Larger than Life

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Larger than Life (abbreviated as LTL or LtL) is an algorithm that supports a specific family of higher-range outer-totalistic cellular automata with an extendable neighbourhood, as defined by Kellie Michele Evans in her 1996 thesis.

Larger than Life rules are supported by Golly 3.0 and onwards and LifeViewer build 260 and onwards.


The following notation was created by Mirek Wójtowicz for Mirek's Cellebration (MCell):



  • Rr specifies the range (r is from 1 to 500 in Golly and LifeViewer; 1 to 10 in MCell).
  • Cc specifies the number of states (c is from 0 to 255 in Golly, LifeViewer and MCell[note 1])
  • Mm specifies if the middle cell is included in the neighborhood count (m is 0 or 1).
  • Ssmin..smax specifies the count limits for a state 1 cell to survive.
  • Bbmin..bmax specifies the count limits for a dead cell to become a birth.
  • Nn specifies the extended neighborhood type. MCell only supports Moore and von Neumann. Cannot be omitted.

This diagram shows the extended Moore and von Neumann neighborhoods for range 3:

Moore neighbourhood (range 3).png Von Neumann neighbourhood (range 3).png

HROT notation

However, the notation above is now superseded by the general higher-range outer-totalistic notation:



  • Rr specifies the range (r is from 1 to 500 in Golly and LifeViewer; 1 to 10 in MCell).
  • Cc specifies the number of states (c is from 0 to 255 in Golly and LifeViewer)
  • Ss specifies the survival conditions, which are numbers separated by commas. Ranges of consecutive numbers can be contracted via dashes; e.g. S6,7,8,13,14,18 can be expressed as S6-8,13-14,18
  • Bb specifies the birth conditions, which are numbers separated by commas. Ranges of consecutive numbers can be contracted via dashes; e.g. B6,7,8,13,14,18 can be expressed as B6-8,13-14,18
  • Nn specifies the extended neighborhood type (n is M for Moore or N for von Neumann. Golly and LifeViewer also support C for Circular neighborhood, 2 for L2, + for Cross, X for Saltire and * for Star neighborhoods, @ for custom neighbourhoods and more). For Moore, this parameter is omitted.

The difference between Larger than Life rules and other higher-range outer-totalistic cellular automata is mostly in the birth and survival condition. While the former defines only one continuous range of birth and one continuous range of survival conditions, the latter allows for any list of birth and survival conditions to be defined.

If the number of states (specified after C) is greater than 2, then states 1 and above don't die immediately but gradually decay. Note that state values above 1 are not included in the neighborhood counts and thus play no part in deciding the survival of a state 1 cell, nor the birth of an empty cell. C0 and C1 are equivalent to C2.


The Patterns/Larger-than-Life folder included with Golly contains a number of example patterns (mostly from the MCell collection). The following table shows a number of example rules (expressed using outer-totalistic notation rather than Larger than Life notation for brevity) along with their commonly used names:

Rule B/S equivalent Name Remarks
R1,C2,S2-3,B3 B3/S23 Life the default rule for this algorithm in Golly.
R1,C2,S0,B1,NN B1/S0V Gnarl an exploding rule by Kellie Evans.
R4,C2,S40-80,B41-81 Majority a stable rule by David Griffeath.
R5,C2,S33-57,B34-45 Bosco's Rule a chaotic rule by Kellie Evans.
R7,C2,S99-199,B75-170 Waffle an expanding rule by Kellie Evans.
R7,C2,S112-224,B113-225 Majorly an expanding rule by David Griffeath.
R8,C2,S163-223,B74-252 Globe an expanding rule by Mirek Wójtowicz.
R10,C2,S122-211,B123-170 Bugsmovie a chaotic rule by David Griffeath.
R10,C255,S1-2,B3 ModernArt a chaotic rule by Charles A. Rockafellor.
R2,C2,S4,6-9,B6-8,N@03ddef Marine a chaotic rule by MathAndCode.
R3,C2,S2,B3,N+ Factorio a semistable rule by H. H. P. M. P. Cole.


Coexistence a chaotic rule by bubblegum.
R2,C2,S4-6,B5-6,N# Hash a chaotic rule by b-engine.

Notable patterns which are frequently found within Larger than Life rules include "bugs", which are patterns (usually spaceships, but sometimes oscillators) which are hollow, characterised by those from Bosco's Rule, "solid ships", which are typically extremely slow circular spaceships first noted in 2002 (such as this one), and "roomba bugs", travelling patterns that usually stabilise into low-period oscillators after intense amounts of generations but are infrequently found to be real spaceships.

Alternative rule notations

Golly and LifeViewer also allow rules to be entered using the notation defined by Kellie Evans in her thesis. The range, birth limits and survival limits are specified by five integers separated by commas:


Catagolue, apgsearch and LifeViewer use a related notation in which the letter t ("to") is used to indicate birth/survival condition ranges; the initial gC is optional, with the number of states defaulting to two:


These notations assume an extended Moore neighbourhood in which a live middle cell is included in the neighbourhood count. For example, Life can be entered as 1,3,3,3,4 in Evans' notation.

Generalizing LtL rules to different amounts of neighbors

Larger than Life rules can be generalized ("converted") to different ranges and even neighborhoods. To convert the range-r0 n0-neighborhood rule Rr0,Cc,Mm,Ssmin0..smax0,Bbmin0..bmax0,Nn0 to a range-r1 n1-neighborhood rule:

  1. Compute N to equal the ratio of the number of neighbors in a range-r1 n1-neighborhood to the number of neighbors in a range-r0 n0 neighborhood.
  2. Multiply the original rule's minimum and maximum birth/survival conditions by N and round off, to wit:
    1. Compute smin1 = round(smin0 · N).
    2. Compute smax1 = round(smax0 · N).
    3. Compute bmin1 = round(bmin0 · N).
    4. Compute bmax1 = round(bmax0 · N).

The converted rule is Rr1,Cc,Mm,Ssmin1..smax1,Bbmin1..bmax1,Nn1.


For example, converting the range-2 rule R2,C2,M1,S5..9,B7..9,NM to range 7 with the same neighborhood, with the formula for the number of neighbors in a range-r Moore neighborhood being (2 · r + 1)2, we obtain:

  1. N = (2 · 7 + 1)2 / (2 · 2 + 1)2 = 225 / 25 = 9.
  2. smin1 = 5 · 9 = 45.
  3. smax1 = 9 · 9 = 81.
  4. bmin1 = 7 · 9 = 63.
  5. bmax1 = 9 · 9 = 81.

The converted rule is, therefore, R7,C2,M1,S45..81,B63..81,NM.

See also


  1. The documentation for MCell specifies a maximum of 25 states; this is a typo.


Further reading

External links