User:Sokwe/interesting oscillators

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This table contains the "interesting" oscillators that were added to the oscillator page. A clear and widely-accepted definition of "interesting" does not currently exist. Several entries in the "first discovered" column are inaccurate, but they have been left in place after the move from the oscillator page. Feel free to edit this page.

Period First discovered Discoverer Year of discovery Smallest known Minimum # of cells
2 blinker John Conway 1970 blinker 3
3 pulsar John Conway 1970 caterer 12
4 pinwheel Simon Norton 1970 mold 12
5 octagon 2 Sol Goodman, Arthur Taber 1971 pseudo-barberpole 15
6 $rats David Buckingham 1972 unix 16
7 burloaferimeter David Buckingham 1972 burloaferimeter 28
8 figure eight Simon Norton 1970 figure eight 12
9 worker bee David Buckingham 1972 29P9 29
10 42P10.3 David Buckingham 1976 24P10 24
11 38P11.1 David Buckingham 1977 rattlesnake 33
12 dinner table Robert Wainwright 1972 dinner table 33
13 Buckingham's p13 David Buckingham 1976 Beluchenko's p13 34
14 tumbler George Collins 1970 tumbler 16
15 pentadecathlon John Conway 1970 pentadecathlon 12
16 two pre-L hasslers Robert Wainwright 1983 Rob's p16 21
17 54P17.1 Dean Hickerson 1997 honey thieves 36
18 117P18 David Buckingham 1991 p18 bi-block hassler 43
19 Cribbage Mitchell Riley 2023 Cribbage 92
20 145P20 Noam Elkies 1995 34P20 34
21 124P21 Robert Wainwright 1995 32P21 32
22 168P22.1 Noam Elkies 1997 Jason's p22 36
23 David Hilbert Luka Okanishi, praosylen 2019 54P23 54
24 186P24 Bill Gosper 1994 p24 shuttle 38
25 134P25 Noam Elkies 1994 30P25 30
26 p26 pre-pulsar shuttle David Buckingham 1983 p26 honey farm hassler 60
27 123P27.1 Noam Elkies 2002 56P27 56
28 newshuttle David Buckingham 1973 p28 pre-pulsar shuttle 53
29 p29 pre-pulsar shuttle David Buckingham 1980 p29 pre-pulsar shuttle 54
30 queen bee shuttle Bill Gosper 1970 queen bee shuttle 20
31 Merzenich's p31 Matthias Merzenich 2010 Merzenich's p31 48
32 gourmet David Buckingham 1978 p32 honey farm hassler 45
33 Jason's p33 Jason Summers 2000 Jason's p33 60
34 74P34 Mitchell Riley 2022 74P34 74
35 p35 beehive hassler Dean Hickerson 1995 p35 honey farm hassler 44
36 p36 toad hassler Robert Wainwright 1984 22P36 22
37 Beluchenko's p37 Nicolay Beluchenko 2009 58P37 58
38 44P38 David Raucci 2022 42P38 42
39 p39 pi-heptomino hassler goldenratio, iNoMed 2022 p39 pi-heptomino hassler 77
40 p40 B-heptomino shuttle David Buckingham 1991 Beluchenko's p40 26
41 208P41 Nico Brown 2023 p41 pi-heptomino hassler 170
42 ? ? ? p42 R-pentomino hassler 66
43 Capped period-43 glider gun Nico Brown 2022 p43 pi-heptomino hassler 70
44 p44 pi-heptomino hassler David Buckingham 1992 52P44 52
45 Capped period-45 glider gun Matthias Merzenich 2010 p45 pi-heptomino hassler 29
46 twin bees shuttle Bill Gosper 1971 twin bees shuttle 28
47 p47 pre-pulsar shuttle David Buckingham 1982 p47 pre-pulsar shuttle 84
48 p48 toad hassler Bill Gosper 1994 p48 R-pentomino hassler 45
49 p49 bouncer loop Noam Elkies 1999 p49 pi-heptomino hassler 98
50 p50 traffic jam Noam Elkies 1994 p50 pi-heptomino hassler 60
51 Beluchenko's p51 Nicolay Beluchenko 2009 capped p51 gun 84
52 Four eaters hassling lumps of muck David Buckingham 1977 four eaters hassling lumps of muck 35
53 94P53 Mitchell Riley 2023 94P53 94
54 p54 shuttle David Buckingham 1973 43P54 43
55 p55 pre-pulsar hassler David Buckingham 1986 p55 traffic light hassler 84
56 p56 B-heptomino shuttle David Buckingham ≤1991 p56 B-heptomino shuttle 45
57 Capped period-57 glider gun David Raucci 2021 112P57 112
58 p58 toadsucker Bill Gosper 1994 p58 pi-heptomino hassler 54
59 108P59 Mitchell Riley 2022 p59 pi-heptomino hassler 86
60 ? ? ? two queen bee shuttles hassling blinker 33
61 p61 pi-heptomino hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 p61 pi-heptomino hassler 134
62 110P62 Noam Elkies 2010 66P62 66
63 p63 skewed pulsar hassler David Raucci 2021 p63 century hassler 124
64 Merzenich's p64 Matthias Merzenich 2010 Merzenich's p64 34
65 p65 pre-pulsar shuttle David Raucci 2021 p65 honey farm hassler 138
66 p66 R-pentomino hassler David Raucci 2021 p66 lumps of muck hassler 102
67 p67 B-heptomino hassler Nico Brown 2023 p67 B-heptomino hassler 236
68 p68 lumps of muck hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 p68 century hassler 38
69 ? ? ? p69 honey farm hassler 184
70 ? ? ? p70 honey farm hassler 74
71 p71 honey farm hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 p71 glider shuttle 92
72 two blockers hassling R-pentomino Robert Wainwright 1990 two blockers hassling R-pentomino 47
73 p73 lumps of muck hassler Luke Kiernan 2022 p73 lumps of muck hassler 68
74 p74 honey farm hassler David Raucci 2021 Raucci's p74 84
75 6 bits Robert Wainwright 1984 p75 R-pentomino hassler 64
76 p76 pi-heptomino hassler David Raucci 2021 p76 pi-heptomino shuttle 52
77 ? ? ? p77 pi-heptomino hassler 78
78 p78 pi-heptomino hassler Carson Cheng 2023 p78 R-pentomino hassler 132
79 p79 pi-heptomino hassler Luke Kiernan 2022 p79 pi-heptomino hassler 82
80 ? ? ? two Beluchenko's p40s hassling blinker 59
81 p81 pi-heptomino hassler iNoMed 2023 p81 pi-heptomino hassler 550
82 p82 pi-heptomino hassler Entity Valkyrie 2022 p82 lumps of muck hassler 48
83 62P83 Mitchell Riley 2022 62P83 62
84 52P84 Jason Summers 2007 p84 honey farm hassler 42
85 p85 R-pentomino hassler Luke Kiernan 2022 p85 R-pentomino hassler 68
86 p86 pi-heptomino hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 76P86 76
87 ? ? ? 84P87 84
88 Period-doubled p44 pi-heptomino hassler Dean Hickerson 1994 49P88 49
89 ? ? ? ? ?
90 ? ? ? diuresis 66
91 p91 R-pentomino hassler carsoncheng 2022 p91 R-pentomino hassler 84
92 Capped period-92 glider gun Dean Hickerson 1991 50P92.1 50
93 p93 R-pentomino hassler iNoMed 2023 p93 R-pentomino hassler 152
94 capped AK-47 gun Dean Hickerson 1990 54P94 54
95 p95 pi-heptomino hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 p95 pi-heptomino hassler 218
96 p96 Hans Leo hassler Noam Elkies 1995 boat-bit capped period-48 glider gun 59
97 p97 honey farm hassler Nico Brown 2023 p97 honey farm hassler 190
98 ? ? ? p97 lumps of muck hassler 112
99 ? ? ? ? ?
100 centinal Bill Gosper 1987 p100 pi-heptomino hassler 52
101 116P101 iNoMed 2023 116P101 116
102 Raucci's p102 David Raucci 2022 Raucci's p102 67
103 ? ? ? ? ?
104 B-52 bomber Noam Elkies 1996 capped B-52 bomber 95
105 p105 lumps of muck hassler Carson Cheng 2023 p105 R-pentomino hassler 136
106 ? ? ? 66P106 66
107 86P107 Mitchell Riley 2023 86P107 86
108 ? ? ? ? ?
109 p109 R-pentomino hassler Nico Brown 2022 p109 R-pentomino hassler 192
110 p110 traffic jam Bill Gosper 1994 p110 honey farm hassler 108
111 p111 R-pentomino hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 p111 R-pentomino hassler 292
112 p112 pi and loaf hassler JP21 2022 p112 R-pentomino hassler 91
113 ? ? ? nihonium 106
114 Capped period-114 glider gun David Raucci 2022 p114 unnamed object hassler 168
115 ? ? ? p115 lumps of muck hassler 96
116 p116 L-hexomino shuttle David Raucci 2022 p116 L-hexomino shuttle 155
117 Capped period-117 glider gun David Raucci 2021 capped period-117 glider gun 162
118 86P118 Period1GliderGun 2024 86P118 86
119 72P119 Mitchell Riley 2023 72P119 72
120 ? ? ? capped Simkin glider gun 45
121 p121 pi-heptomino hassler iNoMed 2023 p121 pi-heptomino hassler 168
122 p122 R-pentomino hassler Nico Brown 2022 p122 R-pentomino hassler 102
123 p123 R-pentomino hassler Period1GliderGun 2024 p123 R-pentomino hassler 116
124 p124 lumps of muck hassler Dean Hickerson 1994 p124 lumps of muck hassler 144
125 p125 pi-heptomino hassler praosylen 2021 p125 pi-heptomino hassler 208
126 p126 pi-heptomino hassler Multiple 2021 p126 R-pentomino hassler 52
127 74P127 Luke Kiernan 2022 74P127 74
128 ? ? ? 62P128 62
129 p129 R-pentomino hassler Luka Okanishi 2022 p129 R-pentomino hassler 38
130 p130 shuttle David Eppstein 2001 p130 shuttle 124
131 ? ? ? ? ?
132 ? ? ? p132 pi-heptomino hassler 92
133 p133 B-heptomino hassler Matthias Merzenich 2023 p133 B-heptomino hassler 140
134 unnamed Entity Valkyrie 2024 unnamed 141
135 106P135 Bill Gosper 1989 ? ?
136 ? ? ? ? ?
137 ? ? ? ? ?
138 ? ? ? Gabriel's p138 36
139 p139 century/I-heptomino hassler Mitchell Riley 2023 p139 century/I-heptomino hassler 156
140 ? ? ? p140 two-glider octomino hassler 58
141 ? ? ? p47 pre-pulsar shuttle phase-shifting 28P7.1 114
142 ? ? ? ? ?
143 ? ? ? p143 Bandersnatch loop 144
144 ? ? ? Achim's p144 42
146 p146 pi-heptomino hassler Mitchell Riley, Luke Kiernan 2022 p146 pi-heptomino hassler 51
150 ? ? ? capped p150 R-pentomino hassler glider gun 90
152 ? ? ? ? ?
156 p156 Hans Leo hassler Noam Elkies 1995 Jason's p156 92
165 ? ? ? ? ?
166 p166 R-pentomino hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 p166 R-pentomino hassler 102
168 Pi orbital Noam Elkies 1995 pi orbital 197
171 p171 pi-heptomino hassler Mitchell Riley 2022 p171 pi-heptomino hassler 128
177 Karel's p177 Karel Suhadja 2007 Karel's p177 104
184 ? ? ? capped period-184 glider gun 50
186 ? ? ? ? ?
188 ? ? ? AK-94 with boat-bits 108
192 59P192 59
196 p196 pi-heptomino hassler David Raucci 2021 p196 pi-heptomino hassler 66
199 84P199 Mitchell Riley, Luke Kiernan 2022 84P199 84
200 p200 traffic jam Bill Gosper 1994 ? ?
217 Raucci's p217 David Raucci 2021 Raucci's p217 236
226 ? ? ? nihonium* 107
240 ? ? ? Simkin glider gun with boat-bits 43
246 ? ? ? period-246 glider gun relative 68
256 ? ? ? 86P256 86
276 ? ? ? two Gabriel's p138s hassling block 76
300 ? ? ? ? ?
312 60P312 Dave Greene 2004 60P312 60
320 ? ? ? ? ?
360 Period-360 glider gun David Buckingham 1992 capped period-360 glider gun 108
368 ? ? ? period-184 glider gun with boat-bits 50
384 51P384 51
486 p486 R-pentomino hassler David Raucci 2021 p486 R-pentomino hassler 142
492 ? ? ? period-246 glider gun with boat-bit 87
504 ? ? ? R126 loop 111
512 ? ? ? period-256 glider gun with boat-bits 100
576 p576 R-pentomino hassler David Raucci 2021 p576 R-pentomino hassler 184
808 ? ? ? ? ?
856 p856 Herschel loop gun David Buckingham 1991 ? ?
1008 ? ? ? R126 loop with boat-bits 107
2700 crystallization and decay oscillator Dean Hickerson 1990 Crystallization and decay oscillator 144