epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

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epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by blah » May 25th, 2020, 9:47 am

epsrc (Exhaustive Period Search) is a simple program which takes MAP rules, modifies them in predefined ways, and outputs results in which a single state-1 cell is an oscillator or spaceship up to a provided maximum period. Results can be posted here.

Here's the program, written in ANSI C.

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 * epsrc.c
 * blah 2020
 * Exhaustive period search.
/* cc -ansi -O3 epsrc.c -o epsrc */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> /* strcmp */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */

 * MAP rules are defined as 64-element char arrays in little endian ordering.
 * Where the bit positions of the cells in the neighbourhood are:
 * 876
 * 543
 * 210
 * indexing into the map at position bit is:
#define MAPBIT(map, bit) (((map)[(bit)>>3] >> ((bit)&7))&1)
 * ie B0 is map[0]&1, S0 is map[2]&1, S8 is map[63]>>7, etc
#define TOGGLEMAPBIT(map, bit) ((map)[(bit)>>3] ^= 1<<((bit)&7))
#define SETMAPBIT(map, bit)    ((map)[(bit)>>3] |= 1<<((bit)&7))
#define RESETMAPBIT(map, bit)  ((map)[(bit)>>3] &= ~(1<<((bit)&7)))
typedef short coord;
typedef unsigned char map[64];
#define OP_ON_MAP(op, a, b, dest) for(i=0;i<64;i++) (dest)[i]=((a)[i] op (b)[i])
#define MAP_ANDNOT(a, b, dest) OP_ON_MAP(&~, a, b, dest)
#define MAP_NOT(src, dest) for(i=0;i<64;i++) (dest)[i] = ~(src)[i]
#define MIN(a, b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
coord *w, *next_w;
int pop;
int max_period = 20;
int min_period = 0;

void runstep(int par, map *rule, map *gen_to){
    /* Run one step of *rule on w, writing to next_w, with parity par; par is 0
     * on even generations (when the background of the universe is state 0),
     * and 1 on odd generations (when the background is 1). If gen_to is nonzero
     * then *gen_to has a 1 written to each bit whose corresponding transition
     * occurs at least once (this may or may not include 0777 or 0000).
     * The world is represented as a singly-linked list of sparse arrays. That
     * is, more precisely, each row consists of a number n, which is the amount
     * of cells in the row plus one, followed by n-1 numbers, which are the x
     * coordinates of the cells, sorted (!) such that the leftmost (with the
     * lowest x coordinate) is at the lowest address. The top and bottom rows
     * are non-empty. The value after the end of the final row is 0. The first
     * number in the array is the y coordinate of the first row, and the first
     * row immediately follows. For example:
     * ###
     *   # = 0 4 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 0
     *  #
     * 3 pointers (r0, r1, r2) point to the 3 rows around and including the one
     * currently being simulated, if such a row is within bounds, else they are
     * NULL. They are dereferenced and decremented to get the offsets to the end
     * (r0o, r1o, r2o).
     * The row being simulated has its cells iterated through linearly. The
     * neighbourhood is calculated and then used (inverted if par=1) as an index
     * into *rule to determine the outcome of a cell. Since 6 cells are shared
     * between the neighbourhoods of x and x+1, bitwise shifting is used and
     * only the 3 cells added onto the right are fetched.
     * 3 index counters (r0i, r1i, r2i) are used to keep track of the cells that
     * are to be added to the right of the neighbourhood. If rn[rni] (n=0,1,2)
     * is to the right of x (rn[rni]==x+1), the cell is added to the
     * neighbourhood and rni is incremented.
    int y=*w;
    int next_pop=0;
    const coord *r0, *r1, *r2;
    coord *p=next_w+1;
    coord *end=p;
    int r0o, r1o, r2o;
    r0 = NULL;
    r1 = NULL;
    r2 = w+1;
    for(;r2 || r0; r0=r1,r1=r2,r2?r2+=*r2:0, y++){ /* for each row */
        /* create new row if the first one isn't empty (trim leading rows) */
        if(p==next_w+2) p--;
        coord *row_start = p++;
        *row_start = 1;
        /* if pointer to row is NULL, treat it as empty to avoid segfaults */
        /* prevent confusion on null row terminator */
        if(r2o==-1) r2o=0;
        if(r1o==-1) r1o=0;
        /* (r0 never points to the end within the loop body) */
        if(r2 && !*r2) r2 = NULL; /* stop loading new addrs at the end */
        if(! (r2o|r1o|r0o)) continue; /* all 3 rows empty */

        /* calculate left and right bounds */
        int left, right;
        /* make sure horz. bounds are valid for at least one row */
        if(r2o) left=r2[1], right=r2[r2o];
        if(r1o) left=r1[1], right=r1[r1o];
        if(r0o) left=r0[1], right=r0[r0o];
        /* then adjust to max and min */
        if(r2o) left =MIN(left, r2[1]),
        if(r1o) left =MIN(left, r1[1]),
        /* we don't need to adjust for r0; if it's nonempty it was already the
         * starting value */
        left--, right++;
        int x, r0i=1, r1i=1, r2i=1;
        int neigh=(-par)&511;
        for(x = left;x<=right;x++){ /* simulate row */
            int i;
            if(r2i<=r2o && r2[r2i]<x+1) r2i++;
            if(r2i<=r2o && r2[r2i]==x+1) neigh^=1<<0;
            if(r1i<=r1o && r1[r1i]<x+1) r1i++;
            if(r1i<=r1o && r1[r1i]==x+1) neigh^=1<<3;
            if(r0i<=r0o && r0[r0i]<x+1) r0i++;
            if(r0i<=r0o && r0[r0i]==x+1) neigh^=1<<6;
                /* cell will exist in next tick */
                *p++ = x;
            if(gen_to) SETMAPBIT(*gen_to, neigh);
            neigh = ((neigh<<1)&0666)|(0111*par); /* transl. neigh by 1 cell */
        if(row_start!=p-1){ /* row is non-empty */
            end = p; /* (trim trailing rows) */
            if(row_start==next_w+1) /* first non-empty row */
    *end=0; /* null row terminator */
    coord *swp; swp=w; w=next_w; next_w=swp; pop=next_pop;

int inc_masked_MAP(map *cntr, map *mask){
    int i;
    /* Go through the number, ignoring bits that are 0 in mask, toggling every
     * bit and advancing if it is a 1, else exiting.
        if(MAPBIT(*mask, i)){ /* only perform counting on mask bits */
            TOGGLEMAPBIT(*cntr, i);
            if(MAPBIT(*cntr, i)) break; /* if it was a 0, we're done */
    /* The loop has 2 exit conditions: a 0 was encoutered, breaking the loop
     * early, or the value overflowed, and the i<512 check failed.
    return i==512; /* return carry out */

char *MAP_to_string(map *m){
    const char *base64_digs =
    static char s[90];
    int ch, bit, bit6;
    s[0]='M', s[1]='A', s[2]='P', s[89]='\0';
            int mapbit=6*ch+bit;
            bit6 = bit6*2 + (mapbit<512?MAPBIT(*m, mapbit):0);
        s[ch+3] = base64_digs[bit6];
    return s;
int from_base64_digit(unsigned char c){
    if((unsigned)(c-'0')<10) return c-'0'+52;
    if((unsigned)(c-'A')<26) return c-'A';
    if((unsigned)(c-'a')<26) return c-'a'+26;
    if(c=='+') return 62;
    if(c=='/') return 63;
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid base 64 digit: %c", c);
    return 0; }
void string_to_MAP(char *s, map *m){
    int bit6, i;
    for(i=0;i<64;i++) (*m)[i]=0;
    s+=2; /* 'MAP' header */
    i = 0;
        bit6 = from_base64_digit(*s);
        if(bit6&32) TOGGLEMAPBIT(*m, i+0);
        if(bit6&16) TOGGLEMAPBIT(*m, i+1);
        if(i==510) break; /* last digit only encodes 2 meaningful bits */
        if(bit6&8)  TOGGLEMAPBIT(*m, i+2);
        if(bit6&4)  TOGGLEMAPBIT(*m, i+3);
        if(bit6&2)  TOGGLEMAPBIT(*m, i+4);
        if(bit6&1)  TOGGLEMAPBIT(*m, i+5);

int run_rule(map *rule, map *gen_to){
    int t;
    /* init world with 1 cell */
    pop = 1;
    w[0]=0; w[1]=2; w[2]=0; w[3]=0;
    for(t=2;t<max_period+2;t+=2){ /* simulate 2 steps at a time */
        runstep(0, rule, gen_to);
        runstep(1, rule, gen_to);
        if(pop<=1) break;
    if(pop==1) return t;
    return 0;

/* use linked list to keep track of already known speeds */
typedef struct {
    int period;
    int x,y;
    void *next;
} speed;
speed *spds=0;
void characterise(map *rule){
    int t = run_rule(rule, 0);
    if(pop==1 && t>=min_period){
        /* linear search through list to ensure speed is new */
        speed **p;
            if((*p)->period==t && (*p)->x==w[2] && (*p)->y==w[0])
        /* speed is new */
        (*p) = malloc(sizeof(speed));
        (*p)->period = t;
        (*p)->x = w[2];
        (*p)->y = w[0];
        (*p)->next = 0;
        printf("p%d (%d,%d): %s\n", t, w[2], w[0],

void showhelp(){
"epsrc: Exhaustive Period Search\nblah 2020\n\n"
"A program that finds alternating 2-state cellular automata defined on the\n"
"range-1 moore neighbourhood in which a single state 1 cell surrounded by 0\n"
"returns to being a single cell in some location after some (even) number of\n"
"steps of the simulation. In this help, a rule and its 1-cell object are\n"
"referred to as if they are the same.\n\n"
" epsrc cha (RULE) [OPTIONS]\n"
"   Characterise. Display speed of RULE, and MAP mask of all transitions\n"
"   that occur in its evolution.\n"
" epsrc enum (RULE1) (RULE2) [OPTIONS]\n"
"   Enumerate. Allow bits that are 1 in RULE1 to vary in RULE2. Characterise\n"
"   all rules within this sub-rulespace.\n"
" epsrc ham (NUM) (RULE) [OPTIONS]\n"
"   Hamming distance. Characterise all alternating rules with hamming\n"
"   distance of NUM from RULE.\n"
"   (NUM is an integer between 1 and 510 inclusive.)\n"
" epsrc help\n"
"   Display this help and exit.\n"
"A MAP rulestring can have its base64 component truncated; left out digits\n"
"are fillied in with 0s ('A's). For example, in \"epsrc ham 2 MAP\", \"MAP\"\n"
"expands to \"MAP\" with 86 As after it.\n\n"
"Items in parentheses are necessary. Items in square brackets are optional.\n\n"
" -p (NUM) Maximum period; disregard rules whose populations do not go below\n"
"          2 in NUM generations. NUM should be an even integer above 0.\n"
" -m (NUM) Minimum period. Do not show rules with periods above this integer.\n"

int main(int argc, char **argv){
    if(argc<2 || strcmp(argv[1],"help")==0) {showhelp(); return 1;}
    int i;

    /* options */
    for(i=0;i<argc;i++){ /* get universal parameters */
        if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0 && i+1<argc)
            sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &max_period);
        else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-m")==0 && i+1<argc)
            sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &min_period);

    /* initialise world buffers */
#define WORLD_COORDS ((2*max_period+1) * (2*max_period+1) + max_period*2 + 2)
    coord *wlds = malloc(2 * WORLD_COORDS * sizeof(coord));
    w = wlds; next_w = wlds+WORLD_COORDS;

        /* characterise */
        map to_cha, cha_result;
        for(i=0;i<64;i++) to_cha[i]=cha_result[i]=0;
        string_to_MAP(argv[2], &to_cha);
        int t=run_rule(&to_cha, &cha_result);
        if(!t && pop>0){
            printf("No periodicity detected.\n");
        } else if(pop==0){
            printf("Dot dies.\n");
        } else { /* spaceship/oscillator */
            /* b0 and s8 may not be changed */
            RESETMAPBIT(cha_result, 0);
            RESETMAPBIT(cha_result, 511);
            printf("p%d (%d,%d)\n", t, w[2], w[0]);
            printf("%s\n", MAP_to_string(&cha_result));

    } else if(strcmp(argv[1],"enum")==0) {
        /* enumerate */
        map base_rule, rule_mask;
        for(i=0;i<64;i++) base_rule[i]=rule_mask[i]=0;
        string_to_MAP(argv[2], &rule_mask);
        string_to_MAP(argv[3], &base_rule);
        RESETMAPBIT(rule_mask,0); RESETMAPBIT(rule_mask,511);
        MAP_ANDNOT(base_rule, rule_mask, base_rule);
        do {
        } while(!inc_masked_MAP(&base_rule, &rule_mask)); /* until overflow */

    } else if(strcmp(argv[1],"ham")==0){
        /* test changes to a rule with supplied hamming distance */
        int ham_dis; sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &ham_dis);
            fprintf(stderr,"Hamming distance of 0 not accepted. "
                    "Use the 'cha' command if you want to evaluate a rule.\n");
            return 1;
        if(ham_dis<0 || ham_dis>510){
            fprintf(stderr,"Hamming distance out of range (1-510 inclusive)\n");
            return 1;
        /* The principle is as such: Enumeration is done in-place on two binary
         * strings, a counter and the base string. Whenever a bit is toggled in
         * the counter it is also toggled in the base string. The task is then
         * to loop the counter through every possible value of popcount ham_dis.
         * We go in an order like 1100 1010 0110 1001 0101 0011; the leftmost 1
         * bit is moved to the right and if it moves into any other 1s they get
         * pushed over as well.
         * 10 Start with a sequence of ham_dis 1s on the left, all other bits 0.
         * 20 Find the leftmost 1 bit.
         * 30 Toggle it and, if the next bit is a 1, set the leftmost 0 bit.
         * 40 Move to next bit. If it's 1, GOTO 30, else set it and GOTO 20.
         * Try running 001101 through that algorithm in your head.
        map ctr, base_rule;
        for(i=0;i<64;i++) ctr[i]=0;
        string_to_MAP(argv[3], &base_rule);
        /* note that bit positions 0 and 511 must be 1 and 0, respectively;
         * otherwise rule is non-alternating and out of the scope of epsrc */
        SETMAPBIT(base_rule,0); RESETMAPBIT(base_rule, 511);
        for(i=1;i<=ham_dis;i++) SETMAPBIT(ctr,i), TOGGLEMAPBIT(base_rule,i);
        do {
            /* get next rule */
            for(i=1;!MAPBIT(ctr,i);i++); /* find leftmost 1 bit */
            int begin = i;
                /* remove 1 */
                if(!MAPBIT(ctr,i)) break;
                /* place it back at the beginning */
        } while(!MAPBIT(ctr,511));
    } else {
        printf("Command '%s' not recognised. Use '%s help' to list commands.\n",
               argv[1], argv[0]);
    return 0;
Using it is relatively simple. You can simply take some MAP rule with a 1-cell spaceship/oscillator and enter "./epsrc ham 2 (RULE)" (I think on Windows you'd simply get rid of the ./? You probably know how to use a command line anyway.) with an appropriate -p option and you'll often get results. A good starting point for novel searches is "./epsrc ham 3 MAP -p 6". See the help ("./epsrc help") for more details.

I can explain this in more detail if anyone wants. If you have problems using the program, please post about them in this thread.
Last edited by blah on May 28th, 2020, 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by blah » May 25th, 2020, 12:51 pm

gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 25th, 2020, 12:10 pm
All it does is displays the help screen.
Ok, stupid question time. So how do I use it?
Navigate to the directory where the executable is stored and run it in a command line. That's assuming you know (1) how to run an executable from a command line, (2) where the executable is, (3) how to navigate there in a command line, and (4) how to open a command prompt in the first place.

I'm not going to try to explain how to do this on whatever system/setup you happen to be using. You should try to look these things up and figure it out yourself. Passing arguments to an executable from a command prompt is incredibly basic and, in my opinion, outside the scope of this thread.

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by gameoflifemaniac » May 26th, 2020, 4:35 am

What do I type in to get really slow ships? I tried typing in epsrc ham 1 MAP -p 10 -m 10 so it gets me only c/10's, but didn't output anything. What is the syntax exactly?
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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by blah » May 26th, 2020, 7:37 am

gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 26th, 2020, 4:35 am
What do I type in to get really slow ships? I tried typing in epsrc ham 1 MAP -p 10 -m 10 so it gets me only c/10's, but didn't output anything.
"ham 1 MAP" means "exhaustively search the alternating rules (ones with B0 and no S8) of Hamming distance 1 from "MAP" (which is shorthand for MAPgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA here)." Since there are 510 bits that can vary in this rulespace, this means "ham 1" analyses exactly 510 rules; not a very large search space. Running "epsrc ham 1 MAP -p 100" shows that there are no oscillators/spaceships here other than a simple p2, so there are no p10s to find.

The general workflow I've been using to find interesting results has been to start off with some command like the "epsrc ham 3 MAP -p 6" one, then copy/paste some of the speeds into their own commands and repeat that process to get a slower/higher period/whatever ship until it becomes too difficult to go any further.

For example, that command's output includes "p4 (0,1): MAPgAAAAAAAgAABQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", a c/4 ship. If we then copy this rule into its own command, like "epsrc ham 2 MAPgAAAAAAAgAABQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", we get some more interesting results, including c/6s. Then you do this again with those c/6s and see more results and use those, and so on. That's how I found the c/534 ship. (note the default maximum period is 20, so you'll have to explicitly use the -p option to go higher than that)

Also, to be clear, the -m option does not effect the search itself, it only filters the output; the search still takes the same amount of time.

Edit: Also, -p 10 -m 10 filters for objects with period 10, not necessarily speed c/10.

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by gameoflifemaniac » May 26th, 2020, 8:07 am

blah wrote:
May 26th, 2020, 7:37 am
gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 26th, 2020, 4:35 am
What do I type in to get really slow ships? I tried typing in epsrc ham 1 MAP -p 10 -m 10 so it gets me only c/10's, but didn't output anything.
"ham 1 MAP" means "exhaustively search the alternating rules (ones with B0 and no S8) of Hamming distance 1 from "MAP" (which is shorthand for MAPgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA here)." Since there are 510 bits that can vary in this rulespace, this means "ham 1" analyses exactly 510 rules; not a very large search space. Running "epsrc ham 1 MAP -p 100" shows that there are no oscillators/spaceships here other than a simple p2, so there are no p10s to find.

The general workflow I've been using to find interesting results has been to start off with some command like the "epsrc ham 3 MAP -p 6" one, then copy/paste some of the speeds into their own commands and repeat that process to get a slower/higher period/whatever ship until it becomes too difficult to go any further.

For example, that command's output includes "p4 (0,1): MAPgAAAAAAAgAABQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", a c/4 ship. If we then copy this rule into its own command, like "epsrc ham 2 MAPgAAAAAAAgAABQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", we get some more interesting results, including c/6s. Then you do this again with those c/6s and see more results and use those, and so on. That's how I found the c/534 ship. (note the default maximum period is 20, so you'll have to explicitly use the -p option to go higher than that)

Also, to be clear, the -m option does not effect the search itself, it only filters the output; the search still takes the same amount of time.

Edit: Also, -p 10 -m 10 filters for objects with period 10, not necessarily speed c/10.
Thanks, I just didn't know what a Hamming distance is
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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by gameoflifemaniac » May 27th, 2020, 4:06 pm

If you set the hamming distance to 3, does that always mean it will search 512*511*510=133432320 rules?
Or rather 510*509*508=131871720?
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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by blah » May 27th, 2020, 4:25 pm

gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 27th, 2020, 4:06 pm
If you set the hamming distance to 3, does that always mean it will search 512*511*510=133432320 rules?
Or rather 510*509*508=131871720?
No. Your logic fails to eliminate redundancies.

You have 510 places to put the first alteration, and 509 places to put the second. However, 510*509 would mean that you count all of them twice. For example, it counts the cases where you first modify bit position 1, then 2, separately from modifying 2 then 1. As such, you must divide it by two, giving (510*509)/2 = 129795. This is a triangular number.

I don't know what the equation is for hamming distances greater than 2. Can somebody provide it?

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by gameoflifemaniac » May 27th, 2020, 4:27 pm

blah wrote:
May 27th, 2020, 4:25 pm
gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 27th, 2020, 4:06 pm
If you set the hamming distance to 3, does that always mean it will search 512*511*510=133432320 rules?
Or rather 510*509*508=131871720?
No. Your logic fails to eliminate redundancies.

You have 510 places to put the first alteration, and 509 places to put the second. However, 510*509 would mean that you count all of them twice. For example, it counts the cases where you first modify bit position 1, then 2, separately from modifying 2 then 1. As such, you must divide it by two, giving (510*509)/2 = 129795. This is a triangular number.

I don't know what the equation is for hamming distances greater than 2. Can somebody provide it?
Me! (510*509*508)/(3*2*1)
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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by dvgrn » May 27th, 2020, 4:36 pm

gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 27th, 2020, 4:27 pm
510 choose 3, looks good.

This program seems to be finding some fairly ridiculously high-period 1-cell spaceships, like the one blah just posted on Discord:

(63,176)c/1278 spaceship --

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I want to see the (96,129)c/1498 one, but so far it's just a Discord rumor.

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by blah » May 27th, 2020, 4:51 pm

dvgrn wrote:
May 27th, 2020, 4:36 pm
I want to see the (96,129)c/1498 one, but so far it's just a Discord rumor.
It's already here. (Also I posted the p1278 on these forums before I posted it on Discord)

Also, I am continually finding more and more higher-period ships as we speak. As I type this, my highest period is p2074 (139,198):

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Also, I have an idea for a better algorithm. Put simply, the program would find neighbourhood states that only occur, say, 1500 generations in, and then if it only modified those it would only have to simulate starting from a saved t=1500 state. This should drastically reduce the amount of computation needed. Given the amount of attention this is getting I should probably try to implement it.

It's kind of ironic that the effort to find incredibly slow ships is going incredibly quickly.

Also I use the word 'also' a lot.

EDIT: p2212 (139,277). Interestingly, the x offset (139) is the same as the p2074:

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by gameoflifemaniac » May 28th, 2020, 11:39 am

blah wrote:
May 27th, 2020, 4:51 pm
dvgrn wrote:
May 27th, 2020, 4:36 pm
I want to see the (96,129)c/1498 one, but so far it's just a Discord rumor.
It's already here. (Also I posted the p1278 on these forums before I posted it on Discord)

Also, I am continually finding more and more higher-period ships as we speak. As I type this, my highest period is p2074 (139,198):

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Also, I have an idea for a better algorithm. Put simply, the program would find neighbourhood states that only occur, say, 1500 generations in, and then if it only modified those it would only have to simulate starting from a saved t=1500 state. This should drastically reduce the amount of computation needed. Given the amount of attention this is getting I should probably try to implement it.

It's kind of ironic that the effort to find incredibly slow ships is going incredibly quickly.

Also I use the word 'also' a lot.

EDIT: p2212 (139,277). Interestingly, the x offset (139) is the same as the p2074:

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You could also make it print out every 100000 rules or so how many rules it has searched so far. Or add an option to change those transitions randomly (not in order) because there could be zone of adjacent rules with the same hamming distance for the "mother" rule which gives nothing.
I was so socially awkward in the past and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by Hunting » May 29th, 2020, 11:45 pm

gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 28th, 2020, 11:39 am
Or add an option to change those transitions randomly (not in order) because there could be zone of adjacent rules with the same hamming distance for the "mother" rule which gives nothing.
That's probably my program's job. I'll release it relatively soon.

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Re: epsrc: A program to find 1-cell spaceships in 2-state rules

Post by gameoflifemaniac » May 30th, 2020, 3:13 am

Hunting wrote:
May 29th, 2020, 11:45 pm
gameoflifemaniac wrote:
May 28th, 2020, 11:39 am
Or add an option to change those transitions randomly (not in order) because there could be zone of adjacent rules with the same hamming distance for the "mother" rule which gives nothing.
That's probably my program's job. I'll release it relatively soon.
Will it be quicker?
I was so socially awkward in the past and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Code: Select all


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