unname4798's Sandbox Thread

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unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 15th, 2023, 10:51 am

Code: Select all

x = 0, y = 0, rule = Life
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 15th, 2023, 11:45 am

Code: Select all

x = 9, y = 11, rule = B3/S23
[ THEME LifeWithHistory ]
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 16th, 2023, 1:19 am


Code: Select all

x = 0, y = 0, rule = 345678/35678
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by hotdogPi » July 16th, 2023, 8:30 am

Are you the same person as the other unname?
User:HotdogPi/My discoveries

Periods discovered:

All evens up to 128 except 52,58,78,82,92,94,98,104,118,122


Guns: 20,21,32,54,55,57,114,117,124,126
SKOPs: 32,74,76,102,196

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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by squareroot12621 » July 16th, 2023, 9:31 am

hotdogPi wrote:
July 16th, 2023, 8:30 am
Are you the same person as the other unname?
There's more than one "other unname".

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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by yujh » July 16th, 2023, 5:03 pm

squareroot12621 wrote:
July 16th, 2023, 9:31 am
hotdogPi wrote:
July 16th, 2023, 8:30 am
Are you the same person as the other unname?
There's more than one "other unname".
they are likely the same person. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/User:Unname551

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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 17th, 2023, 2:45 am

yujh wrote:
July 16th, 2023, 5:03 pm
squareroot12621 wrote:
July 16th, 2023, 9:31 am
hotdogPi wrote:
July 16th, 2023, 8:30 am
Are you the same person as the other unname?
There's more than one "other unname".
they are likely the same person. https://conwaylife.com/wiki/User:Unname551
Other users starting with unname:
EDIT: I'm final Unname user.
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Re: My List Of Themes For LifeViewer

Post by unname4798 » July 18th, 2023, 12:56 pm

Sky: (never occupied cell: #0099FF newborn cell: #FFFFFF alive cell: #AAAAAA newly dead cell: #0099FF dead cell: #0099FF)
Red2: (never occupied cell: #000000 newborn cell: #FFFFFF alive cell: #FFFFFF newly dead cell: #CC0000 dead cell: #990000)
LifeWithHistory: (never occupied cell: #000000 newborn cell: #FFFFFF alive cell: #FFFFFF newly dead cell: #7F7F7F dead cell: #7F7F7F)
SkyRGBtoBGR: (never occupied cell: #FF9900 newborn cell: #FFFFFF alive cell: #AAAAAA newly dead cell: #FF9900 dead cell: #FF9900)
Multi-state (Generations):
White-blue: (never occupied cell: #000000 dying cell colors: #FFFFFF to #0000FF dead cell: #000000)
White-red: (never occupied cell: #000000 dying cell colors: #FFFFFF to #FF0000 dead cell: #000000)
Up to 8 states: (state 0: #000000 state 1: #0000FF state 2: #00FF00 state 3: #00FFFF state 4: #FF0000 state 5: #FF00FF state 6: #FFFF00 state 7: #FFFFFF)
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 19th, 2023, 2:13 am

Code: Select all

x = 0, y = 0, rule = WireWorldTest
@RULE WireWorldTest
var a={0,1,2,3}
var b={0,1,2,3}
var c={0,1,2,3}
var d={0,1,2,3}
var e={0,1,2,3}
var f={0,1,2,3}
var g={0,1,2,3}
var h={0,1,2,3}
var Aa={0,2,3}
var Ab={0,2,3}
var Ac={0,2,3}
var Ad={0,2,3}
var Ae={0,2,3}
var Af={0,2,3}
var Ag={0,2,3}
var Ah={0,2,3}
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 255
2 0 255 0
3 0 255 255
0 background
1 head
2 tail
3 wire
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 26th, 2023, 3:10 am

drc wrote:
March 11th, 2016, 5:35 pm
I'm a rebel. My mom told me to go to bed at 8 pm and I went to bed at 8:01. I live on the EEEEEEDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE
Next day be like:
Your mom told you to go to bed at 8PM and you went to bed at 8:02. You fall off the EEEEDDDDGGGGEEEE
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 27th, 2023, 3:16 am

Weirdest growth of all time in B37e/S23:

Code: Select all

x = 37, y = 60, rule = B37e/S23
After 131072 gens:
Screenshot_20230727-101021_Golly.jpg (201.4 KiB) Viewed 6394 times
(1.03 MiB) Downloaded 29 times
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » July 31st, 2023, 10:28 am

Code: Select all

x, y, rule = B2-ac3-i45678/S01234567
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unname4798's Ice Cream Truck

Post by unname4798 » August 8th, 2023, 1:36 pm

What is this?

This is an ice cream truck, by me.

Ice cream list

Vanilla - B34a/S2-e34z ($4/scoop) (p164760)


2023.08.12: from 3:00 to 15:00: 50% OFF vanilla!

Last edited by unname4798 on August 20th, 2023, 2:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 9th, 2023, 5:43 am

BokaBB wrote:
August 3rd, 2023, 12:21 pm
Sokwe was the one. The thread was locked in early spring 2021 due to the then-ongoing collapse of the Sandbox civilisation because of the low signal-to-noise ratio, due to featuring far too prominently in the New posts thread and due to being quite large and posted on way too much for easy moderation. Sokwe unlocked it but made the stated limit.
Signal-to-noise ratio
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by BokaBB » August 9th, 2023, 6:39 am

unname4798 wrote:
August 9th, 2023, 5:43 am
BokaBB wrote:
August 3rd, 2023, 12:21 pm
Sokwe was the one. The thread was locked in early spring 2021 due to the then-ongoing collapse of the Sandbox civilisation because of the low signal-to-noise ratio, due to featuring far too prominently in the New posts thread and due to being quite large and posted on way too much for easy moderation. Sokwe unlocked it but made the stated limit.
Signal-to-noise ratio
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal-to ... Other_uses

Sure, I was a bad person, but I have changed myself.
I'd love to befriend anybody who's interested.
Have a good day!


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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 9th, 2023, 1:24 pm

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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 14th, 2023, 7:43 am

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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 18th, 2023, 5:35 am

mniemiec wrote:
July 29th, 2022, 6:20 pm
HotWheels9232 wrote:
July 29th, 2022, 6:02 pm
How to turn this still life into SOF so I can find it on Pentadecathlon.com?

Code: Select all

x = 7, y = 9, rule = B3/S23
The SOF code is 22212-1211112-02211-051-023-011-012 so this URL should do it:http://pentadecathlon.com/.sof?find=222 ... 3-011-012.
Unfortunately, it's not currently working, as pentadecathlon has been down for quite some time. What do you need from there?

Code: Select all

22212-1211112-02211-051-023-011-012. (Still life postid=148877 userid=2971)

Code: Select all

x: 7; rule: 23/3; step: 1;
(Still life postid=148877 userid=2971)
I win!
I win!
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 20th, 2023, 2:29 am

otismo wrote:
August 19th, 2023, 3:17 pm
@JP21: Thank you!
You have put some serious effort into this!
The Queen Bee evidently needs some serious help - to just stay alive & retain his own identity...
I really appreciate the effort you have made which now shows for certain that this is a viable approach to the study of CGoL.
When our Community sees what you have shown to be possible, it may inspire further effort leading to an eventual Queen Bee Shuttle!
Who Knows?
A new catalyst that does the trick is possibly right around the corner!

EDIT: Looks like you have a stable 14 phase-cycle AND an other stable 24 phase-cycle!
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 23rd, 2023, 9:05 am

Moosey wrote:
April 15th, 2020, 7:59 am
Hunting wrote:
April 15th, 2020, 1:50 am
Just ignore yujh in serious discussions. He knows nothing and likes to be rude. Plus, I cannot bear his horrible grammar. Just look at this:
I don’t know if Apgsearch works
(hatsya doesn't work also, I don't know why)
this is an apgcode
And then again
1. Your apgsearch version does not affect the search result most of the time;
2. Chaotic growth and quadratic growth crashes apgsearch, this rule does not, false claim;
3. False claim x2
yujh wrote:
April 15th, 2020, 12:41 am
I believe we will find no ships this way(If ships exist, they must be huge)
Think of it your self @yujh. Be more experienced before being rude. P. S. ConwayLife.com is an English forum, not all person can understand your Chinglish. I was confused several times reading your posts.
yujh wrote:
April 14th, 2020, 5:24 am
These are useless questions.
Hunting, that's extremely rude.
He knows nothing and likes to be rude
This is false. It's flat-out false. He neither knows nothing nor likes to be rude.
Plus, I cannot bear his horrible grammar. Just look at this:
I don’t know if apgsearch works
hatsya doesn't work, I don't know why
this is an apgcode
1) You usually capitalize proper nouns; though that might be wrong it doesn't really fall under poor grammar. And also, this is the internet. Every single user has probably capitalized some words in the wrong places.
2) Okay maybe that's poor grammar but this is the Internet.
3) The use of "an" is correct here.
Think of it your self yujh. Be more experienced before being rude
Again he's not being very rude, certainly not as much as your post.
ConwayLife.com is an English forum, not all person can understand your Chinglish. I was confused several times reading your posts.
Conwaylife is an English forum so what he's doing - writing with his best English - is not only acceptable, but preferred.
yujh wrote:
Don't ignore me!
But, is/was that The Quote?
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 28th, 2023, 12:30 pm

Description of floor 58 of first Skyscraper wrote: Floor 58 is split into three areas.
The first area resembles a small chunk of a city. There are 3 buildings in this area.
The first building is an unfurnished house, with a note in it that reads “I found myself in this house when I woke up. As I awoke, I realized I wasn’t dreaming. did I get into another world? Save me. All of you.” The second building is called “Winter’s Gown ”. Once you enter, there will be a sign that says, “The Dawn”. After the sign has disappeared, there will be darkness all around you. After it clears, you will see text that says “no trace of” on a model of the sun. The rest is just a shop, but on the cashier’s desk there are two notes. The first says “as I walk in this frozen land”. The second, which is much harder to interpret, reads “Was this all just a dream? What is this place? Or, why does this even exist? Has the world come to an end? Do we breathe here? We sleep here?” The third building is nicknamed “Under The Northern Blaze” It is completely empty.
The only way to get to the second area is to vocalize “We live, we die” inside the building.
The second area is called “The Spiders Under the Frozen Star”. When you enter this area, you will be greeted with a sign saying “I walk above the stars and it’s cool. Inside my dreams, I see a blinding light calling out to me. What does it mean? Can anyone help me?”
When you walk past the sign, you willl see that the room is empty except for a table, a chair, and a computer. Booting up the computer reveals blinding light. Within the light, you can see text that says, “Today, a spirit spoke to me. Her voice was crystal clear, and her eyes were so bright I had the feeling that they burned my soul". After that, you can access the computer. It runs Windows 11, and there are three accessible files. The first is a text file named “awake from your ancient sleep.txt”. It has no content. The second is an executable called spider.exe which when run, summons 3 spiders into the room. The third is a browser called “oh_my_god”. It can only access an HTML file named “son_of_snow_and_ice.html”. It is empty, except for a button that when clicked, teleports you to the main part of the area. The main part has spiders swarming the ground. When you enter, you must find the path to the stream in 1 hour. If you don’t touch the water in the stream and 1 hour has passed, something deep inside the trees will kill you. When you get to the stream, a notebook will appear in your hand. Only the first page is intelligible. It reads, “We breathe, we sleep. We like it under the Northern Blaze. We live, but what’s the point of that? Why can’t we die? Under the frozen stars, what is our point?” The rest of the pages appear to be either torn out or smudged with no discernible words. A note attached to the back says, “I walked above the stars, inside my dreams. I saw the blinding light calling up to me. IS THIS THE END OF ALL?! What is the light? HAS OUR TIME PASSED?! AND WHEN THE SUN IS GONE, WE SHALL BE THE LAST that die?!”
When you enter the water, there will be two types of spiders. Crowned ones, and crownless ones. The crowned ones will be constantly screaming for you to wake from primeval sleep, and the crownless ones scream that you “shall be king”. Ignore this. After a few minutes, the spiders will vocalize “We must find the sacred realm. The one where the moon and the sun are united. As one.” in unison and then stop talking. To exit the second area, you must get across the gentle stream and then find a patch of plants deep inside the trees shaped like a heart or a spider. The one shaped like a heart will take you to the third area, and the one shaped like a spider will take you to floor 59. You have to stand inside the patch until you hear a voice say "I saw my father's ghost. He was clad in white, and he said to me: Never lose hope on your dreams." Then you will hear it say "You must cast aside the cloak of misery. You must embrace the past, and do not be afraid of making mistakes. After that, you will lose conciousness and wake up in either the third area, or floor 59, depending on what the patch of plants is shaped like."
The third area is called "The mental test... of death".
When you enter, you will be greeted by a sign saying, "Don't be afraid... afraid of eternal darkness." The room you're in will become completely dark. You must stay in it for 5 minutes while still being calm. Not doing so will teleport you to floor 51. After that, a glowing sign will appear saying, "Do not despair. Our ancestors will guide us to the light." You must walk to the sign and enter the room below it. The final room looks like an elevator with no doors. The screen will say "I'VE REACHED THE JOURNEY'S END. INSIDE MY DREAMS. I SAW THE ANCIENT LIGHT, CALLING OUT TO ME. THIS IS THE END OF ALL! OUR TIME HAS PASSED! AND WHEN THE NIGHT IS GONE, WE SHALL ALL BE FREE!!! WE SHALL ALL BE FREE!!! WE SHALL ALL BE FREE!!!" After that, you can use the buttons. It leads to all floors between 0 and 49, except floor 36. Instead of taking you to the floor, you will be teleported there.

Noclipping in floor 48 leads to the first area. This is the only way to access this floor, as no elevators lead to it.
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by hotcrystal0 » August 28th, 2023, 6:28 pm

unname4798 wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 12:30 pm
Description of floor 58 of first Skyscraper wrote: Floor 58 is split into three areas.
The first area resembles a small chunk of a city. There are 3 buildings in this area.
The first building is an unfurnished house, with a note in it that reads “I found myself in this house when I woke up. As I awoke, I realized I wasn’t dreaming. did I get into another world? Save me. All of you.” The second building is called “Winter’s Gown ”. Once you enter, there will be a sign that says, “The Dawn”. After the sign has disappeared, there will be darkness all around you. After it clears, you will see text that says “no trace of” on a model of the sun. The rest is just a shop, but on the cashier’s desk there are two notes. The first says “as I walk in this frozen land”. The second, which is much harder to interpret, reads “Was this all just a dream? What is this place? Or, why does this even exist? Has the world come to an end? Do we breathe here? We sleep here?” The third building is nicknamed “Under The Northern Blaze” It is completely empty.
The only way to get to the second area is to vocalize “We live, we die” inside the building.
The second area is called “The Spiders Under the Frozen Star”. When you enter this area, you will be greeted with a sign saying “I walk above the stars and it’s cool. Inside my dreams, I see a blinding light calling out to me. What does it mean? Can anyone help me?”
How dare you.


Code: Select all

x = 192, y = 53, rule = B3/S23

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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 29th, 2023, 2:45 am

dvgrn wrote:
March 26th, 2021, 5:01 pm
Screenshot_2023-08-29-09-41-58-335.jpeg (193.07 KiB) Viewed 5845 times
And in future, conwaylife forums will be only for CA.
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Re: unname4798's Sandbox Thread

Post by unname4798 » August 30th, 2023, 3:25 pm

Kc1F7 is a salt resulting from a chemical reaction between Klasky Csupo and seven fluorine atoms. It is very dense and exists as a liquid at room temperature. The salt, whose full name is Klasky Csupo heptoflouride but may be changed to Klaspoflouride, is extremely harmful to life, but its harmful effects do not "rub off" and the chemical can be safely handled even on human skin; it becomes dangerous on compromised skin or when ingested. Kc1F7 can be cooled using basic equipment to a freezing point and observed as a solid. It has a freezing point of -5ºC, only slightly colder than that of water, and when frozen the solid takes on a sky blue hue. A known ion of this salt is Kc1F72-, which is much less harmful and, in a worst-case scenario, causes evident of an illness similar to that of food poisoning if ingested. A rarer ion is Kc1F74-, and it is also non-toxic. The two ions mentioned above are two examples of non-toxic fluorine compounds. Another compound of Kc (which is a noble gas with an atomic number of 196) is Kc1F0 which is very, very heavy and toxic, even upon exposure.
F7KcH2O is like contaminated water. It has a freezing point of -3ºC and a boiling point of 120ºC.
Is a water resulting from a chemical reaction between KcF7 and a water (H2O).
The color of this water is semi-transparent cobalt.
Mostly harmful to people.
Turns into a semi-transparent light blue F7KcH2O ice when cold (-3ºC).
Turns into a transparent F7KcH2O vapor when hot (120ºC).
Last edited by unname4798 on September 6th, 2023, 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random posts 5 (unname4798)

Post by unname4798 » September 1st, 2023, 2:46 am

From now, all new posts' subject is "Re: Random posts 5 (unname4798)". (in this thread)
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