Simon Ekström

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Simon Ekström
Born Unknown
Residence Sweden
Nationality Unknown
Institutions Unknown
Alma mater Unknown

Simon Ekström is a Life enthusiast who posts on the forums as simeks. His still life search program, written in 2017, was used to catalog all strict and pseudo still lifes with 30 or fewer cells and count all still lifes with 34 or fewer cells.[1] That same year, he advanced single-channel glider synthesis by ignoring common wisdom and demonstrating that it was possible even when the gliders were far enough apart from each other that they could be fed through standard components like Snarks and syringes.[2]


  1. Conway's Game of Life: Mathematics and Construction, 2.6 Still Lifes: Notes and Historical Remarks
  2. Conway's Game of Life: Mathematics and Construction, 11.8 Universal Construction: Notes and Historical Remarks

Patterns found by Simon Ekström