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A pattern is said to be extensible if arbitrarily large patterns of the same type can be made by repeating parts of the original pattern in a regular way. Common examples include the snake, ship, boat, barge and barberpole, among many others.

x = 19, y = 32, rule = B3/S23 2obo$ob2o5$2ob2obo$ob2ob2o5$2ob2ob2obo$ob2ob2ob2o5$2ob2ob2ob2obo$ob2o b2ob2ob2o5$2ob2ob2ob2ob2obo$ob2ob2ob2ob2ob2o5$2ob2ob2ob2ob2ob2obo$ob2o b2ob2ob2ob2ob2o! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] [[ ZOOM 8 ]]
The first six in the family of coiled snakes, extensions of the snake. The first two members are snake and snake siamese snake.
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