Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » January 20th, 2018, 6:51 pm

dvgrn wrote:Okay, time to pick up this thread again. Here's a first shot at a blueprint for a simple Hashlife-friendly quadratic-growth replicator...

There are various things wrong with this, but it should help with visualization anyway.
The first thing that's probably wrong is that the two Corderships are mirror images of each other. Two single-channel cleanups of mirror-image Corderships would produce mirror-image diamond memory loops in the next cycle, and then half of the grandchildren would come into immediate conflict.

It might be interesting to run a simulation of the replication pattern for that case. Maybe it could be arranged for the two incoming recipes to mutually annihilate somehow -- but with the Corderships leading the way, I'm not sure how that would work. It would definitely be more complicated, and we probably don't need any extra complexity in this project.

If the two Corderships are just 90-degree rotated copies of each other, I think there's never any conflict between a given set of descendants. The replication pattern should end up looking Langton's-Loop-ish, very similar to the QGC1 patterns toward the beginning of this thread.

Anyway, a few minutes more with Seeds of Destruction were enough to find an alternate Following Glider that leaves a minimal amount of junk as a target, and bounces the output glider in the other direction:

Code: Select all

x = 288, y = 64, rule = B3/S23
Anyone want to try rebuilding the dual Cordership seed and the Following Gliders seed, after mirror-reflecting one of the component seeds? It would be one good way to jump in and learn about self-constructing circuitry.

I mentioned on the Splitters with Common SL thread that I'm not any good yet at using simsim314's collections of one-time turners to solve timing adjustment problems. To do the final adjustment I ended up using my old Blockic toolkit, because it has all sixteen classes of 180-degree turns that might be needed, whereas I only seem to be able to find eight classes in some of simsim314's reports.

Code: Select all

x = 164, y = 418, rule = LifeHistory
Really it might not end up being much more expensive for slmake to build a few extra blocks, compared to building some of the rarer and more expensive still lifes in simsim314's turner toolkit. It's hard to know what to try to optimize sometimes. The rule of thumb seems to be "build the easiest thing that works", followed by "rebuild only if it's easy, and if you really can't stand to look at the previous solution".

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » March 16th, 2018, 3:27 pm

dvgrn wrote:I haven't told the story yet of how two copies of the recipe escape from the memory loop again, or what eventually happens to the two receding Corderships -- or what happens when this replicator's great-great-grandchildren show up in this vicinity several cycles later, and run into a scattering of old empty circuitry instead of empty space.

Luckily that part of the story can be handled with just a few dozen more small still lifes, so I'll save it for a follow-up post.
It's tricky to work on this quadratic replicator project just an hour at a time here and there, when I can fit something in. It really needs a few long dedicated weekends at this point. Someone should just take this project over for me and finish it up -- I won't mind a bit...

Okay, we had gotten through Step 20. The first copy of the replicator construction recipe is all used up, after finishing construction on the East Corner Splitter. The second identical copy of the recipe is coming along directly behind, so it's about to feed in to the East Corner Splitter.

There might be almost a quarter of the recipe that is still sticking out of the memory loop, southeast of the South Corner Splitter, but it will (I hope!) be safely inside the loop by the time the Second Copy arrives back at the south corner.

The Rest of the Story

Here goes:

21) The first glider entering the East Corner Splitter triggers a one-time circuit -- say, a simple boat on the blocked output lane, plus another boat nearby, sending a glider southwest. Call this glider OTS, "One-Time Signal".
22) OTS reaches the South Corner Splitter about the same time as the leading Second Copy glider.
23) OTS encounters a one-time turner constructed near the South Corner, and heads northwest.
24) OTS reaches the West Corner Snark, hits a one-time turner there, and is deflected northeast.
25) OTS continues on to the North Corner Snark and again hits a one-time turner sending it SE. The Second Copy gliders are all following along not far behind (on Memoryloop Lane, not the OTS lane off to the side).
26) OTS reaches a one-time circuit near the East Corner Splitter, which now unblocks the splitter's NE output and also sends the OTS glider SW.
(Has the Cordership receded far enough by this time? Have to figure that out next. If not, it only costs four more boats to add another full loop's worth of delay before step 26, so we can easily add as much wait time as we need to.)
27) OTS reaches a one-time circuit near the South Corner Splitter, which now unblocks the splitter's second NW output and also sends the OTS glider NW.
28) Round One: OTS travels via one-time turner to West, North, and East corners, eating boats as it goes. At the moment OTS reaches the East Corner, one complete recipe has been emitted from the East Corner Splitter.
29) Round Two: OTS travels via one-time turner to West, North, and East corners, eating boats as it goes. At the East Corner again, two complete recipes have been sent NE from the East Corner Splitter.

30) A one-time turner sends OTS SE to the South Corner Splitter, at which point two complete recipes have been sent NW from the south corner.
31) OTS hits a one-time circuit that builds an eater, which we'll call "Moe". Moe closes the South Corner Splitter's input channel. All following gliders in the memory loop will be absorbed by this one Majorly Overworked Eater.
32) (OPTIONAL) Part of the one-time circuit cleanly destroys the now-empty South Corner Splitter.
33) An OTS glider continues NE then NW to one-time circuits that (OPTIONAL) cleanly destroy the West Corner and North Corner Snarks.
34) An OTS glider continues SE to the East Corner Splitter, where at the time the glider arrives, two complete recipes have been sent NE.
35) OTS triggers a one-time circuit that (OPTIONAL) cleanly destroys the East Corner Splitter.
36) An OTS glider continues SW to a one-time circuit that (OPTIONAL) cleanly destroys the South Corner Splitter and heartlessly shoots down Moe.
37) If we did all the (OPTIONAL) things, no trace of the memory loop is left. We don't really need that for a replicator -- see below -- but it's very important if we want a self-constructing spaceship made out of gliders someday.
38) We pause to rest and have a look around for a moment.
39) In the far NE and far NW, two simple two-engine Corderships are puttering along through empty space, with two long single-channel glider streams sneaking up behind them.
40) Sound familiar? See Step 1.

The OPTIONAL stuff is optional because even without any cleanup, this design will achieve quadratic growth, with a growth pattern fairly similar to the Hydra or to Langton's Loops. The replication pattern looks a lot different if the old memory loops clean themselves up, but we would get quadratic growth either way.

Kids, Stop Fighting!
In either case, the one thing that hasn't been described is how conflicts between the replicator's descendants will be handled.

If there's no cleanup, this is pretty easy: a few defensive blocks in the right places will stop an incoming Cordership that would otherwise try to build a new memory loop overlapping an existing empty one.

What follows each Cordership is a simple single-channel stream, so a simple eater will handle the rest of the suppression problem. Even if we used a 0-degree construction salvo way back in Step 4, the first step in starting a 0-degree construction would be to pull back an elbow far enough that it can be safely used with 0-degree recipes. If the initial Cordership-Following Glider fails to hit a Cordership and hits an eater instead, then none of that will happen.

I'm not quite sure when the replicator's descendants start getting into fights, if the memory loops clean themselves up instead of sticking around. Anyone care to do some simulations and figure this out in detail?

As Good As It Gets?
With this design, I don't think any significant number of recipe gliders will spend any significant amount of time traveling near other recipe gliders in the opposite direction. HashLife should be pretty happy running this thing.

Anyone see any major holes in the plan, or is it time to move on to the next step?

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by calcyman » September 23rd, 2018, 5:13 pm

Macbi wrote:Right! Thanks for reminding me.

This is the recipe I used:

109, 90, 93, 91, 90, 95, 91, 91, 138, 157, 96, 90, 120, 91, 97, [...]
This caused me an untold amount of worry -- I entered this into dd0e0p, and it would produce the correct pattern but fail to run it correctly (suggesting that there was a fundamental problem with my streamlife implementation). After much trepidation, I realised that it was simply that you forgot to include the initial '0' mandated by dvgrn's universal standard for glider recipes.

Anyway, for future reference, here's the Snarkmaker in isolation, with the correct leading zero:

Code: Select all

It now runs correctly in streamlife.
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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » September 23rd, 2018, 7:11 pm

calcyman wrote:It now runs correctly in streamlife.
There's only one other reference to "streamlife" on the forums (until this one), so I'm not sure how many people will know what it is. Does it still look like it will be able to run the 0e0p metacell an order of magnitude or two faster than plain-vanilla HashLife can manage? (... and other unusual large patterns with lots of well-separated boustrophedonic streams of gliders or spaceships?)

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by calcyman » September 23rd, 2018, 7:59 pm

dvgrn wrote:
calcyman wrote:It now runs correctly in streamlife.
There's only one other reference to "streamlife" on the forums (until this one), so I'm not sure how many people will know what it is. Does it still look like it will be able to run the 0e0p metacell an order of magnitude or two faster than plain-vanilla HashLife can manage? (... and other unusual large patterns with lots of well-separated boustrophedonic streams of gliders or spaceships?)
Oh! I thought I'd discussed it a lot, but I guess that must have just been with you and Tom Rokicki by e-mail.

To summarise, streamlife is based on (lifelib's implementation of) hashlife, but with some added complexity to be able to run antiparallel glider streams 'in parallel universes'. It can currently handle both (1,1)c/4 and (2,0)c/4 spaceships.

To be able to automatically recognise when tiles are composed entirely of spaceships, and prove that they will never interact as they pass through each other, there's an unavoidable overhead beyond that of regular hashlife. As such, in the same way that for random patterns, hashlife is many times slower than quicklife, streamlife is about 3x slower than hashlife.

But for patterns such as the Orthogonoid and total-periodic and other patterns involving boustrophedonic tapes of gliders, it's often 10x faster and less memory-hungry than hashlife (and this factor increases as the complexity of the pattern increases).

The program dd0e0p is one of the utilities provided for free with lifelib, and it's used for imaging a glider recipe into a pattern and optionally running it for a given number of generations. The idea is mainly so that you can copy a glider recipe into the tape of a GoL replicator or suchlike. The first version used hashlife, but this was later swapped for streamlife because it's often much more efficient for patterns involving glider tapes.
What do you do with ill crystallographers? Take them to the mono-clinic!

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by Pavgran » December 23rd, 2019, 7:56 pm

It was simple enough. A realisation of the idea from the first post, I mean.
Build glider splitter with two new arms (and defence eater+block), push them a bit, push them a lot (with cordership), push them a little bit further (so that defence activates).

Raw recipe:

Code: Select all

[0, 109, 90, 93, 91, 90, 95, 91, 91, 138, 157, 96, 90, 120, 91, 97,
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247, 90, 144, 90, 140, 91, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 124, 91, 126, 91, 140, 162, 
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109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 136, 91, 91, 90, 168, 90, 90, 110, 90, 90, 93, 91, 111, 
91, 91, 90, 132, 91, 90, 109, 91, 93, 91, 129, 149, 91, 90, 90, 142, 219, 90, 
99, 91, 109, 115, 92, 185, 91, 109, 90, 93, 91, 91, 158, 94, 113, 91, 90, 91, 
96, 90, 142, 90, 109, 91, 93, 91, 127, 91, 90, 97, 91, 90, 104, 91, 90, 90, 
115, 90, 103, 91, 91, 99, 91, 92, 90, 90, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 136, 90, 90, 91, 
168, 90, 106, 90, 90, 138, 90, 90, 106, 91, 109, 91, 95, 125, 128, 90, 90, 90, 
172, 90, 90, 90, 119, 91, 113, 247, 90, 144, 90, 140, 90, 109, 91, 93, 91, 92, 
90, 162, 90, 129, 91, 91, 91, 90, 137, 99, 90, 90, 111, 91, 153, 90, 90, 90, 
109, 91, 93, 91, 137, 90, 166, 91, 102, 90, 104, 91, 96, 96, 91, 90, 90, 90, 
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93, 231, 91, 91, 90, 91, 91, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 167, 90, 90, 91, 95, 90, 90, 
148, 90, 151, 90, 90, 136, 134, 155, 115, 103, 91, 109, 91, 93, 90, 140, 150, 
142, 91, 90, 111, 91, 91, 193, 97, 91, 91, 155, 90, 98, 90, 91, 93, 91, 151, 
90, 139, 180, 103, 115, 167, 91, 120, 139, 135, 91, 91, 169, 109, 91, 94, 91, 
91, 124, 90, 170, 90, 90, 91, 90, 99, 91, 90, 91, 110, 121, 161, 117, 115, 137, 
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171, 100, 91, 91, 90, 92, 96, 90, 101, 91, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 141, 90, 171, 
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91, 94, 91, 91, 171, 91, 90, 113, 90, 97, 114, 90, 105, 90, 139, 90, 113, 90, 
106, 98, 121, 91, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 124, 90, 142, 90, 90, 146, 91, 153, 90, 
102, 91, 152, 108, 97, 91, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 167, 90, 90, 91, 95, 90, 90, 
148, 90, 151, 90, 90, 136, 134, 155, 115, 103, 90, 109, 91, 93, 90, 140, 150, 
108, 91, 90, 111, 91, 91, 194, 98, 90, 169, 90, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 92, 90, 
146, 90, 90, 90, 91, 135, 91, 152, 135, 93, 90, 91, 91, 90, 90, 91, 90, 103, 
113, 91, 103, 90, 152, 181, 140, 91, 90, 166, 91, 107, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 
121, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 99, 90, 165, 119, 90, 106, 90, 90, 90, 109, 91, 
94, 91, 91, 95, 91, 90, 93, 218, 172, 90, 90, 90, 116, 112, 341, 107, 106, 90, 
163, 91, 91, 109, 90, 93, 91, 91, 181, 90, 95, 110, 114, 100, 160, 90, 143, 91, 
119, 90, 106, 128, 109, 91, 93, 90, 140, 150, 108, 91, 90, 111, 91, 91, 194, 
98, 90, 169, 90, 109, 91, 93, 91, 117, 90, 91, 90, 163, 91, 117, 91, 136, 90, 
114, 300, 91, 91, 130, 90, 142, 90, 91, 94, 90, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 167, 90, 
90, 91, 95, 90, 90, 148, 90, 151, 90, 90, 136, 134, 155, 115, 103, 91, 109, 91, 
93, 90, 140, 150, 108, 91, 90, 111, 91, 91, 194, 98, 90, 169, 91, 109, 91, 94, 
91, 91, 92, 90, 146, 90, 90, 90, 91, 135, 91, 152, 135, 93, 91, 151, 90, 139, 
180, 103, 115, 167, 91, 120, 139, 135, 91, 91, 170, 109, 91, 93, 91, 129, 148, 
91, 93, 154, 90, 134, 91, 91, 90, 91, 91, 111, 91, 91, 91, 91, 91, 109, 91, 94, 
91, 91, 141, 90, 171, 91, 90, 91, 107, 157, 121, 90, 90, 119, 90, 90, 109, 91, 
94, 91, 91, 179, 91, 90, 94, 91, 111, 90, 90, 90, 171, 91, 110, 91, 154, 90, 
132, 90, 109, 91, 93, 91, 92, 90, 97, 91, 116, 91, 145, 90, 91, 98, 90, 90, 
188, 91, 91, 91, 90, 115, 90, 109, 91, 93, 91, 117, 90, 91, 90, 163, 91, 117, 
91, 136, 90, 114, 300, 91, 91, 130, 90, 142, 90, 91, 94, 91, 109, 91, 93, 91, 
123, 90, 147, 90, 91, 90, 140, 91, 94, 91, 152, 91, 90, 91, 106, 91, 135, 90, 
98, 146, 90, 91, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 95, 91, 90, 97, 143, 171, 90, 105, 90, 
91, 144, 91, 90, 90, 90, 94, 90, 90, 91, 109, 91, 93, 91, 92, 91, 98, 201, 91, 
129, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 103, 90, 108, 90, 104, 91, 109, 91, 93, 91, 92, 90, 
97, 91, 116, 91, 145, 90, 91, 98, 90, 90, 188, 91, 91, 91, 90, 115, 91, 109, 
91, 93, 91, 92, 90, 97, 91, 116, 91, 145, 90, 91, 98, 90, 90, 188, 91, 91, 91, 
90, 115, 90, 109, 91, 94, 91, 91, 136, 90, 90, 91, 168, 90, 106, 90, 90, 138, 
90, 90, 106, 90, 109, 91, 93, 91, 92, 90, 97, 91, 116, 91, 145, 90, 91, 98, 90, 
90, 188, 91, 91, 91, 90, 115, 91, 109, 90, 93, 91, 91, 135, 91, 124, 90, 90, 
148, 91, 91, 97, 141, 91, 91, 109, 91, 93, 90, 140, 150, 108, 91, 90, 111, 91, 
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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » December 24th, 2019, 12:19 am

Pavgran wrote:
December 23rd, 2019, 7:56 pm
It was simple enough. A realisation of the idea from the first post, I mean.
Build glider splitter with two new arms (and defence eater+block), push them a bit, push them a lot (with cordership), push them a little bit further (so that defence activates).
Very elegant -- congratulations! It's really nice to see more people picking up slmake/slsparse single-channel construction tools. No central gun needed like in QGC1 / Hydra.

What's the verdict? Is there an initial configuration of this structure that could be called a "quadratic-growth replicator", where the number of copies of that structure keeps increasing in a more-than-linear way? Or is this more like making a spacefiller out of 0E0P metacells, where collaboration between several copies of the unit structure is needed to make more copies?

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by Pavgran » December 24th, 2019, 8:01 am

dvgrn wrote:
December 24th, 2019, 12:19 am
What's the verdict? Is there an initial configuration of this structure that could be called a "quadratic-growth replicator", where the number of copies of that structure keeps increasing in a more-than-linear way? Or is this more like making a spacefiller out of 0E0P metacells, where collaboration between several copies of the unit structure is needed to make more copies?
It's not a replicator. All this small recipe can do is to build a splitter and push elbow blocks far enough so that the entire recipe can fit into the loop of four splitters. So this recipe is stored in that loop, and after that is transmitted through branches of splitter tree. There are no loops except the first one.

The pattern in the post was built in several steps. First, aim the recipe to the initial block to build the first splitter. Then, feed that same recipe into the splitter two more times to make two additional copies. And now comes the tricky part. If you feed the recipe again, the construction of the last splitter of the loop begins after the tail of the recipe, and no matter how far you push the cordership, you can't fill the loop with two copies of the recipe (64 ticks of delay increase the distance by 8, and four sides are increased by that distance, so that gives 8*4*4=128 ticks of space. That's enough to make sure one copy fits, but net gain is zero for two copies). So I instead just waited for the recipe to almost fill the loop, and than manually inserted the fourth splitter (and it's respective second elbow) to make the loop complete.
To make all that into a replicator, one has to solve a lot of problems. The recipe has to build whole loop, not just one splitter, inject itself into that loop, and successfully close it. And elbows have to be of different lengths: child elbow have to be twice as long as loop elbow. Perhaps, that could be solved with building snarks at the corners to fold more of the recipe into the loop.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » December 24th, 2019, 12:07 pm

Pavgran wrote:
December 24th, 2019, 8:01 am
To make all that into a replicator, one has to solve a lot of problems. The recipe has to build whole loop, not just one splitter, inject itself into that loop, and successfully close it. And elbows have to be of different lengths: child elbow have to be twice as long as loop elbow. Perhaps, that could be solved with building snarks at the corners to fold more of the recipe into the loop.
Yup, sounds familiar. There's a blueprint or two in different threads, along those general lines.

I really like this new Hydra replacement, though, even if it's not a replicator. Do you have a name for it? With the Pattern of the Year nominations coming right up, it's going to need a name.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by Pavgran » December 24th, 2019, 2:13 pm

dvgrn wrote:
December 24th, 2019, 12:07 pm
I really like this new Hydra replacement, though, even if it's not a replicator. Do you have a name for it? With the Pattern of the Year nominations coming right up, it's going to need a name.
I will not name the version in my previous post because it has several issues.

First, it's not hashlife-friendly. I've tried to make size of the loop exactly a power of two, but that didn't help.
It seems that there has to be no offset between input and same-direction output gliders of the splitter so that the grid would be perfectly aligned, and not slightly skewed. Adding Snarks doesn't solve the issue because splitter changes colors. I haven't played with alternating parity yet, but the resulting pattern would have different and more complex behaviour. And I've tried to build color-preserving splitter, but it came big enough and slsparse is having trouble compiling it.
Looks like this improvement will wait for a while.

Second, it's not "canonical" in some sense. The loop's fourth splitter just magically appeared during construction and that added phase change to the NE part of the pattern.
But I have a solution for this. It appears that splitter's turning glider lane is transparent, so that you could inject the recipe into the loop after the splitter is built. So that if you send recipe four times, skip a loop (allowing for non-interfering construction) and send it another time, you would have a fully functional pattern except that you need to remove one elbow beehive that is just in front of the very first splitter.

I will optimize recipe a bit, add sacrificial block in front of the splitter and come up with a name for resulting pattern.
Generation 0 of that pattern would be five copies of the recipe (arranged like [R, R, R, R, 0, R] or, more likely, like [R, 0, R, 0, R, 0, R, 0, R, 0]) aimed at a single block. I find it a lot more beautiful compared to starting with somewhat arbitrary generation in the middle of the pattern running.
I still don't know whether to make loop size of that pattern as tight as possible, with cordership-breaking part of the recipe being immediately followed by the first part of the recipe, or make it a power of two (2^21). But in that case there would be two visible streams running around, one big and one very small, and I kinda don't like it.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by Pavgran » December 25th, 2019, 5:04 pm

Pavgran wrote:
December 24th, 2019, 2:13 pm
I will optimize recipe a bit, add sacrificial block in front of the splitter and come up with a name for resulting pattern.
The pattern is finally here. MDD (mistake-driven development) happened to be the main methodology in design.
As for the name, I think "Slavic" will fit because the pattern after a few iterations resembles Slavic embroidery, especially if you allow yourself to adjust colors a bit :)
Slavic26254536.PNG (14.01 KiB) Viewed 9590 times
There was also an idea of naming it "Fireworks" because first few iterations of pattern with copies of the recipe feeding not-yet-finished loop make it look like fireworks exploding, but that name fits less for later generations.
Period of the design is 1591184.
Quadratic growth pattern resembling Slavic embroidery
(390.71 KiB) Downloaded 391 times
Same pattern run for 26254536 generations
(3.13 MiB) Downloaded 266 times

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by Pavgran » January 27th, 2020, 8:51 am

First step at making a hashlife-friendly quadratic growth replicator.

Code: Select all

x = 746, y = 583, rule = LifeSuper
That is the first version of the design having enough degrees of freedom to make it POTfull (POT = Power Of Two).

The main idea is an extendable snark loop (there is only one copy in the above pattern) allowing the recipe loop size to grow significantly faster than the recipe itself. I've made the distance between same-orientation Snarks in the loop a POT, and the length of one iteration of a snark loop (every 4 Snarks) also a POT. That would allow (I think) sharing a lot of hashtiles inside a loop even though there are anti-parallel streams. If the snark-making part of the recipe is also of a POT length there will be even hashtile sharing between different parts of the recipe.

I've not adjusted the rest of the distances but that's trivial after all the modulo-8 timing issues are solved.
An input elbow and an top output elbow are on the same lane and can be made to be at POT distance. And flight time from input to the top output can also be made a POT (and designed to be made equal to the full recipe loop).
Left output elbow can have the same timing as the top elbow, but the distance is not separately adjustable (it even flips the color). But that's not a problem since the left copy will be rotated anyway so there is no point in adjusting it to POT. But you have to ensure that 4 copies of that turn will have the same timing as the recipe loop (or differ by POT) so that the copy built by turning left, left, left, straight, left has the same (or similar) synchronization with the copy that just got straight, straight (it will have the same orientation and POT displacement due to left turns canceling out and straight copy being at POT distance).

I've not included the necessary defense eater+block but that would be trivial after the lengths are settled. And I haven't yet solved the problem of blocking the parent input after the recipe injection. I thought of a sequence of OTTs following roughly the same path as the recipe loop or building a clock with period multipliers to delay the trigger glider.

The rough outline of the yet-to-be-designed recipe:
  1. Launch a NW cordership
  2. Build SE constellations and Snarks
  3. Send cordership stopper
  4. Build the rest of SE (if necessary)
  5. Destroy an elbow
  6. Build NW constellations and Snarks
I've not yet decided what is the best way to build Snarks and constellations. I can imagine at least several ways of doing it.
  1. Build a temporary elbow Snark and just 90-degree print everything gradually moving forward. Straightforward but probably not optimal.
  2. Build a temporary elbow Snark, push the hand to the far south part (maybe even corderpush), build the constellation with 90-degree and 0-degree recipes, build the most of the loop with a 0-degree recipe, destroy the Snark, build the rest with 90-degree. Harder to design but faster due to using 0-degree recipes.
  3. Build a temporary loop that is long enough to contain a snark-building part of the recipe and do the rest of the work while it is working. Very difficult to design but probably very efficient (calculations needed to verify).
I've also thought about building top and bottom parts of the Snark loop with the same recipe using a splitter but after realizing that the distance between Snarks is different for top and bottom (due to loop part displacement needing to be a POT) I've discarded that idea.
I think I'll stick with the second variant as it looks optimal in both design time and efficiency.

Also, I didn't consider the idea of self-destructing after building children. Is there any conceptual difference between self-destructing and not-self-destructing replicators?

Are there any suggestions or improvements to this rough outline?

PS. I've just realized that with snark-building part being enclosed in a loop, a clock and self-destruct circuitry that would look like a significantly simplified version of 0E0P metacell capable just of replication.

If you have time and inclination, I'd like you to PM me pointing out grammatical, punctuation and stylistic mistakes in this post. I'm not a native English speaker and would like to know where I misuse articles and make weird-looking phrasings.
Last edited by Pavgran on January 28th, 2020, 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » January 27th, 2020, 9:23 am

Pavgran wrote:
January 27th, 2020, 8:51 am
First step at making hashlife-friendly quadratic growth replicator.
That is the first version of the design having enough degrees of freedom to make it POTfull. (POT = Power Of Two)
Looks very good so far!
Pavgran wrote:
January 27th, 2020, 8:51 am
The main idea is an extendable snark loop (there is only one copy in the above pattern) allowing to grow the recipe loop size significantly faster than the recipe itself. I've made the distance between same-orientation Snarks in the loop a POT, and the length of one iteration of a snark loop (every 4 Snarks) also a POT. That would allow (I think) sharing a lot of hashtiles inside a loop even though there are anti-parallel streams. If the snark-making part of the recipe is also of a POT length there will be even hashtile sharing between different parts of the recipe.
Yup, the hashtile reduction will definitely work, to an extent. The 0E0P metacell is designed this way, though, and it's still slower than molasses in midwinter, so the back-and-forth stream design will still slow things down quite a bit. But the 0E0P needs a much much larger recipe, so if it didn't have power-of-two optimization, it would run at continental-drift speed instead of just midwinter molasses.
Pavgran wrote:
January 27th, 2020, 8:51 am
Also, I didn't consider the idea of self-destructing after building children. Is there any conceptual difference between self-destructing and not-self-destructing replicators?
I think that ultimately it just changes the arrangement of replicators in the middle of the quadratic-growth patch a little bit. A non-self-destructing replicator is much easier, so it seems like the way to go for an initial design. Not sure if you've seen the simulations of self-destructing vs. non-self-destructing replicators here, and I haven't gone through your summary carefully enough yet to understand if your replicators would match this pattern. Those rules could probably be adjusted to simulate your replicators with and without self-destruct, anyway.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » May 12th, 2020, 10:51 am

Pavgran wrote:
January 27th, 2020, 8:51 am
... I haven't yet solved the problem of blocking the parent input after the recipe injection. I thought of a sequence of OTTs following roughly the same path as the recipe loop or building a clock with period multipliers to delay the trigger glider.
A detail I didn't mention in my last response: the loopship uses the "chain of OTTs" method, going around the loop twice and then blocking off the output stream that isn't needed any longer.

This is surprisingly cheap and easy compared to building and destroying a clock mechanism -- the OTTs end up being something like 1% of the full recipe.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by Pavgran » July 3rd, 2020, 7:10 am

Well, here is the next step.

After some calculations, I've realized that there is no reason to make a highly folded loop. It's mainly because the cost of building 4 Snarks is comparable with the cost of building the rest of the recipe (it's definitely lower, but not orders-of-magnitude lower). So I've decided to sacrifice hashlife-friendliness of parts of the loop (no power-of-two spaced Snarks and power-of-two timing alignment within the loop) and just make the whole recipe smaller and simpler.
So here is the next version of the design:

Code: Select all

x = 4521, y = 4821, rule = LifeSuper
It's already aligned in spacings and timings to powers-of-two.
Slmake compiles that to a length of about 1̶2̶M̶ (Edit: this is wrong. The true number is probably 120M. I think I've misremembered the magnitude). So, in principle, one could adjust the length of the loop to make it large enough. The only adjustment is the spacings between three parts.
But there is still work to do. First, there is still no grandchild defense in the design (it would be relatively easy to add). And second, slmake compiles an inefficient recipe for that particular construction. So it would be better to make a custom recipe building things in proper order, doing useful things while Cordership travels, etc. And there is no circuitry at all for self-destruction, but I think I'll try to incorporate it into the next version of the replicator, after this one will be fully finished.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by Pavgran » July 31st, 2020, 8:56 am

Well... nice hashlife-friendly quadratic replicator is farther away than I thought.

Here is what I've managed to arrive to so far:
Failed quadratic replicator prototype
(608.9 KiB) Downloaded 177 times
This design has space and time displacements of 2^21 and 2^23 and can contain the entire recipe for itself inside.
Unfortunately, there are several problems:
  1. Construction arm elbow is not far enough in one case, so the next construction step crashes.
  2. Snark loop is not wide enough so antiparrallel streams make hashlife quite slow. My golly ate about 24G RAM during the loop-filling part.
  3. There are no defenses against parent and grandchildren. So even if the recipe managed not to crash due to point 1, it would crash later.
Point 1 is solved quite easily, just with a little redesign.
Point 3 is solvable with a bit more designing.
I don't know what to do about point 2, though. Would spacing the snarks further away help, and if so, how much away?

I've considered returning to the old design idea (4 splitters at the corners of a square), now that there are block push recipes that can perform better than corderpush (even the wickstretcher push with efficiency 2/3 would be enough to allow constructing an entire loop in 1 cycle, and not in 4 copies of the same corner-part). But there is still the problem of making timings and spacings align to powers of two.

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » July 31st, 2020, 9:35 am

Pavgran wrote:
July 31st, 2020, 8:56 am
Well... nice hashlife-friendly quadratic replicator is farther away than I thought.
Point 1 is solved quite easily, just with a little redesign.
Point 3 is solvable with a bit more designing.
I don't know what to do about point 2, though. Would spacing the snarks further away help, and if so, how much away?
This looks really good! I hope you finish this design, even if it runs slowly in HashLife.

The streams are plenty far enough apart that StreamLife should be able to handle them efficiently. If enough patterns like this are constructed, maybe StreamLife will show up as a new algo in Golly sooner rather than later.

For HashLife, there's only limited experimental evidence about how efficiency improves with distance. Seems like every time you double the distance between opposing streams, there should be some significant 2^N reduction in the number of hashtiles needed... not sure what N is exactly! But at some point those gains start to get cancelled out because you need a significantly longer recipe to get all that widely separated circuitry in place.
Pavgran wrote:
July 31st, 2020, 8:56 am
I've considered returning to the old design idea (4 splitters at the corners of a square), now that there are block push recipes that can perform better than corderpush (even the wickstretcher push with efficiency 2/3 would be enough to allow constructing an entire loop in 1 cycle, and not in 4 copies of the same corner-part).
Yeah, that's definitely looking like an interesting option now. The problem was always that using Corderships meant having to add gaps in your recipe proportional to the size of the square, which then increased the size of the square -- but we can wickstretch our way around a square without having to add any proportional delays at all, and without any retrograde gliders to mess up HashLife.

If wickstretcher technology gets developed well enough, here's hoping calcyman won't be able to resist adding it to slsparse's capabilities!

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Re: Single-Channel Quadratic Growth Challenge

Post by dvgrn » December 12th, 2020, 12:20 am

dvgrn wrote:
July 31st, 2020, 9:35 am
If wickstretcher technology gets developed well enough, here's hoping calcyman won't be able to resist adding it to slsparse's capabilities!
If I remember right, the single-wick crabstretcher push did find its way into slsparse. I would think we'd probably want to use the Speed Demonoid's double-wick crabstretcher push for a quadratic-growth replicator. But maybe a single-wick push is all that's needed to make a stepping stone on the path to quadratic growth -- some new type of self-constructing spaceship, but not a replicator so no need to worry yet about HashLife-friendliness or multiple copies of a recipe going in different directions.

How about a loopship RRO? Wouldn't that just need two copies of a single-channel recipe following each other, where each recipe does something like

long single-wick push,
custom Snarkmaker,
single-wick push,
custom Snarkmaker (each Snark will need a couple of one-time turners and a self-destruct bait object or two around it),
single-wick push,
single-channel 0-degree Scorbie Splitter construction,
optional single-wick push
(or maybe just a glider going around the loop and meeting a trailing glider in the first recipe),
Scorbie Splitter construction (to get the glider color right),
fire one last Ringmaster Glider that starts making the rounds of the one-time turners.

Code: Select all

x = 289, y = 387, rule = LifeHistory
The first time around, the Ringmaster Glider wouldn't do anything but travel. When it returns to its starting point, the key Scorbie Splitter at that corner will have sent out one copy of the recipe.

The second time around, the Ringmaster Glider will shut down the looping half of that key Scorbie Splitter, and will follow around after the second copy of the recipe, destroying each Snark when its work is done.

When it returns to the key Scorbie Splitter a third time, it triggers a self-destruct circuit. Now all that's left is a double copy of the recipe, heading off in a new direction, 90 degrees from the previous direction, aimed at a faraway block as before.

Would The Loop Be Big Enough?
I haven't done the math yet to see if all those recipes and pauses would fit in the resulting loop. Probably the initial long single-wick push wouldn't fit. So the above would have to be modified to send off a single-wick push at some point early in the construction, so that it can travel a good distance while the rest of the loop is being built.

Will the remaining recipes and pauses fit into the loop? If not, is there any way to fix the problem without resorting to any glider-stream storage that goes back and forth in close quarters and causes trouble with HashLife?

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