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  • Real name: Chris Rowett
  • My location: United Kingdom


Author of LifeViewer, a scriptable pattern viewer and editor used here on the Wiki, the Forums, Catagolue and other places. A list of recent enhancements and fixes can be found in the Release Notes.


Contributions to Golly:

Golly 4.3

  • Rules
    • added [Rule]Investigator to the Super algo which generalizes the StateInvestigator rule.
    • various changes to the RLE parsing code to improve compatibility and headerless RLE paste.
    • the Larger than Life algorithm now supports Aligned Checkerboard neighborhood (ND).
    • new script safeopenclip.lua will attempt to open the clipboard as a pattern. If the pattern contains a legacy rule it will first be converted into a supported rule. If the pattern contains an unsupported rule it will be opened in a benign 256 state rule so it can be manually manipulated and an HTML page with a download link to the rule repository will appear.
    • fixed a bug that could cause a crash on Windows in the NVIDIA driver if Golly was opened with a rule with a bounded grid and without the grid displayed.
    • fixed HROT Custom neighbourhood orientation.
    • fixed an assertion in progress bar update when downloading a file from a web server using gzip compression.

Golly 4.2

  • Rules
    • Improved performance for Larger than Life Triangular and Checkerboard neighbourhoods.

Golly 4.1

  • GUI
    • The cell population inside and outside of a selection can now be displayed in the status bar. Use Edit Preference: "Show selection population" to enable (default is disabled). To prevent lag the population is only displayed if the calculation takes less than 5ms while selecting or less than 500ms when the selection is complete.
  • Scripts
    • The Lua setoption and Python setoption commands now recognize "showcellborders" for showing or hiding cell borders when zoomed in >2x.
  • Rules
    • Fixed a bug in Larger than Life weighted neighborhoods with negative counts.
  • Audio
    • Sounds and music for pop_sounds.lua,, breakout.lua and credits.lua.

Golly 4.0

  • Rules
    • Added the new Super algo which supports [Rule]History and [Rule]Super rules.
    • Added support to Larger than Life algo for HROT format rules, B0 emulation, and many new neighborhoods:
      • Square neighborhoods:
        • Checkerboard
        • Cross
        • Euclidean (L2)
        • Gaussian
        • Hash
        • Saltire
        • Star
      • Hexagonal neighborhoods:
        • Aterisk
        • Hexagonal
        • Tripod
      • Triangular neighborhoods:
        • Triangular
      • All neighborhoods:
        • Custom
        • Weighted (with optional state weights)
  • Scripts
    • showinviewer.lua - LifeViewer now fills the browser window and resizes with the browser.
    • update-viewer.lua - downloads the latest version of LifeViewer to use with showinviewer.lua.
    • browse-patterns.lua - can now open the current slideshow pattern in LifeViewer.
  • Script commands
    • Added getgridtype command to get the current grid type.

Golly 3.4

  • Rules
    • Improved runtime performance of RuleLoader @TABLE rules.
  • Scripts
    • showinviewer.lua - launches the current pattern in LifeViewer in your default browser.

Golly 3.3

  • 3D
    • Major speed improvement to 3D.lua via custom-purpose ovtable commands.
    • Added cell history with fading.
  • GUI
    • Fixed a bug caused by simultaneous clicks of different mouse buttons.
  • Overlay
    • The optimize command now returns the minimum non-zero alpha bounding box of the clip.
    • The blend command now has a new faster blend mode ("blend 2") which should be used when the destination is opaque.
    • Improved the performance of the drawcells command.
    • Fixed a bug in and made several enhancements to the replace command.
  • Rules
    • Fixed a bug where the canonical form of Generations rules in MAP format was incorrect.

Golly 3.2

  • Rules
    • MAP rules now support base64 padding.
  • Overlay
    • The paste command now supports multiple locations for batch draw.
    • Added a new command lines which can draw multiple unconnected lines.
    • Added a new ovtable script command which provides a high performance table API for a subset of the overlay commands:
      • fill, get, line, lines, paste, rgba and set.
    • Added radio buttons to the oplus package.
    • Menu buttons now support custom colors and shadows.
    • Added timing function to the gplus package.
  • Bounded grids
    • Fixed a bug where patterns larger than bounded grids were not correctly clipped.
  • Scripts
    • credits.lua - animated credits that can be launched from Help > Credits page.
    • 3D.lua - improved generating and rendering speed, added depth shading and canonical rule format.

Golly 3.0

  • Rules
  • GUI
    • Drawing cell borders when zoomed in >2x is now controlled by a View Preference: "Zoomed cells have borders".
    • Significantly improved pattern rendering speed when zoomed in.
    • Added support for OpenGL 1.x
  • Overlay
    • Many improvements to the Overlay including the ability to play audio files.
  • Script Commands
    • Added getinfo command to get the comments from the current pattern.
    • Added getpath command to get the pathname of the current pattern.
    • The getevent command can now detect the release of a key.
  • Scripts
    • lifeviewer.lua - a Lua version of LifeViewer which runs in Golly using the Overlay (work in progress).
    • Co-wrote overlay-demo.lua which demonstrates most of the Overlay functions.
    • breakout.lua - a working game as a more sophisticated example of the Overlay functions.
    • browse-patterns.lua - allows you to browse through patterns in a folder (and optionally any sub-folders) manually or automatically.

Golly 2.8