52513M is a methuselah with a lifespan of 52513 generations, discovered by Dylan Chen on January 16, 2021, using apgsearch.[1] A one-generation predecessor to it was found by Rocknlol in October of that year.[2] Each of these were formerly the longest-lasting known non-infinitely-growing[note 1] methuselahs within a 16 × 16 square, until the discovery of 71093M. 52513M remains the longest-lasting methuselah found via soup search, and was found just a week after the previous record-holder, 50093M. On January 17, Adam P. Goucher found a 27-cell variant lasting 52444 generations.[3] Other variants have been found by MathAndCode and Tanner Jacobi,[4][5][6] including one with only 25 cells, which is shown below.