = int(vx * f * cellsize // (fpg * gens))
        dy = int(vy * f * cellsize // (fpg * gens))
        dx_cell, dx_px = divmod(dx, cellsize)
        dy_cell, dy_px = divmod(dy, cellsize)
        # Get cell states (shifted dx_cell, dy_cell)
        # The bounding box is [rectx+dx_cell, recty+dy_cell, width+1, height+1]
        cells = []
        # The image is made of cell rows (height purecellsize) sandwiched
        # by border rows (height gridwidth).
        for y in xrange(recty+dy_cell, recty+dy_cell+height+1):
            cells += [borderrow] * gridwidth
            row = []
            # Each row is made of cell pixels (width purecellsize)
            # sandwiched by border pixels (width gridwidth)
            for x in xrange(rectx+dx_cell, rectx+dx_cell+width+1):
                row += [bordercolor] * gridwidth
                row += [g.getcell(x, y)] * purecellsize
            row += [bordercolor] * gridwidth
            cells += [row] * purecellsize
        cells += [borderrow] * gridwidth
        #g.setclipstr('\n'.join(str(row) for row in cells).replace(', ', ''))
        # Cut a canvaswidth x canvasheight image starting from dx_px, dy_px.
        newcells = [row[dx_px:dx_px+canvaswidth] for row in
        image = ''.join(''.join(chr(i) for i in row) for row in newcells)
        # Image descriptor + Image
        gifcontent += [imagedesc, compress(image, colors.size+1)]"{}/{}".format(f+1, gens*fpg))
        if (f % fpg == fpg - 1):

    with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename),"wb") as gif:
        gif.write("".join(gifcontent))"GIF animation saved in {}".format(filename))

# GIF compression
# Algorithm explained in detail in:

def compress(data, mincodesize):
    """Apply lzw compression to the given data and minimum code size."""

    ncolors = 2**mincodesize
    cc, eoi = ncolors, ncolors + 1

    table = {chr(i): i for i in xrange(ncolors)}
    codesize = mincodesize + 1
    newcode = ncolors + 2

    outputbuff, outputbuffsize, output = cc, codesize, []

    databuff = ''

    for next in data:
        newbuff = databuff + next
        if newbuff in table:
            databuff = newbuff
            table[newbuff] = newcode
            newcode += 1
            # Prepend table[databuff] to outputbuff (bitstrings)
            outputbuff += table[databuff] << outputbuffsize
            outputbuffsize += codesize
            databuff = next
            if newcode > 2**codesize:
                if codesize < 12:
                    codesize += 1
                    # Prepend clear code.
                    outputbuff += cc << outputbuffsize
                    outputbuffsize += codesize
                    # Reset table
                    table = {chr(i): i for i in xrange(ncolors)}
                    newcode = ncolors + 2
                    codesize = mincodesize + 1
            while outputbuffsize >= 8:
                output.append(outputbuff & 255)
                outputbuff >>= 8
                outputbuffsize -= 8
    outputbuff += table[databuff] << outputbuffsize
    outputbuffsize += codesize
    while outputbuffsize >= 8:
        output.append(outputbuff & 255)
        outputbuff >>= 8
        outputbuffsize -= 8
    # Slice outputbuff into 255-byte chunks
    words = []
    for start in xrange(0, len(output), 255):
        end = min(len(output), start+255)
        words.append(''.join(chr(i) for i in output[start:end]))
    contents = [chr(mincodesize)]
    for word in words:
    return ''.join(contents)

# Main
def main():


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Re: Error when running

Post by Scorbie » October 28th, 2017, 9:13 am

O̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶d̶e̶v̶e̶l̶o̶p̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶(̶s̶h̶r̶u̶g̶)̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶g̶i̶f̶f̶e̶r̶.̶p̶y̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶.
Saka already solved the problem but here's my attempt on updating to address this issue.
It fallbacks to g.getstring when there's an Error while importing tkinter.

As before, Run

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Re: Error when running

Post by GUYTU6J » April 28th, 2022, 8:57 am

Bump for a different bug: Scorbie's June 27, 2021 version of returns the following TypeError when the selection is 40×40 or above.
error.png (24.46 KiB) Viewed 1844 times
EDIT on May 7: oddly enough, it looks like the bug has something very complex to do with both the size of each cell (px) and the pattern. The original case used the default 15 pixels per cell on some random selection I don't remember. In the following pattern under the same settings, the two random 23×23 regions to the left works but the right one does not.

Code: Select all

x = 63, y = 53, rule = B3/S23
This unpredictability makes the bug quite annoying.

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Re: Error when running

Post by Scorbie » May 11th, 2022, 4:50 am

GUYTU6J wrote:
April 28th, 2022, 8:57 am
Bump for a different bug:
Oops, I (years ago) forgot to cleanup some code while porting to Python 3.
In Line 270 of ``, change `bchr(chr(i))` to `bchr(i)` and I think all should be good.
Let me know if that doesn't fix it.

Thank you for the report!

Edit: I've updated the original script for those interested.

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