Nicolay Beluchenko

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Nicolay Beluchenko
Born 1953
Residence Russia
Nationality Russian
Institutions Unknown
Alma mater Bashkir State University

Nicolay Beluchenko is a Life enthusiast who has found many small Gardens of Eden, including Flower of Eden, one of the smallest such patterns known. He has also discovered several oscillators including Beluchenko's p37 and Beluchenko's p51, the first known oscillators of periods 37 and 51, respectively.

In September, 2005 Beluchenko discovered the first c/6 diagonal spaceship, seal, and one of its tagalongs. He has also found many spaceships of other speeds, including a small c/5 diagonal spaceship, 67P5H1V1.

See also

External links

Patterns found by Nicolay Beluchenko