
For scripts to aid with computation or simulation in cellular automata.
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Post by Scorbie » August 28th, 2015, 7:18 am

This, along with Golly GUI interface, was a project that I really wanted to finsh but never had the time and coding ability to do so.

The Idea is something like Randomagar + ptbsearch; Generate a finite random soup, perturb it with some catalysts, and see if it stabilizes with the help of the catalyst. Even the eater is pretty rare in random ash, so its search space is not yet explored by Randomagar.

I couldn't had the time to make it into a C program, so I just sketched it into a python script. Here it is:

Code: Select all

import golly as g
import random
import time

# Thanks to Huy Nguyen's site for the timer code:
# http://www.huyng.com/posts/python-performance-analysis/
class Timer(object):
    def __init__(self, verbose=False):
        self.verbose = verbose

    def __enter__(self):
        self.start = time.time()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        self.end = time.time()
        self.secs = self.end - self.start
        self.msecs = self.secs * 1000  # millisecs
        if self.verbose:
            print 'elapsed time: {:.f} ms'.format(self.msecs)

class Catalyst(object):
    def __init__(self, patrle, period, width, height, recoverrle=None):
        if recoverrle == None:
            recoverrle = patrle
        patcelllist = g.parse(patrle)
        recovercelllist = g.parse(recoverrle)
        self.patcells = zip(patcelllist[::2], patcelllist[1::2])
        self.period = period
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.recovercells = zip(recovercelllist[::2], recovercelllist[1::2])
# List of catalysts
eater = Catalyst('2o$o$b3o$3bo!', 1, 4, 4, 'bo$o$b3o$3bo!')

# List of symmetries
C1 =   lambda (x, y): [(x, y)]
C21 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (-x, -y)]
C22 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (-x, -y-1)]
C24 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (-x-1, -y-1)]
C41 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (-y, x), (-x, -y), (y, -x)]
C44 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (-y-1, x), (-x-1, -y-1), (y, -x-1)]
D21 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (x, -y)]
D22 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (x, -y-1)]
D2X =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (y, x)]
D41 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (x, -y), (-x, y), (-x, -y)]
D42 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (x, -y-1), (-x, y), (-x, -y-1)]
D44 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (x, -y-1), (-x-1, y), (-x-1, -y-1)]
D4X1 = lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (y, x), (-x, -y), (-y, -x)]
D4X4 = lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (y, x), (-x-1, -y-1), (-y-1, -x-1)]
D81 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (x, -y), (-x, y), (-x, -y), (y, x), (y, -x), (-y, x), (-y, -x)]
D84 =  lambda (x, y): [(x, y), (x, -y-1), (-x-1, y), (-x-1, -y-1), (y, x), (y, -x-1), (-y-1, x), (-y-1, -x-1)]

class CatSoup(object):

    symmetrydict = {'C1':C1, 'C21':C21, 'C22':C22, 'C24':C24, 'C41':C41, 'C44':C44,\
                    'D21':D21, 'D22':D22, 'D2X':D2X, 'D41':D41, 'D42':D42, 'D44':D44,\
                    'D4X1':D4X1, 'D4X4':D4X4, 'D81':D81, 'D84':D84}
    def __init__(self, width, height, symstring, catalyst, spacing):
        self.halfwidth = width/2
        self.halfheight = height/2
        self.widthparity = width%2
        self.heightparity = height%2
        self.symmetry = self.symmetrydict[symstring]
        self.canonicalcells = self.getcanonicalcells(width, height)
        self.catalyst = catalyst
        self.catokaycells = self.getcatokaycells(width, height, spacing, catalyst)
    def getcanonicalcells(self, width, height):
        hrange = xrange((-height+1)/2, (height+1)/2)
        wrange = xrange((-width+1)/2, (width+1)/2)
        cells = [(w, h) for w in wrange for h in hrange]
        canonical  = []
        dependent = []
        for cell in cells:
            if cell not in dependent:
                dependent += self.symmetry(cell)
        return canonical
    def getcatokaycells(self, soupwidth, soupheight, spacing, catalyst):
        hrange = xrange((-soupheight-catalyst.height+1)/2-spacing, (soupheight+1)/2+spacing)
        wrange = xrange((-soupwidth-catalyst.width+1)/2-spacing, (soupwidth+1)/2+spacing)
        souphrange = xrange((-soupheight-catalyst.height+1)/2-2, (soupheight+1)/2+2)
        soupwrange = xrange((-soupwidth-catalyst.width+1)/2-2, (soupwidth+1)/2+2)
        cells = [(w, h) for w in wrange for h in hrange if w not in soupwrange or h not in souphrange]
        okaydict = {}

        for px, py in cells:
            if g.getrect() != []:
            for cx, cy in catalyst.patcells:
                for x, y in self.symmetry((cx+px, cy+py)):
                    g.setcell(x, y, 1)
            catfield = g.getcells(g.getrect())
            if g.getcells(g.getrect()) == catfield:
                okaydict[(px, py)] = catfield
        return okaydict
    def randfill(self):
        # Generate random soup
        n = len(self.canonicalcells)
        canonicalbits = random.getrandbits(n)
        oncells = []
        oncelllist = []
        for i in xrange(n):
            if canonicalbits & (1<<i):
                oncells += self.symmetry(self.canonicalcells[i])
        for oncell in oncells:
        catcell = random.choice(self.catokaycells.keys())
        oncelllist += self.catokaycells[catcell]
        return catcell, oncelllist
def symtest():
    g.new('Symmetry Test')
    symmetries = [['C1'], ['C21', 'C22', 'C24'], ['C41', 'C44'], ['D21', 'D22', 'D2X'],\
                  ['D41', 'D42', 'D44', 'D4X1', 'D4X4'],['D81', 'D84']]
    for i in range(len(symmetries)):
        for j in range(len(symmetries[i])):
            samplesoup = CatSoup(16, 16, symmetries[i][j], eater, 10)
            catcell, celllist = samplesoup.randfill()
            g.putcells(celllist, 100*j, 100*i)

# Code from oscar.py
class Oscar(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # initialize lists
        self.hashlist = []        # for pattern hash values
        self.genlist = []         # corresponding generation counts
        self.poplist = []         # corresponding population counts
        self.period = None

    def reset(self):
        # initialize lists
        self.hashlist = []        # for pattern hash values
        self.genlist = []         # corresponding generation counts
        self.poplist = []         # corresponding population counts
        self.period = None
    def oscillating(self, prect):
        # Test if pattern (without sparks) is empty:
        cells = g.getcells(prect)
        curpop = len(cells) # Current population * 2
        for i in cells[::3]:
            if i==1 or i==2:
            return True
        curgen = int(g.getgen())
        # Get current pattrn and create hash
        h = g.hash(prect)

        # determine where to insert h into self.hashlist
        pos = 0
        listlen = len(self.hashlist)
        while pos < listlen:
            if h > self.hashlist[pos]:
                pos += 1
            elif h < self.hashlist[pos]:
                # shorten lists and append info below
                del self.hashlist[pos : listlen]
                del self.genlist[pos : listlen]
                del self.poplist[pos : listlen]
                # h == self.hashlist[pos] so pattern is probably oscillating, but just in
                # case this is a hash collision we also compare pop count and box size
                if (curpop == self.poplist[pos]):
                    self.period = (curgen - self.genlist[pos])
                    return True
                    # look at next matching hash value or insert if no more
                    pos += 1

        # store hash/gen/pop/box info at same position in various lists
        self.hashlist.insert(pos, h)
        self.genlist.insert(pos, curgen)
        self.poplist.insert(pos, curpop)
        return False

def main():
    soup = CatSoup(10, 10, 'C22', eater, 10)
    oscar = Oscar()
    soupcount = 0
    display = 100
    totaltime = inittime = souptime = gentime = 0
    # Run soup
    starttime = time.time()
    while True:
        with Timer() as inittimer:
        with Timer() as souptimer:
            catpos, celllist = soup.randfill()
            cx, cy = catpos
            souprect = g.getrect()
        with Timer() as gentimer:
            soupcount += 1
            # Check if eater is not destroyed:
            for rx, ry in soup.catalyst.recovercells:
                if g.getcell(cx+rx, cy+ry) == 0:
                while not oscar.oscillating(souprect):
                if oscar.period > 3:
                    g.show("Oscillator detected (period = " + str(oscar.period) + ")")
        inittime += inittimer.msecs
        souptime += souptimer.msecs
        gentime += gentimer.msecs
        if soupcount % display == 0:
            endtime = time.time()
            totaltime = endtime-starttime
            g.show('{0:.2f} soups/second; Init time: {1:.2f}ms, Soup time: {2:.2f}ms, Gen time: {3:.2f}ms'.format(soupcount/totaltime, inittime/display, souptime/display, gentime/display))
            inittime = souptime = gentime = 0
If you have any questions, you can emailme at scorbiclife@gmail.com. Thanks.

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Posts: 1692
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Re: Randcat

Post by Scorbie » September 27th, 2015, 11:32 pm

Here's a LifeAPI implementation of randcat without much success:
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