Most common objects on Catagolue

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The following is a list of the top 100 most common objects on Adam P. Goucher's Catagolue. It includes 88 still lifes, 6 oscillators (blue), 4 spaceships (green) and 2 puffers (pink).

These 100 objects comprise 99.99946% of the occurrences of the more than 300,000 objects in the census. The first 16 objects alone comprise more than 99.9% (see Cumulative % column).

The source data for this list, including up-to-the-minute object counts, can be viewed on the Catagolue Statistics page (report entitled Common objects). The list below adds relative frequency, calculated as a fraction of all object occurrences, cumulative frequency, and frequency class to that report.

This list is stable. It was last audited for accuracy in March, 2022. The top 100 objects and their ranks had not changed since July 15, 2017 (when it was first tabulated here), and are unlikely to change in the future.

Note that only the C1 census is counted; G1 is excluded.

Rank Name Relative frequency Frequency class Cumulative % Apgcode
1 Block 1/3.24 0.0 30.9% xs4_33
2 Blinker 1/3.49 0.1 59.6% xp2_7
3 Beehive 1/6.11 0.9 75.9% xs6_696
4 Glider 1/11.4 1.8 84.7% xq4_153
5 Loaf 1/20.7 2.7 89.6% xs7_2596
6 Boat 1/22.4 2.8 94.0% xs5_253
7 Ship 1/32.5 3.3 97.1% xs6_356
8 Tub 1/103 5.0 98.1% xs4_252
9 Pond 1/106 5.0 99.0% xs8_6996
10 Long boat 1/319 6.6 99.3% xs7_25ac
11 Toad 1/457 7.1 99.5% xp2_7e
12 Ship-tie 1/629 7.6 99.7% xs12_g8o653z11
13 Beacon 1/1,461 8.8 99.8% xp2_318c
14 Barge 1/1,520 8.9 99.8% xs6_25a4
15 Half-bakery 1/1,858 9.2 99.89% xs14_g88m952z121
16 Mango 1/4,127 10.3 >99.9% xs8_69ic
17 Eater 1 1/6,407 11.0 xs7_178c
18 Lightweight spaceship 1/7,784 11.2 xq4_6frc
19 Long barge 1/11,372 11.8 xs8_25ak8
20 Aircraft carrier 1/13,162 12.0 xs6_39c
21 Pulsar 1/14,180 12.1 xp3_co9nas0san9oczgoldlo0oldlogz1047210127401
22 Paperclip 1/22,270 12.8 xs14_69bqic
23 Middleweight spaceship 1/29,547 13.2 xq4_27dee6
24 Long ship 1/33,308 13.3 xs8_35ac
25 Integral sign 1/36,188 13.4 xs9_31ego
26 Shillelagh 1/41,958 13.7 xs8_3pm
27 Boat-tie 1/42,825 13.7 xs10_g8o652z01
28 Snake 1/47,895 13.9 xs6_bd
29 Big S 1/47,933 13.9 xs14_g88b96z123
30 Bipond 1/55,049 14.1 xs16_g88m996z1221
31 Trans-boat with tail 1/100K 14.9 xs9_178ko
32 Boat tie ship 1/121K 15.2 xs11_g8o652z11
33 Hat 1/127K 15.3 xs9_4aar
34 Very long ship 1/156K 15.6 xs10_35ako
35 Heavyweight spaceship 1/170K 15.7 xq4_27deee6
36 Very long boat 1/174K 15.7 xs9_25ako
37 Tub with tail 1/185K 15.8 xs8_178k8
38 Mirrored table 1/247K 16.2 xs12_raar
39 Dead spark coil 1/261K 16.3 xs18_rhe0ehr
40 Canoe 1/298K 16.5 xs8_312ko
41 Beehive on dock 1/398K 16.9 xs16_j1u0696z11
42 Cis-mirrored bun 1/403K 16.9 xs14_6970796
43 Moose antlers 1/449K 17.1 xs15_354cgc453
44 Block on table 1/552K 17.4 xs10_32qr
45 Block on dock 1/607K 17.5 xs14_j1u066z11
46 Scorpion 1/755K 17.8 xs16_69egmiczx1
47 Beehive with tail 1/913K 18.1 xs10_178kk8
48 Twin hat 1/958K 17.4 xs17_2ege1ege2
49 Loop 1/1.12M 18.4 xs10_69ar
50 Long snake 1/1.13M 18.4 xs7_3lo
51 Fourteener 1/1.15M 18.4 xs14_69bo8a6
52 Pentadecathlon 1/1.32M 18.6 xp15_4r4z4r4
53 Cis-mirrored bookend 1/1.41M 18.7 xs14_39e0e93
54 Cis-boat with tail 1/1.74M 19.0 xs9_178kc
55 Cis-rotated bookend 1/1.77M 19.1 xs14_6is079c
56 Elevener 1/1.81M 19.1 xs11_g0s453z11
57 Mirrored dock 1/1.97M 19.2 xs20_3lkkl3z32w23
58 Block on cap 1/2.03M 19.3 xs12_330f96
59 Trans-loaf with tail 1/2.09M 19.3 xs11_ggm952z1
60 Cis-shillelagh 1/2.12M 19.3 xs10_358gkc
61 Trans-mirrored bun 1/2.19M 19.4 xs14_69e0eic
62 Clock 1/2.26M 19.4 xp2_2a54
63 Trans-block on long bookend 1/2.33M 19.5 xs12_330fho
64 Block-laying switch engine 1/2.52M 19.6 yl144_1_16_afb5f3db909e60548f086e22ee3353ac
65 Prodigal 1/2.58M 19.6 xs10_g0s252z11
66 Broken snake 1/2.86M 19.8 xs10_0drz32
67 Trans-bookend and bun 1/3.09M 19.9 xs14_39e0eic
68 Eater with nine 1/3.171M 19.9 xs12_178c453
69 Block on cover 1/3.175M 19.9 xs12_178br
70 Cis-boat on dock 1/3.184M 19.9 xs15_j1u06a4z11
71 Cis-block on long bookend 1/3.39M 20.0 xs12_3hu066
72 Very long snake 1/3.43M 20.0 xs8_31248c
73 Boat with long tail 1/3.69M 20.1 xs10_3215ac
74 Long shillelagh 1/3.84M 20.2 xs9_312453
75 Beehive at loaf 1/3.86M 20.2 xs13_g88m96z121
76 Trans-bun and wing 1/4.61M 20.4 xs15_259e0eic
77 Long integral 1/4.79M 20.5 xs10_3542ac
78 Tub with long tail 1/4.81M 20.5 xs9_25a84c
79 Cis-bookend and bun 1/4.82M 20.5 xs14_39e0e96
80 Hook with tail 1/4.83M 20.5 xs8_32qk
81 Loaf siamese loaf 1/4.93M 20.5 xs11_69lic
82 Long canoe 1/6.02M 20.8 xs9_g0g853z11
83 Eleven loop 1/6.11M 20.8 xs11_178jd
84 Trans-loaf on table 1/6.12M 20.9 xs13_4a960ui
85 Cis-loaf with tail 1/6.152M 20.9 xs11_178kic
86 Symmetric scorpion 1/6.153M 20.9 xs16_69bob96
87 Claw with tail 1/6.41M 20.9 xs10_1784ko
88 Bee hat 1/6.75M 21.0 xs15_3lkm96z01
89 Cis-mirrored dove 1/6.86M 21.0 xs18_69is0si96
90 Trans-rotated bun 1/6.89M 21.0 xs14_g8o0e96z121
91 Glider-producing switch engine 1/7.01M 21.0 yl384_1_59_7aeb1999980c43b4945fb7fcdb023326
92 Cis-mirrored wing 1/7.04M 21.1 xs16_259e0e952
93 Trans-snake on bun 1/7.69M 21.2 xs13_69e0mq
94 Boat tie eater tail 1/8.18M 21.3 xs12_256o8a6
95 Snorkel loop 1/8.55M 21.3 xs12_2egm93
96 Beehive on table 1/8.65M 21.3 xs12_6960ui
97 Cis-boat on table 1/8.87M 21.4 xs11_2530f9
98 Trans-barge with tail 1/9.54M 21.5 xs10_ggka52z1
99 Trans-boat on dock 1/10.17M 21.6 xs15_3lk453z121
100 Beehive on cap 1/10.30M 21.6 99.99946% xs14_6960uic

See also