Robert Munafo

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Robert Munafo
Born Unknown
Residence Unknown
Nationality Unknown
Institutions Unknown
Alma mater Dartmouth

Robert Munafo is a member of the Golly Gang and a member of the development team of Ready, an open-source, cross-platform program for exploring continuous cellular automata and reaction-diffusion systems. Ready, a sister project to Golly, supports 1D, 2D and 3D data, as well as polygonal and polyhedral meshes. In particular, it includes a continuous version of Life in which cells have floating-point values at discrete timestamps.[1]

He is most well-known for creating the command-line program ries, which can characterise arbitrary real numbers by searching for equations that they approximately satisfy, from their decimal expansions.


  1. Tim Hutton (March 22, 2012). Explore Continuous CA with Ready (discussion thread) at the forums

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