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A tagalong (or less commonly a tugalong[1]) is an object that is not a spaceship by itself, but can be attached to one or more spaceships to form a larger spaceship. For example, Canada goose is a spaceship made by attaching a tagalong to the back of a glider. Well-known tagalongs include Schick engine, fly, sidecar and sparky.

A strict tagalong is one that does not affect the tagged spaceship in any way. For example, the lobster is not a strict tagalong, but Orion 2 is.


A pushalong is a tagalong that is located at the front of the spaceship that it is attached to. Pushalong 1 is an example that was found by David Bell in 1992 that can be attached to the front of a middleweight spaceship.[2] Another pushalong can be seen at Bulldozer. Further notable examples include cottonmouth and the extra wings for lobster.

3bo7b$bo2bo6b$o3bo6b$o3bo6b$2obo7b$5b2o4b$2bo2b2o4b$4bo6b$7b3ob$6b5o$ 5b2ob3o$6b2o! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 TRACKLOOP 4 -1/2 0 GPS 15 ]]
A pushalong
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RLE: here Plaintext: here


A sidecar is a tagalong that is located to the side of the spaceship that it is attached to. Sidecar is a notable example which attaches to a heavyweight spaceship; there also exist sidecars for Corderships, middleweight spaceships and 7WSSes.[3]

bo6b$o5bob$o5bob$5obob2$4b2o2b$2bo4bo$bo6b$bo5bo$b6o! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 TRACKLOOP 4 -1/2 0 GPS 15 ]]
A sidecar
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RLE: here Plaintext: here

Still life tagalong

A still life tagalong is a tagalong that takes the form of a still life in at least one phase. An example is shown below in which the tagalong looks like a pond.[4] The smallest known example, which is also the only known natural example, is MWSS and HWSS dragging block. Certain other such reactions, such as a block being pulled by two sparkers of speed (1,0)c/p (p for period, p ≥ 4), are known.[5]

x = 19, y = 17, rule = b3/s23 2b2o15b$b2ob2o13b$2b4o13b$3b2o14b2$3b5o11b$2b7o10b$b2ob5o10b$2b2o15b2$ 8bobo5b2ob$6bo4bo3bo2bo$6b2o5bobo2bo$bo2bo2b4obo3b2ob$o7b2o9b$o3bo14b$ 4o! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 TRACKLOOP 8 -1/2 0 GPS 15 ]]
A still life tagalong
(click above to open LifeViewer)
RLE: here Plaintext: here

See also


  1. "Tugalong". The Life Lexicon. Stephen Silver. Retrieved on May 14, 2009.
  2. "Pushalong". The Life Lexicon. Stephen Silver. Retrieved on May 22, 2009.
  3. David Bell (December 25, 2017). Re: Cordership made using individual switch engines (discussion thread) at the ConwayLife.com forums
  4. "Still life tagalong". The Life Lexicon. Stephen Silver. Retrieved on May 22, 2009.
  5. Matthias Merzenich (July 26, 2019). Re: Spaceship Discussion Thread (discussion thread) at the ConwayLife.com forums

External links