Larger period-2 oscillators

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This page is for listing period-2 oscillators with 19 or more cells, several of which are not notable enough for their own pages, but are noteworthy for other reasons.

19 cells

There are 1 083 period-2 oscillators in total with a minimum population of 19.[1]

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Cisbeacononanvil.png Cis-beacon on anvil 25th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_0c813z255d1e8 5
Monotubsparkcoil.png Monotub spark coil 54th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_gbhewehrz01 6
Blocksongriddle.png Blocks on griddle 65th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_rb88brz0103 5
Cisbeacondownontransmangowithlongleg.png Cis-beacon down on trans-mango-with-long-leg 78th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_gwci96zh15dz11 7
Pondongriddle.png Pond on griddle 84th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_06996z31d153 6
Griddleandcap.png Griddle and cap 89th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_c8b8acz3553 6
Cisbeaconuponboattielongbookend.png Cis-beacon up on boat-tie-long-bookend 94th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_xohf0318cz253 7
Tredecapole.png Tredecapole Barberpole of rotor size 13 xp2_y6g0k053zy280a02zg0k0501z11 18
Byflopswithtwocavities.png By flops with two cavities Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of -c+e kinetic symmetry xp2_8ilhmgz14a86 20

20 cells

There are 2 722 period-2 oscillators in total with a minimum population of 20.[2]

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Xp2 69b8baiczx32.png xp2_69b8baiczx32 47th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_69b8baiczx32 5
Xp2 69b8b9iczx32.png xp2_69b8b9iczx32 61st most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_69b8b9iczx32 6
Clawstesttubebaby.png Claw test tube baby 96th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_3542sws2453zy111 8
Xp2 ci9b8brzw103.png xp2_ci9b8brzw103 90th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_ci9b8brzw103 6
Xp2 ciab8brzw103.png xp2_ciab8brzw103 91st most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_ciab8brzw103 9
Xp2 0e0j0944z44i0p0e.png 2.3.5 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of .k+k kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1993-04-23[3]
xp2_0e0j0944z44i0p0e None listed on Catagolue

21 cells

There are 6 596 period-2 oscillators in total with a minimum population of 21.[4]

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Griddleanddock.png Griddle and dock xp2_0c8b8acz651156 6
20p2.png Mango with beacon on dock 24th most common p2 oscillator on Catagolue xp2_wgj1u0og26z25421 5

22 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 22 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Xp2 0ml1ik8z1259a6.png 2.4.2 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of n.c kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1993-05-20[3]
xp2_0ml1ik8z1259a6 16

23 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 23 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Boattiesparkcoil.png Boat tie spark coil 45th most common oscillator on Catagolue xp2_xrhewehrz253 5
Lightbulb.png Light bulb Had a wiki page since 2009, discovered 1972[3] xp2_3p606p3z0c95d 23
Xp2 066oo4g53zc8502046.png 2.4.5 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of /xc kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1993-04-23[3]
xp2_066oo4g53zc8502046 None listed on Catagolue

24 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 24 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Xp2 0giligz344k743zw121.png 2.5.3 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of -e+e kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1973[3]
xp2_0giligz344k743zw121 21

26 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 26 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Xp2 466t186z6961696.png 2.2.5 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of n-c kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1993-04-20[3]
xp2_466t186z6961696 17
Xp2 0c4ocb0sz70q6346.png 2.3.6 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of .kxk kinetic symmetry xp2_0c4ocb0sz70q6346 22

28 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 28 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Xp2 g8j1cdj8gz01cb38c1.png 2.2.6 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of .c+c kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1993-04-23[3]
xp2_g8j1cdj8gz01cb38c1 12
Xp2 2aa08060922zgg50p050lkgzw1.png 2.4.6 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of .crc kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1993-04-23[3]
xp2_2aa08060922zgg50p050lkgzw1 None listed on Catagolue

30 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 30 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Xp2 ca8b8kzwbh2z4l5l4czx1.png 2.3.4 Included in Dean Hickerson's oscillator stamp collection as an example of n.k kinetic symmetry
Discoverer: DRH, 1993-04-20[3]
xp2_ca8b8kzwbh2z4l5l4czx1 None listed on Catagolue

32 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 32 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
Revolver.png Revolver Had a wiki page since 2009
Discoverer: MDN, 1972[5]
xp2_1784k871z045g0a2z8e1221e8 None listed on Catagolue

40 cells

The number of period-2 oscillators with a minimum population of 40 is yet to be determined.

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
x = 12, y = 12, rule = B3/S23 10b2o$7b2o2bo$6bobobo$6bo3b2o$4bob2o2bo$7b2obo$2b3o2bobo$bo2b3o$b2o2bo 2bo$6bo$ob4o$2obo! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] #C [[ GPS 4 THUMBSIZE 4 ]]
(click above to open LifeViewer)
RLE: here Plaintext: here
p2 corner dot sparker xp2_x80kqi3ap3z8u1i7s0511z32011 None listed on Catagolue

Greater than 50 cells

Oscillator Notes apgcode Cost in gliders
x = 18, y = 16, rule = LifeHistory 5.2A.A2.A$6.A.4A2.2A$4.A.A7.A2.A$2.3A2.6A3.2A$.A6.A3.4A$.6A2.2A.A2.A$ 6.3A.A2.A$.2A.2A7.A.A$A.A.2A.A2.A3.2A$A.A4.A.A.A$.A.2A.2A2.A$3.A3.A$. A2.2A4.3D$.2A.A5.3D$4.A$4.2A! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] #C [[ GPS 4 THUMBSIZE 4 ]]
(click above to open LifeViewer)
Unnamed catalyst Catalyses objects with all six red cells on xp2_0c93s4gkcziu0vhdk04a4z62ap0u3cd1rhc88czx12303552023 None listed on Catagolue

Other period-2 oscillator lists
