Today's featured article
The bumper is a type of color-preserving periodic reflector with a repeat time of 34 that was discovered by Tanner Jacobi on April 6, 2016. It consists of a transparent loaf, an eater, and a sparker. It can use sparkers of any period above period 3. The discovery of the bumper allowed many gun periods in the gun collection to be significantly reduced in terms of bounding box.
In the news
Did you know...
- ... that the quadpole is more common than the tripole in random soup, due to a relatively common bottleneck reaction involving a century variant hitting a ship?
- ... that a half blockade can be struck by a single glider to produce a three-block constellation that becomes its mirror image when hit by another glider, while also releasing another glider in the same direction?
- ... that a series of increasingly larger greyships, starting with Canada Grey, can all be constructed incrementally by colliding gliders with a gradually accreting still life target?
- ... that oblique puffers and rakes based on elementary spaceships were unknown in Conway's Life until Dylan Chen and Adam P. Goucher constructed combinations of sprayer knightships in May 2021?
- ... that a configuration of two ponds and two blocks recovers back to its original position when sparked in a certain way, allowing for the creation of some period multipliers?
- ... that the third-smallest unique-period gun (at the time) was discovered just six hours after the second-smallest unique-period gun, despite the two being completely unrelated?
- ... that despite 22P36 having been known since 1995, one half of it was not generalized to a versatile traffic stop catalyst until 26 years later?
- ... that Merzenich's p64 and 32P21 are both hassling two beehives and two R-pentominoes, and 56P27 hassles four of each?
- ... that a 56-cell pattern based on the p129 R-pentomino hassler is the smallest known periodic pattern by population that is isotropically endemic to Conway's Life?
- ... that the single seldom-used extra transition of Pedestrian Life (B38/S23) from Life leads to several non-pedestrian linear growth patterns, including a reflectorless rotating glider gun, a set of (5,2)c/190 technology and a messy oblique p1884 puffer?
Pattern collection
The LifeWiki contains one of the most comprehensive catalogues of patterns available on the internet. Within it you will find: